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Everything posted by Ikayoz
I figured out what the issue is. My new computer is 64-bit only. Any 32-bit games I try to download (APB Reloaded, Age of Conan, Archeage) are getting error messages. I guess I will just have to find new games to play on my NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070 War Thunder works fine, as does Apex Legends.
If you download APB direct from the website they install these items for you before the download of the game begins, I believe. But I will double check to be sure. Cause it's still having issues and appears to be incompatible...
Thank you swft and @Ketog I tried downloading a couple of other games through Steam and got Disk Write Errors (virgin brand new computer, here) I talked to the builder and he suggested trying to download outside of Steam, and if that didn't work, remove the IObit software and try again. I tried downloading ABP direct from the website, same issues. I tried a different game download, outside of steam, also had issues. I removed all the IObit software from the computer. After rebooting, I downloaded War Thunder direct from website, no issues. Game looks great. I downloaded Glyph/Archeage, an issue there although I've tried their resolution I will have to talk to their support. I downloaded Origins and Apex Legends, no issues. Game looks great. I tried downloading ABP direct from website, still have an issue and it appears to be incompatible with my new system as I've been through all the troubleshooting suggestions. Maybe the new engine might help? APBprogram - Application Error... the application was unable to start correctly (0xc000007b). Click OK to close the application.
Hi Kevkof after my last report above, I tried, as suggested by friends, to download the game to a different drive on my brandnew computer. I did so, and I ended up with the same error message: Launcher - Error says "1 file download failed Binaries\APBprogram:StatusApply" I tried different things and finally got APB . exe to download and got a 'Start' on the launcher clicked on Start APBprogram - Application Error the application was unable to start correctly (0xc000007b). Click OK to close the application. Sighs If you scroll to the top and read my 3 posts you find details of everything I have tried, including compatibility etc etc.
Downloaded APB through Steam got to Downloaded 2.7/5.9 GB Paused Disk Write Error on right, clicked on Update download continued got to 4.3 GB/5.9 GB Paused Disk Write Error on right, clicked on Update download continued got to 4.5 GB/5.9 GB Paused Disk Write Error on right, clicked on Update download continued got to 5.1 GB/5.9 GB Paused Disk Write Error got to 5.1 GB/5.9 GB Paused Disk Write Error got to 5.3 GB/5.9 GB Paused Disk Write Error finally got to launcher Launcher "Error" APB Error Report came up C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\APB Reloaded\Launcher\launcher.log sent my THIRD error report Reference: 2019-02-05_19.14.24.167_Launcher_error
After all that, I uninstalled again. On the advice of friends, I updated my drivers and also checked for Windows Update. Now installing APB for the 5th time, through Steam
went to APB application, Properties, troubleshoot compatibility https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/15078/windows-make-older-programs-compatible Program Compatibility Troubleshooter Settings applied to APBLauncher: Windows Compatibility mode Windows 8 -test the program to make sure these new settings fixed the problem before you can click Next to continue "Test the Program" - APBprogram - Application Error the application was unable to start correctly (0xc000007b). Click OK to close the application. ==== Next you can choose to run the program in compatibility mode, choose windows 8 and OK. APBprogram - Application Error the application was unable to start correctly (0xc000007b). Click OK to close the application. == tried changing compatibility to Windows 7 launcher came up clicked "Start" launcher disappeared from screen. nothing happened == tried again, but did a repair on launcher first. clicked "Start" APBprogram - Application Error the application was unable to start correctly (0xc000007b). Click OK to close the application.
brand new computer, nothing on it but what it came with (32GB Ram, VC GTX 1070, 480 SSD Op System drive, plus 2x1TB drives) Windows 10 home Advanced System care Iobit Malware Iobit Uninstaller 1-FIRST DOWNLOAD Installed Steam. downloaded APB through steam, at the end got DISK WRITE ERROR then tried to go to launcher installed BE got this message APBprogram - System Error The code execution cannot proceed because d3dx9_43.dll was not found. Reinstalling the program may fix this problem. opened the launcher and did a repair then APBprogram - System Error The code execution cannot proceed because d3dx9_43.dll was not found. Reinstalling the program may fix this problem. googled it and found microsoft said to download DirectX End-User Runtime Web Installer then I got the message 'An internal system error occurred. Please refer to DXError.log and DirectX.log in your Windows folder to determine problem. Microsoft Direct X Installation failed. so looked at those logs, means nothing to me. uninstalled APB. ==== 2-SECOND DOWNLOAD installed it again (through Steam). no disk error this time everything good until launcher ready clicked start APBprogram - System Error The code execution cannot proceed because d3dx9_43.dll was not found. Reinstalling the program may fix this problem. so I found a helpful video on how to install d3dx9_43.dll https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8siMuzVumhM did as instructed. then tried to launch game. this time I got a message: APBprogram - Application Error the application was unable to start correctly (0xc000007b). Click OK to close the application. uninstalled ABP. === 3-THIRD DOWNLOAD reinstalled ABP (through Steam). Got DISK WRITE ERROR clicked on Update it downloaded said download complete clicked on Play got Launcher when ready clicked on Start APBprogram - Application Error the application was unable to start correctly (0xc000007b). Click OK to close the application. went to https://www.techyuga.com/error-0xc000007b/ used method one XInput1_1.dll XInput1_2.dll XInput1_3.dll put in folder and put on a secondary drive (as I didn't want to lose them in case it fouls up my system) was unable to move XInput1_4.dll XInput1_9_0.dll so left them I didnt download DirectX as I had already done so. I restarted the computer. tried launching game again APBprogram - Application Error the application was unable to start correctly (0xc000007b). Click OK to close the application. at my wits end SO, I go and download DirectX as recommended here https://www.techyuga.com/error-0xc000007b/ at the end of installing, I get this message: then I got the message 'An internal system error occurred. Please refer to DXError.log and DirectX.log in your Windows folder to determine problem. Microsoft Direct X Installation failed. so looked at those logs, means nothing to me. opened ABP launcher, repaired pressed start APBprogram - Application Error the application was unable to start correctly (0xc000007b). Click OK to close the application. OK, I deleted the XInput1_1.dll XInput1_2.dll XInput1_3.dll from the system I am not able to move or delete XInput1_4.dll XInput1_9_0.dll so left them restarted computer pressed start APBprogram - Application Error the application was unable to start correctly (0xc000007b). Click OK to close the application. went here https://www.techadvisor.co.uk/how-to/windows/application-error-0xc000007b-3613164/ followed instructions to Enable Administrator Rights. pressed start APBprogram - Application Error the application was unable to start correctly (0xc000007b). Click OK to close the application. Googled again. Checked what version of DirectX is installed. DirectX 12 Googled again, this time found something in ADP discussion to try to play the game directly from gamers first. so uninstalled it. https://steamcommunity.com/app/113400/discussions/0/152391920350941759/ === 4-FOURTH DOWNLOAD went here https://www.gamersfirst.com/apb/ got the APB Reloaded Downloader right clicked to run as administrator it downloaded. so got to launcher and it did its update and at the end it said "ERROR" on the launcher and I got an APB Error Report box up APB Error "APB has encountered a problem. We're very sorry for the inconvenience." The following files will be included in this error report: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\APB Reloaded\Launcher\launcher.log sent report Reference: 2019-02-05_17.07.04.131_Launcher_error ============== Hit Repair on Launcher Still Ended with an Error says "1 file download failed Binaries\APBprogram:StatusApply" ============== restarted computer. found APB in menu, R click, run as Administrator. Launcher still ended with an Error says "1 file download failed Binaries\APBprogram:StatusApply" tried googling this problem but couldn't see a solution. ============== found APB in menu, avoided Administrator stuff, just left clicked to get the launcher up it says "Start" I click Start, I get APBprogram - Application Error the application was unable to start correctly (0xc000007b). Click OK to close the application. ============== found the APB Reloaded Installer that had been downloaded from GF website clicked it, when done it said 'APB has been repaired on this computer' clicked Next, launcher came up clicked "Start" launcher disappeared from screen nothing happened.
"He's" not trying to do anything. Not every gamer is a 'guy' ;) If you read my copious reports, you would know I'd never heard of this "AHK" until I started getting that message. I've never downloaded any kind of script to help with gaming. I have been through Windows 10 help and googled all manner of things to try to figure out what's happening. I've tried removing hardware like my gaming keyboard and changing out my mouse. I've checked Windows 10 operating code. But I continue to have the issue that sometimes I can log in and play, and sometimes I can't. Sometimes I get kicked from NA server and have no issue in EU server, etc etc etc. It's some kind of a bug. I've written detailed reports and I have found others with the same issue who had it resolved after a LO update or who are still struggling to get in game (or maybe gave up). Lastly, if I was really cheating, I'd be one of the top players in any district and nothing is further from the truth. I'm an average silver player and my stats show it. I suggest you look at the Golds with VIP status every two minutes who seem to be able to see through walls and pinpoint you with total accuracy even when you are hidden and moving. They don't seem to get kicked at all and they defeat me all the time. Frankly, I hate cheaters. They are total losers and I would never want to be one of them. So you win because you cheat? And I'm supposed to be impressed? Not. That's why being accused of cheating when I'm NOT cheating and have no idea WHY this kicking is happening (neither does LO) makes me pretty pissed.
I hoped after the change on July 30th to have an end to my woes, but no. I was able to log in once and play without any kick. I was able to log in to the test server, get kicked, come back and in play... at least a couple times. Regular server, depends on the mood of the server whether I will be allowed to get in and play or not. My first support ticket for this was June 24th. I finally got a reply on August 13th, but that was only to ask if I was still having the problem. I said yes, and was told my ticket was being referred to their tech support specialist. So nearly 90 days without a resolution. It's very, very frustrating.
I've been waiting since June for an answer to my problem. They contacted me a month ago to see if I still had the problem. Yes. Nothing since and it's going on 90 days.
Heads up! Blog post incoming (according to the APB Facebook)
Ikayoz replied to Goabea's topic in General Discussion Archive
Since I can no longer play the game due to an unresolved bug, I'm not excited. -
So last night I uninstalled APB from my E drive. Installed it on my C drive. Got (same as last time I installed) an ERROR on the launcher. I repaired. Got in game. Kicked for AHK. I went to the program files and uninstalled BattlEye. Got the message that BattlEye was not installed correctly, could I restart the game. I did, BattlEye was reinstalled, and, boom, I got to play for a couple of hours in NA fight club. Whoot. Tonight, log in game. Booted for AHK. Sigh. Went to program files and uninstalled BattlEye. Got the message that BattlEye was not installed correctly, could I restart the game. I did. BattlEye was reinstalled, and, boom, I got kicked for AHK. That's it for me. Little Orbit can forget my Premium dollars. They obviously don't give a fuck about anyone legitimately trying to play the game WITHOUT any macros or AHK, being unable to play their game be cause of a bug in BE. They haven't bothered to answer my support tickets, and they haven't responded to this thread. The irony is there clearly are people cheating in game (like someone who can switch from a nade launcher to a machine gun in the blink of an eye. Or those that can see through walls. Or those that can pinpoint where you are with such accuracy even though they couldn't see you until they came around the corner and you're moving. Yeah. Thanks BE for... ummm... well... nothing.) I'm voting with my feet. Bye.
I do not know you, you are not Little Orbit support as far as I can tell, so I will not permit remote access to my computer which is also used for work and contains personnel information of my clients and co-workers. What I would appreciate is knowing how to scan for this myself. I have searched my drives using File Explorer. Is there a program I can use to scan my computer. Thanks. Indeed, and I am not the only player impacted by this issue.
Does anyone at Little Orbit support intend to help me with this? I cannot play the game most of the time, my stuff is timing out, and there's nothing on my computer that I know about that is causing this issue. I didn't even know what 'autohotkey' was until I got kicked for it. I've searched my drive, I've done everything I can think of software wise and hardware wise and nothing is working. I know I'm just one frustrated player ready to give up on a favourite game, but some sort of response to my tickets asking for help would sure be appreciated. DakotaSpice PC Player
I did a search on my drive for AutoHotKey and AHK nothing came up. I've sent two support tickets, one when this started and one last weekend as I'd had no answer and I wasn't sure if Little Orbit was replying to GamersFirst support tickets, and I've kept this log.
Tired of me yet? Here's another interesting run down of this annoying and unreasonable bug: Tue, 2128 Log to NA, FC Kicked x 2 for AHK Tue, 2202 Log to NA, BanShip, played until everyone was kicked for disconnection error. Tue 2228, switched to EU WF - Kicked x 2 for AHK Tue 1223, back to NA, FC... No Kick, played til I ran out of steam. How does this make any sense at all?? One day I am kicked and kicked and kicked from any NA district, but can play without a problem in EU. The next day, I am kicked out of EU. And can't play in FC, but can play in BShipping, then can play in FC. How's a player supposed to figure this out? WTF BE and LO?? DakotaSpice PC Player
Sun 1128 NA FC Kicked x 4 Sun 2337 EU WF - No Kick Mon 2022 NA FC played til 2236, No Kick Tue 0010 NA trying to go to FC - 'connecting to district server' for a few minutes, had to use TM to close game and try again Tue 0017 NA FC - played til 0154, No Kick Note: quite a few transports happenin in game Mon late night and early Tue. ... was happy to be able to get in game and stay in game. Will see what happens tomorrow lol DakotaSpice
Tonight's report shows how screwed up BE is over this ridiculous and unwarranted kicking for AHK when AHK does not exist!!! Sun 723pm - log to NA server FC - kicked immediately afterward, log to NA server - BanShip - kicked NA FC - kicked went completely out, repaired game on launcher, logged to NA OC - kicked, and kicked again 751pm went into empty NA district, kicked again 753pm, logged to EU server, fight club. NO KICK!!!!! 820pm, changed to NA server, BanShip - kicked 824 NA, fight club - kicked 826 changed to EU fight club. NO KICK!!!!!! 840pm changed to NA server, FC - kicked I have now submitted two requests for support but Idk if GamersFirst transferred that stuff to Little Orbit or not, no one has replied to the first one I sent in when this first started happening. I filled out another one today. Will there be a patch to fix this issue anytime soon? DakotaSpice PC Player
I have been having extensive issues with this problem and there doesn't seem to be any solution coming from LO or BE. I am keeping a detailed log of my reports here: As you can see, sometimes I can't get into game at all. Other times I can play for hours without getting kicked. I searched my PC for anything to do with AHK (I didn't even know what that was before this error message) and found nothing. I turned on 'trueplay' in windows 10, and I found a place in Advanced System care where you can turn off macros. I tried different keyboards. It irks me to be booted from the game when I am not doing anything wrong. Please find a solution. Thanks. DakotaSpice PC User APB Reloaded
Sun 952 am. NA server. Kicked upon rezzing in district. Tried again, stayed in, played for awhile. Sun 310 pm. NA server. Kicked upon rezzing in district x 4 times. Went into an empty district, no kick. Transferred to a busy district, kicked within 2 mins.
Following up to my last report I played a good couple hours Fri night after I got in as above, in NA until ran out of opp. Saturday night - logged into NA server, nothing had changed in my configuration (Perixx keyboard, standard mouse) since last play, kicked immediately. went back in, no kick from 1215 to 115am, then at 115, was suddenly kicked tried twice more to get back in game, kicked both times. tried switching to EU server, kicked again. It was late so I gave up.
So Fri, as above, switched keyboards, got in game (NA server), played for a good time, logged off. 0100 Sat, *same exact setup* generic Logitech keyboard, kicked 3 times switched keyboards to Perixx, kicked 1 time Perixx keyboard, changed ex on mouse from 3.0 to 2.0, kicked Perixx keyboard, no ext on mouse, kicked Logitech keyboard, no ext on mouse, kicked did an Advanced System Care update and scan, repaired registry entries, double checked game booster & hotkeys turned off in ASC, kicked again tried one more time, kicked. then switched from trying to get into EU server (cause that was busy), to logging into NA server (with Perixx keyboard). No kick.
Well, @TR3NT logged in with the same configuration as I played with this morning, kicked. Tried taking off the usb extension from the keyboard. kicked. Changed from Perixx to other keyboard, got in game.
@TR3NT -- since we had no software solution and switched to a hardware issue, I tried the following: - changing keyboard --- same result, kicked for AHK - changing mouse -- I don't have another mouse so couldn't try that - I have USB 3.0 extensions on my keyboard and mouse, I plugged the substitute keyboard directly to the computer along with the mouse, AND I unhooked my M-Audio Keystation 61 midi keyboard. I was able to get in game. - I wasn't sure which one of these was the solution, so today I tried logging in, with my original Perixx and Logitech mouse, both on UFS 3.0 extensions; while keeping the midi keyboard unplugged. I was able to get in game. Now, I need to test this a couple more times (since it's been on and off kicking for 2 weeks), but it might just be that having my M-Audio Keystation61 midi keyboard plugged into a USB port was triggering BE for some reason. I will issue a final report in a day or two after I have tested this further, but @Derf265 you might have a look at what else you have plugged in to USB as a possible solution. cheers DakotaSpice PC User APB Reloaded