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Posts posted by ColorBauss

  1. 2 hours ago, FartyBumBumGuff said:

    I imagine it'll have been nerfed by the time I've got enough JT to buy one. I need 9,700 for a Vegas 4x4, that's going to take about a year. I have made a bit of progress on my own cop character, maxed out a contact first mission I did.

    I don't think .45 will get nerfed any time soon buddy.

    And I'm sure you couldn't play with it anyway and would complain the game 'scammed' you out of all those hard earned JT just because 'cheaters' use the colby .45 ap all the time. 

  2. 3 hours ago, FartyBumBumGuff said:

    I thought you meant a different gun, bigger one, not secondary. I'm unfamiliar with the names of all the guns. I don't think I've ever been stunned with a handgun. I tried a colby, surely it means it takes  0.8 seconds between shots, not to kill because it's fucking useless, it takes 3 shots to kill and there's no way it fires 3 shots in 0.8 seconds, it shoots so slow you die between shots.

    You have to be the most dense person in these forums. There are no premium LTL guns that cost JT, all LTL guns are free. And yes colby .45 AP kills in 0.8 sec.

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  3. 16 hours ago, RCooper said:

    i am sure that having 255 golds cop witness green and bronze players with less that 10 hours ingame is what the og devs inteded it to be

    Sure it's a scummy move, but it is the reality of the game... keep in mind enforcers don't have the ability to ram raid at all. If you decide to do "crime" in the game, then you shouldn't be surprised when the self-proclaimed militia factions disguised as police will instantly kill you for it,

  4. 2 hours ago, FartyBumBumGuff said:

    I read the chat, the game is infested with fascist nazi fuzzy bunnies, the lowest of the low, comes with the price I guess, free game attracts the dregs

    Yeah I guess there are some people like that, back in 2019 or something I remember a guy in social who was an actual nazi or just trolling... got banned pretty quick when everyone there got pissed of him lol. Back then there still was some moderation.

  5. Bloom and accuracy are not the same thing, this sentence  "Removal of bloom -  would lead to ADS being 100% accurate"  doesn't make sense, this just means making give all guns max accuracy while in marksman, not removing bloom that occurs after every shot. If you really mean removing bloom completely, you would just make every gun a automatic lazer gun, which would be so stupid no one would play the game anymore.


    What I understand is you just want the game to play slower in all aspects. You have a lot of good points like removing red mods and changing guns baseline, but overall I still like the customizability of mods even if 90% of the time you use the same mods...  I disagree with making guns kill slower and be 100% accurate in marksman, you already have guns that have almost no bloom and very good accuracy in marksman mode, like star old glory, ar-97 misery. But they kill slower, of course, because they are easier to use. If all guns mostly worked like them, the game would become so boring and slow... that is if every gun got their TTK reduced. If smg's and shotguns didn't get the nerf bat as well, they would just dominate all rifles. Or if they did, how fun would it be to sit there with a PMG and fire 8-9 bullets into someone? Also there are already plenty of 3STK shotguns, what would happen to them? They would turn into 5STK? Talk about bullet sponge... Maybe in this case people would use snipers like scout and just camp 24/7 behind boxes and corners because now assault rifles would no longer be as big a threat to them. 


    It's just a bad idea to slow the game down like this and 99% of playerbase would dislike it



    EDIT: "You ever heard of recoil? Accuracy while shooting/bloom and initial accuracy should NEVER be a metric used to balance and differentiate guns." 

    This is actually something that is somewhat of a hard-stop for cheaters, as recoil can be completely negated with software, but accuracy and bloom is serverside. Any cheater would instantly become god if what you proposed came true... now we can still outplay them as they can't get away from the client-side restrictions.

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  6. Apb certainly does have one of the highest bloom mechanics in any game.. but what other mechanic can you really think of that makes guns diverse enough? We have damage, fire rate, accuracy, bloom, magazine size and reload speed... along with some minor ones like walking speed while in marksman. If you take bloom out of this equation, people will just take the gun that kills fastest. What difference will there be in, say, assault rifles after that?

  7. 57 minutes ago, yourrandomnobody74 said:

    The fact people still think that it's better to have lower TTK with bloom (which artificially lengthens ttk to ~1.1s, as you've mentioned) than just having high TTK with values set to ~1.1s without bloom baffles me to no end.

    It'll be the same TTK, it would just feel consistent instead of being a RNG based mess? smh...

    Hopefully someone will make a private server APB with proper balancing since LO doesn't seem to care anymore.

    What a stupid opinion, you really want to make all weapons point-and-click ATACs and raptors? 

  8. 15 minutes ago, MonkaS said:

    check apbdb the values aren't 100% accurate though

    Yeah the values are all there but I don't know how to calculate them, to figure out this "minimum accurate kill time" you're going to need Fire Rate, Per Shot Modifier, Shot Modifier Cap (doesnt matter in this case actually because you won't reach max bloom with any of these weapons), Recovery Delay, Recovery Per Second and calculate how long does it take after every shot to return to minimum bloom


    I would also consider something like 2 shot bursts vs tap fire, if the 2 shot burst doesn't lose enough accuracy to be considered a detriment

  9. I've long been interested in what I like to call "minimum accurate kill time", which means how fast a gun can kill while maintaining maximum accuracy. For example, how long does an ntec take to kill when:

    - All 6 shots hit

    - Shots are fired at the maximum fire rate that allows the bloom to reset completely

    - And obviously no health regening in between shots


    If there's any mathematically inclined people here, I'd like to know these stats on some weapons. Specifically on assault rifles like ntec, far, cobr-a, and rifles like obeya cr. These stats can most likely be figured out by looking at the stats at apbdb, but I just never bothered to do it.

  10. 3 hours ago, cowhorseman said:

    it needs a buff to it's vanilla stats badly

    Well I wouldn't say it has "vanilla stats" as it was quite recently nerfed, a year or two ago? Whenever it was they last release balance patches...

    It used to have 0.64 kill time or something like that, now it's at 0,72, which is just stupid considering it has above average smg recoil and is best used in marksman mode which inherently makes it worse at reacting to cqc situations.

  11. Just revert the changes to S1-NA, and it will be good... there was no reason to nerf it.

    N-tec is fine

    Colby 45 is fine

    Submachine guns should, in theory, have a better kill time but in this game that just doesn't work... if you increase smg ttk, it will ruin the game balance in an instant... they are fine as they are. Only thing that is stupid about smgs is that PMG currently has lower range than OCA, which should be the opposite!

  12. 1 hour ago, ArtDeco said:

    This is a game that frustrates people but there is always this feeling that if new game modes and content were added in apb, the game could truly get out of life support and on the road to a moderate recovery.


    And for gods sake, please revamp the Mailbox System in the game, add folders and sorting elements.

    This so much.. the game is old, forgotten and dead in tracks when it comes to development.. but the gameplay feeling is so unique, and the customization is one of the best in any online game to this day, if they just do SOMETHING, literally ANYTHING with this game, I think APB could still have a chance to recover and become (somewhat) successfull. The joker box change was a good start, now add more content and balancing changes.

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