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Posts posted by ColorBauss

  1. I had the same thing out of nowhere maybe a year or so ago, seemingly permanent.


    I messaged support about it and they removed it, haven't had problems since.

  2. 13 hours ago, SquirrelFace said:

    I wish I could kick players who team kill you because you're trying to complete the objective in an unopposed mission.


    It's an patootie thing to do, but not totally pointless (not every time at least).

    That's how I learned to wait in unopposed missions, by getting killed a few times first.

  3. On 8/3/2020 at 10:50 PM, Sophiel said:

    What kinda clan is that? Some Enforcer clan with the target to smack them dethreating..."folks" straight back to the moon.

    Fine goal, but how are you going to do that? By beating them you are helping them. By "counter dethreating" you yourself are dethreating, and breaking the ToS. 

    A rough situation indeed

  4. I have to disagree. In a pinch you can still crouch and hipfire with good accuracy, and my previous statement stands. Not every weapon should be able to do everything.


    Pro tip: The trick is to not hipfire with ntec. Just aim xugB3Ym.png

  5. N-Tec is perfectly fine as it is, and should be completely inaccurate when hipfired. I was a bit disappointed to see its jump-shooting accuracy nerfed, but other than that, if it was changed to be any more accurate in any aim mode it would be too much.


    Not everything should be possible with every weapon, that's just the nature of the game.

  6. On 7/20/2020 at 7:12 PM, yJung said:

     In my view, the N-TEC 5 needs only one adjustment - reduce the bloom. 


    I couldn't even hit a shot (in non-marksman mode) at an enemy,






    Well there's your problem

  7. If not taking into account explosive weapons, as far as I know .45 has the lowest kills / magazine ratio. So I guess it all comes down to how you define "skill".. 

    In my opinion the only form of "skill" in apb is driving a vegas on the skating park ramp and getting on top of the skybox, if you can't do that you are a 100% n00b regardless of the gun you use.

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  8. Maybe you can try repairing the game files using the normal launcher and then apply the settings again? Also, save the settings every time after using the normal launcher to update the game and launch the game with the advanced launcher.

  9. 1 hour ago, Yeedman said:

    here's something controversial
    make whisper the same as oca-sd aka remove it's crouch modifier and range buff

    I would actually prefer that over the new skin being worse than both normal oca and whisper. At least I wouldn't feel like I'm missing on something when using it then.

  10. Yeah I knew it was a normal oca. I do own the PDW whisper reskin, but I like the new skin more and thought it wouldn't be unreasonable for it to be changed to a whisper. 


    This is a forum for suggestions right? I'm not saying it should somehow morally and factually be a whisper, just throwing the idea out there.

  11. Considering the hefty cost of 8500JT, I was disappointed to find that it is indeed a regular oca and not a whisper. Sure, the description says it is but well, I had my hopes up.

    Right now the SMG silencer is a negative compared to the regular oca, as it takes out the red mod slot. There is a "cool factor" but that's about it.


    TLDR: I think at 8500JT cost the new oca reskin might as well be a whisper.


    EDIT: I think some people might have misunderstood me. I don't want the skin itself to change, but the stats. The "whisper" variants and regular OCA's have different stats. Whispers are more accurate when crouching (0.8 accuracy modifier while crouching vs no difference while crouching on regular oca) and have 50m dropoff range compared to 30m (at least used to, and apbdb.com still suggests it does) so in the case of whisper, the silencer is worth it. This reskin that I'm talking about has the stats of a regular oca, which means the only thing the silencer does is reduce recoil slightly. 

  12. On 1/19/2020 at 8:08 AM, TCRisky said:


    Gun #3:

    EOL "Pinpoint"

    This one is my own idea. It's a portable (secondary) grenade launcher. Capable of holding 1 grenade in the chamber, explodes on impact. Comes with 2 slots, one taken up by a new modification called the "Bigger Chamber" and the other taken up by a tagger with a grenade icon. What the Bigger Chamber does is it increases the chamber the weapon can hold to 2 grenades, but with lower reload speed and less stored grenades. There can also be an Armas counterpart with 2 open slots and a contact or role unlock with 1 open slot. This gun will be a 3-4 shot kill (depending on range of grenade to target). You may be like "WHAT, THAT SUCKS!". It can mainly be used for quick damage and a tag (talking about the legendary, not armas/contact or role), then quick switch to your primary to finish the job.


    Honestly, the EOL's are so bad that it might as well be as good as a normal EOL. As long as it doesn't have crazy hard damage like the concussive variant does.

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