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  1. What about the FE servers? It has been 2-3 days since APB returned. Is this a "silent ending" for FE?
  2. Pretty sure they might be working on something as we speak. Merged. Not ready yet.
  3. Ok so basically, what they have done here, is re-opening FE Classics (FE 1.0 if you will) in order for people to have something to play around with, while LO works on FE 2.0. In my opinion that gave them points from many aspects (plus new players) and they get to somehow keep the community together and hyped. It is better than nothing and I of all people have been a lil strict about keeping us in the dark, all that long. Honestly even that shows that they actually still CARE. Now, you might say FE Classics from an improved UE 4-5 reloaded version will be day and night. Yeah true, BUT one step at the time. I would rather prefer keeping Classics up with no lag and at the same time knowing that a group of people are working on something new (accompanied by proper Dev Blog updates and such), rather than keeping us in the dark and knowing absolutely NOTHING. That way I am sure that even if they run out of money, they can easily launch a funding campaign and have the community backing them up. And let's not forget what they are doing it right now is practically and LITERALLY free for us, putting money out of their own pockets on servers and manpower. Either way as I mentioned above, a stable FE Classics (which will gain valuable time) and a proper up to date development of FE 2.0, will for sure get this to work and perhaps due to the new advanced technology of 2021 (compared to 10 years ago, which was cutting edge back then, but simply not anymore), they may as well pull that off. And get double the digits perhaps in success. And that might as well give us another 5-6 years of Post Apocalyptic madness and addiction.
  4. Good thing because that way, those who had a shitload of chips by selling duped items, will have to start over.
  5. One of the many gr8 things back then that came with this game, is that it was WAAAAAAAAY ahead of its time. On everything. Mechanics? Lore? Crafting? And you can see that STILL today with 10 years+ graphs is still appealing. Why? Because it has its own character.
  6. It's a miracle the game kept going with all these people coming in. If the momentum keeps going, then FE 2.0 will have a lot to gain.
  7. Erm, oook? Still it's a nice move, something to play around and maintain the hyped playerbase until the so called "2.0". I do believe there will be lots of people coming back, the key is to somehow maintain them.
  8. I hope we really go waaaaaaay back to Classic, with the Zipguns and all, when faction gear was extremely helping!
  9. Would be even better if we get to access the Icarus Studios days (as Classics as it can be), when the cap was lvl 45 and everyone started from S2, the faction camps. PS: When Matt mentioned wipe I hope he doesn't mean our cosmetics and marketplace items too, we bought with real money.
  10. Yeap, EXACTLY! In fact when I saw that particular person using "Global1" I went like "yeah okay there is no hope really". EXACTLY a day after LO took over. Unless you are Blizzard, then the COMMUNITY aspect plays a huge part on a videogame, in order to survive. We all know why most people went gone and why FE lost its playerbase.
  11. There are no cards on the table, because the table is burned to the ground. If you wanna daydream that is up to you entirely. Personally I will not be convinced until I see FE back online. Something which will not happen and even if it does, it will be very rushy and there will be barely any changes. To that I will agree with some other guys who said, that even at the current state, it could be left open for people to play, pay some subs and perhaps work parallelly the enormous, supergalactic upgrade. The fact that they took it down, means two things. One, they simply couldn't afford holding it up (which is fuckin scary) and two, they just fabricated a reason (big upgrade-reborn) so people won't be pissed at them, for shutting it down forever anyway and avoid from looking more incompetent than they are. Remember they have other games running as well, so that would look pretty bad for them as a company it total. Which reinforces my suspicion, that their original goal was APB, but somewhere in the contract, a term forced them to buy BOTH IPs together, otherwise there would be no APB at all. Because then, what's the reason of buying something over, if you ain't aiming at maintaining it or keeping it working. Probably a commodity, to make more money by selling to someone else, while paying almost nothing for obtaining it. Yeah, that's cruel and opportunistic trade right there. Which proves 0/1000 f**** they give about any of us, or the game itself even. It's a lose lose situation anyway you take it, unless Matt or someone else comes up within the next week or so and proves otherwise. And not just words or screenshots at that point, but nothing less than an actual date (even if it is 2 years from now). I know, I might sound a bit harsh and perhaps brutally honest. However, I am one of those people who will SUPPORT this game as long as it is alive (as I always did). What I do NOT like, is potential "games" played behind "my back" and most of all getting fooled right infront of my face.
  12. I am sorry to disappoint you, but this dream is dead. Some people (including me) love this game so much and had so many good and mostly bad moments, that they are in denial. This game is gone. There will be no relaunch. Nor any signs for such a thing. The Devs used to post at least some kind of progress, there is none of that either. I am sorry but you guys need to accept the facts. FE ain't coming back. I'll be more than glad for LO to prove me otherwise, but I highly doubt. As for the economy and dupes, the first thing they did after they took over, was to unban some of the most notorious duplicators in the game (you know who you are as we know and we will never forget what you did). In fact they unbanned one of the those who discovered it first. Don't have high hopes Aroa, because I know you mean every word you say. FE was condemned to eventually die. Lack of developing, lack of management, abusive GMs (you know who you are too and you have a huge part in this), all the aforementioned, slowly contributed like poison to this community's death. When they let 10% idiots, discourage and make 90% legit and kind people go, then they deserve NOT to own or run this game at all. And even if FE would open up again tomorrow, the same mistakes would be made again and again and again... My opinion? Make the source accessible for a fee and allow people who actually care, to run their own sandbox servers. That's the only way for the legacy to go on.
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