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Posts posted by MrChan

  1. The cathartic nature of seeing names come up on FFbans wasn't really a good thing, as much as a lot of us (me included) reveled in it at the time. It was more a symptom of how absolutely shite and toxic the game was.


    (Still note that quite a few prominent people who were on there and subsequently unbanned by LO were never quite as good when they came back. Coincidence though, I'm sure)

    • Like 1

  2. 8 hours ago, MonkaS said:

    better solution than just removing them completely from fightclub most ppl use fightclub to lvl up roles

    Better solutions than either are:


    1) Reducing the frequency of Item Hold missions, which seem to make up 3/4s of Asylum's missions any time I'm there.


    2) Just leaving it the way it is. It's not a big deal, really, and people are just being crying fuzzy bunnies.

  3. 15 hours ago, MACKxBOLAN said:

    Was no Holiday for Legits, You guys let desegregation run into and thru xmas, Deeming the Xmas Event a Golds Only.

    Pretty much the entire game is a Golds/Hax Only game, Oh n let me throw in the blatant racists going by a name that is similar to an ice cream flavor, that likes to call our southern brothers Maciak monkeys, while suffering from Grandioso Narcism.

      Oh am I being a 'Dry Snitch',,,Yep, I'm dry snitchen cuz Reporting with chat times n proof does nadda. 

     So one of the things I got for Xmas was a VR set n because APB has become so Cringe.

    So with that I probly spent bout 60. on new games, requiring me to join Face book again. n My god has it rotted into a simple app link platform, But I'm not here to Brag about my device. I'm saying this specifically to the attention of your Dev that decided to let racists, golds, hackers come to bronze and farm.

     Now regardless of what U did, I woulda still got my VR, but I sure wouldn't have had to spend as much seeking a replacement for this game, n would have spent some on joker tickets. Your actions and the lack of action from the missing token Ceo Guarantee I'll never spent on this game until it is sold to a reputable firm, with honorable staff.

     I will continue spending My money elsewhere, possibly finding a an outside hobby, seeing the Grass. But no matter what u do, ie resegregation, decent anti cheat, new content, free volcanos ect, U get Nothing from Me, not a Dime. 

    Bye then.

  4. 1 hour ago, Todesklinge said:

    Most people dont know, development of a game cost money.



    You must be the smartest human being ever to have existed.

  5. 19 hours ago, MACKxBOLAN said:

    Simple, I can do it for a small fee. All Ledgendary's Account Wide.

      Just give me a Big Red Ban Button as a Secondary weapon, so I could hold it with one hand n using only one finger of the other hand I Press the button, n Poof they disappear just like that 'Junk Removal' ad on TV with the Little Tiny truck. 🔴

    That'll result in only you playing the game inside a month cos you'll have banned everyone else.


    23 hours ago, Todesklinge said:

    5$ Subscription (premium) each month (when new Engine is here).


    So the $5 sub will never be implemented.

  6. I never subscribed to "baw! everyone is hacking", because I just simply don't have that ego about my own ability, and saying LO actively want and support cheaters is beyond stupid. 

    But people who say there's barely anyone hacking or 'lol you can totally outsmart hackers' are also living in a perpetual fantasy world. 


    Yeah, not everyone cheating is EpicGoat who streamed himself playing without his cheats on and was awful. If you're decent at the game and have a decent grasp of core gameplay elements and cheat on top of it, you'll be unstoppable to the average player.


    If you couldn't tell the difference between the EAC era of APB (even with it not fully implemented), and the FF/PB and BattlEye eras of APB, then I don't know what to say to you. Playing under EAC, not once did I find myself thinking "that's not right" or felt myself dying to absolute hogcrap.


    Speaking of FF, I still find it funny that a few people who came back after the mass unbanning were suddenly not as good with EAC running. Almost like they had been cheating in the first place and stopped when they came back cos they knew no one would believe their protestations of innocence if another anti-cheat got them. Willing to bet that 90% of FF bans were legit in spite of how badly the system was mis-used by Tiggs & Co.


    Anyway, mindless and probably slightly contradictory ramble over. Hope everyone had a good Christmas and Santa brought you all a Firebomb.

    • Like 1

  7. Oh look this thread again. The problem, and it's not even that big a problem imo, with explosives in Asylum is not explosives themselves. It's that well more than half the time it gives you Item Hold missions and everyone drags the item to one of the same unimaginative choke points (if they game doesn't helpfully spawn them there for you at the start of the round) playing into the hands of explosive weapons. Maybe if that monotony was broken up a bit more, you'd feel less like you're in a bomb shelter during the Blitz every round.


    And anyone who thinks explosives are a problem in a relatively open map like Baylan Shipping needs their head examined.


    As for telling Cr0 he hasn't given you a single good reason to keep them, the onus is on you, as the person who wants rid to explain why they need to be removed. And I've gone through your word soup and can't find a compelling one.


    #OPGL Life



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  8. As someone who thinks Nazi uniforms with no swastika on them are toxic, racist shit designed to trigger people that should be banned (cos deleting one detail doesn't change what it is), gotta say I think this one's been called wrong by the mods.


    As presented in the OP's outfit, the swastika does not appear to be part of racist iconography in this instance. I'm not familiar with the source material, maybe whatever anime it's from is racist as hell, although I doubt it and it certainly doesn't look like an overt intention to offend. I'd lean towards allowing it.


    Then again, maybe it's just easier for LO to have a straight, clear rule rather than have to argue about context with the pathetic manchildren who want swastikas (not the OP, obviously) just to be edgy.

    • Like 1

  9. 22 hours ago, MrM0dZ said:

    if this isn't a troll post i suggest you to delete it

    It's Todesklinge, either he's been playing a fantastic long game with posts like this for years, or it is unfortunately real.

  10. It's gonna go one of two ways:


    1) It'll be brilliant because people aren't hung up on threat anymore and just play the game.


    2) It'll suck patootie because either the matchmaker will still try to match by threat in the background and it won't generate matches, or it will ignore threat and all the matches will total kerbstompings because there's no matching by threat and the team skills are massively uneven.


    There will be no in between. Either brilliant or awful.


    Must try it in the next couple of days before one of those outcomes starts to set in. It's worth noting that threatless districts became unpopular fairly quickly though.

    • Like 1

  11. 3 hours ago, MonkaS said:

    mark my words no amount of balancing is going to make all the guns viable so could you please stop changing them or at least revert back to like 2014 or 2015 yea ntec was still on top for the most part but cqc weapons were all viable and felt good.   

    You're right that there are far too many guns for a 100m draw distance and sub 1 second ttk to make all of them, or even most of them, competitive. But I think we could do better than the 3 gun meta we had for what felt like a very long time under G1.

  12. 1 hour ago, UwUMaster666 said:

    This patch is what happens when even the SPCT don't play the game


    Can't you just revert everything you have touched with weapons and never, ever, touch it again? pretty pls

    Exclusive N-TEC, OCA & N-HVR meta. Yes pls.


    Or was it the PMG that was the go to CQC gun at the end of G1's tenure? Can't remember now.

  13. 1 hour ago, mtz said:

    I feel like the N-TEC 5 being the untouchable golden child of the meta (a sentiment common among the replies here) is a problem, but nerfing it specifically instead of buffing other guns surrounding it in the respective class (the approach adapted in these changes) is not the right solution. If other assault rifles underperform compared to the N-TEC 5, they should be put up closer to it... but it is valid to discuss whether we should even be treating the N-TEC 5 like this cornerstone that we can't touch and merely mend everything around it.

    The N-TEC 5 became a cornerstone because it's been one of the best performing weapons in the game since forever, it's a natural 'progression' from the STAR 556, and it's relatively easy to use, so as such it's very popular. As a consequence people like it, and because they like it, they don't want to lose their precious crutch gun want it to remain powerful, and if there are changes, it should be to make other guns to feel more like the N-TEC. They defend this like of the weapon by saying it's 'balanced' based on feel, even though a weapon that's almost always been in the top 3 guns in the game is hardly balanced vs. the other weapons.


    It's also funny that a lot of the "pro" APB players want a slower ttk, but by buffing other ARs to compete with the N-TEC would actually slightly reduce the average ttk in the game because you'd have an entire class of guns that are better than they are now, and would probably need to tweak a few other guns upwards as well to compensate.


    It really shouldn't have this cornerstone status, but good luck convincing people who've mained it for a decade and therefore couldn't possibly be unbiased about it, of that.

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