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Posts posted by Ohshii

  1. Welcome to APB where everyone has their own little crews they hang out with and anybody who beats you is a cheater or a "bad player" and must be made fun of.


    The non-cheaters in this game are more aids than the former cheaters. They're the idiotasses who encourage drama over issues that aren't a big deal and they're the same people who dickride the cheaters in their own inner circles claiming they are legit while demanding cheaters from other crews be crucified immediately. Hypocritical shitlords.


    Sucks Lixils stream didn't work. I didn't watch it, but I could've told you well in advance that it was going to go down 100% exactly the way it did. Welcome to APB. There is no ruleset or gameplay change LO can do that will ever make the community of this game happy. People are so overly paranoid and delusional about everything around here that they will always find a way to complain and rage about something. The more you try and cater to their needs the more needy they will become.


    EDIT: Don't believe me? Scroll up and read all the petty arguing and hackusating in this thread. Players like Uube have been around forever and last I checked he wasn't ever banned. But idiots will be idiots and whiners will always mindlessly hackusate. Common Sense sold separately.

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  2. Silver 7 is now gold last time I checked. Regardless, you can afk missions and hit gold by accident.


    If you can't hit gold in APB you're either purposely not trying to for whatever reason (Drunk APB is hands down best APB), or you are a solo player who refuses to listen/ask for help.




  3. I mean, he's mad for the same reasons everyone is mad. He's right, sales and stuff going on while the servers are on it's knees isn't exactly a good look. He has all the right to be mad like everyone else as unfortunate as it is.


    Hopefully LO does more about it sooner than later as the "new smell" has already worn off and people are already quitting again. Meanwhile there's multiple cheating sites selling BE-Bypass cheats that work in APB; the same ones that works in Rainbow Six Siege (they run BE+FF also) and have been working for years.



    We live in troubled times.

    • Like 1

  4. If headshots existed in APB, the game would've shut down years ago because the cheaters would've long since ran all the legits off the game. Lack of headshots is one of, if not the biggest reason why legit players can beat cheaters. Otherwise cheaters would just run around and autoclick heads nonstop and you'd never even get to fire your gun.


    God bless single giant hitboxes lol

  5. 22 hours ago, JohnNighthawk said:

    Go to your APB folder.

    Go to the TPI Folder inside the APB folder.

    Open TPI.xml with a notepad.

    Delete these lines






    The same for battleeye, not sure what exactly it looks like, but it should be the same, just with battleeye instead of direct X.


    some paths about battleeye or whatev


    Works for me. Only did a bit of googling.

    You the real MVP, ty!



    • Like 1

  6. 10 minutes ago, ripLO said:

    this pathological liar that plays with known confirmed cheater reroll tame/fleeting, various others I clukdnt be bothered naming should be banned from posting every time he inserts any autistic pics in his posts. it ruins the forums and I'm reportin it


    "this user constantly uses troll pics and gifs with 1 word responses. BAN PLZ" lul



    I play with who?? Lol cupcake you're about 4 years late but we got some lovely parting gifts for you, thanks for playing 🙂




  7. 14 minutes ago, Gunsei said:

    @Zealocke instead of making thread after thread about what you think should be changed, maybe just learn to use weapons that suit your fighting style. Learn to use situationally appropriate weapons. By now you have seen that at best, people have differing opinions. More likely, just disagree.]

    Go play instead of trying to convince people things should work how you like, if you can't go play, shit, do something more productive with your time.



    There is no play style that uses the Cobr-A. It has 0 upsides and all downsides when side-by-side compared to any other gun in it's class. If you use it, you're literally handicapping yourself on purpose. Attaway to shoot yourself in the leg again, Cheddar Bob.





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  8. Zascha no matter what you say, most of the people around here will always refuse to listen. Their individual feelings > reality, and they're all casual low gold/high silvers so you're hurting their feelings with the truth. You show them proof, they just dismiss you. You say a paragraph, they pick out 1-2 words and nitpick you to death because you hurt their feelings. Scrublord posted a video of a guy playing on PC with a controller with his feet ffs and people still talking. There's nothing to talk about; you either put in the work to get good at APB or you sit in APB and complain about stuff that you're either too lazy or incapable of learning. Everything else is a bunch of excuses and fuckboy shit.


    Lots of snowflakes on the forums and it's only June. Lol.



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