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Posts posted by Displ4yName

  1. 41 minutes ago, Sadira said:

    (presuming you got banned ages ago)

    I'd like to answer, but there's the "no talking about bans rule."


    26 minutes ago, PTCntte said:

    You hacked, not our or LO issue. deal with it kiddo next time don't cheat so you wont lose things you've paid for. 




    Now the second part. Unbanning.

    This has been a complicated decision. One part of the community feels that cheaters have ruined the game and that they deserve to stay banned. The other part of the community feels they have been unjustly banned.

    For me, this comes down to a single question: “Has the cheating/banning policy been enforced objectively or subjectively?”

    In an ideal world, everything is black and white. I've spent the last couple weeks working alongside customer support, talking to players, vetting logs, and testing our cheat detection myself. 
    The results were conclusive.

    Our current system is inaccurate and capable of automatically banning players who are not cheating. I also found a lot of instances where bans were enforced subjectively. That means the punishment or lack thereof was largely at the discretion of the GM or CS person. 
    In order to grow, we need consistency.

    With that in mind, I am going unban a significant portion of the player base.

    Before you get too excited or disappointed, let's establish a couple expectations. 

    • This isn't going to happen until we release the next patch with Battleye.
    • Please do not contact support asking to be unbanned. That will happen automatically when we're ready, and then we'll message the player base.
    • We will not be unbanning players that violated other parts of our terms and conditions. For instance, credit card fraud or other forms of illegal activities.

    My hope is that players will see this for the opportunity it is and come enjoy the game. If they choose to cheat, then we have given fair warning, and we will ban them again.

    Lastly, we will not be broadcasting, tweeting, or publicizing bans. We are not proud of banning or catching cheaters. Banning is a failure. It means someone has left the game, and while that person may have clearly violated the rules, it still means we lost a player.

    By: https://apbreloaded.gamersfirst.com/

  2. 7 minutes ago, VickyFox said:

    As @Hey! says, Little Orbit have no obligation to do anything, the fact you got your account unbanned is a miracle by APB standards! Please show some appreciation for their hard work and keep expectations in check.

    i'm not saying anything bad about little orbit. i'm glad they took over APB and there's finally someone working on the game. For this I am very grateful

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