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Posts posted by Inquitoria

  1. I'm assuming black is not allowed then? Can I have detail decals in different color, ie. brown dirt, red bloodsplatter or white bones, as long as the main colors are as listed?


    Can I use very dark purple as black, or is that not allowed? Sorry for being pedantic but the rules are confusing.

  2. 54 minutes ago, haunta said:


    Huntress, Volcano and the Commandant.

    You're better off just buying stuff in the store and getting the Gold boxes. I've gotten around 6-7 legendaries in those, out of maybe 25-30 or so. You can always trade them if you don't get what you want. I got 2 huntresses, 1 commandant, 1 kickback and 2 bloody maries so far, maybe stuff I forgot about. Traded most of it up.

  3. 21 hours ago, Nitronik said:
    21 hours ago, NotZombieBiscuit said:

    The pack is not even that much considering how much you get. Even better with the G1C changes.

    why would I buy this pack over the Juggernaut?
    Both are solid packs with good value. Arguably, there's more diversity of weaponry in Revelations, and you get more clothing items too, if that's your thing. Then on the other hand, the Juggernaut vehicle is more useful.

  4. 2 hours ago, AxeTurboAgresor said:
    @Kewlin ACES rifle is basicaly Curse, but better in every single way. Lower TTK, better accuracy, longer effective range, reliability, wider (actual usefull) variety using different mods, better in closer and longer range, better hard damage, more ammo in store. Why the hell would anybody use Curse over ACES smg/rifle?
    I have a Curse. I don't have an ACES rifle.

  5. Please never invest in stock if you're this ignorant on how prices work.

    The whole market was upended because of a new way to trade, obviously there's going to be changes in price. Wait a few weeks for the price to stabilize. It may still be a bit more expensive than previously, but clearly most of these guns are not worth the price they're being offered for.

    Also, your numbers are way off. Ursus was selling at 3.5m before the trading system, and was regularly offered at upwards of 3.8m on the marketplace. Average price now is around 4.5, not 5. Most guns above 1m in value has seen about 20% increase in price on the marketplace, which makes sense since that's the money the seller will miss out on by not trading it directly.

    Of course this means that some traders think the price is 5 million out of the MP too. Just ignore them. Prices will stabilize.

  6. I just received 2 very delayed mails: one for 50x JT, the other for 150x JT. When trying to retrieve the attached tokens, I get this message:

    "The data for this item is corrupted or otherwise invalid."

    The joker tickets are unclaimed, and when I try to claim them again, it says no items are attached to the mail.
    My JT count has not gone up after attempting this on both the mails. I am still missing 2x 200 JT and 1x 150 JT (aside from these failed mails).

    Quite frustrating how this issue is still not solved. Anyone else have same issue?


    Sorry for the repost, completely missed the other topic:

    Feel free to delete this thread.

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