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Posts posted by -Rachel-

  1. I think what would be cool is if Twitch and G1 integrated a system together, so that if someone reported a cheater on Twitch, and they were banned, Twitch itself would then send a report to G1. This report would be some kind of high priority report since the cheating is effectively proven, allowing the GMs to immediately investigate and ban.

    • Like 1

  2. On 1/29/2019 at 6:54 AM, NotZombieBiscuit said:

    The year is 2022. LO has announced the change of the threat system and has finally been implemented. Instead of 4 colours it is now 50 levels. Everyone praises LO for saving APB, threat system, and the matchmaking. Despite this, no one knows they are still using the same Glicko system in the backend and nothing actually changed.

    I really think LO is smarter than that, but.. amusing. 😄

  3. Back in the day I thought the ISSR weapons had a really short range, and then the sniper silencer killed it even more, making its effective range around 50m. Am I remembering wrong, or did they actually change that god-awful design? Cause the gun seems pretty good in its current state.


    That said, I'm seeing 3 different numbers here for hard damage.


    ARMAS says hard damage is 108

    APBDB says hard damage is 72.9

    OP says hard damage is 170


    Which.. is it...?

    • Thanks 1

  4. I'm at a weird threat level, as indicated by my title over there, I call it "Gold Plated."


    I turn Gold, I go to a Silver district to play against other golds (lol funny how that works in APB). I get super freakin' crapped on! LOL! Like so bad!


    So I turn Silver and go to the Bronze District. Then I crap on everyone else (including the other "golds" that are there).


    Cycle repeats.


    I would stay in silver and try to "git gud" but I am a 37 year old woman, I have serious vision and coordination problems due to health issues.. that isn't happening. In fact, as my health has deteriorated since I started playing, I have gotten progressively worse (I was mid-gold for many years).

  5. 2 minutes ago, Bellenettiel said:

    Don't quite remember where i heard this, but...

    But DDoS attacks are something that has happened to gamersfirst games, even before APB itself was bought.


    Not sure if any of the other games get hit the same, but.. I honestly don't understand how someone can hate something so much.

    Yeah I don't understand at all. Why put so much time and effort into trying to destroy something like this? And if you really do see yourself as some kind of crusader for the common people and are sticking it to the man... why now? APB is under new management as of last year, and IMO, it's doing better than it has in a long time. How exactly are the developers supposed to get anything done when they're too busy putting out fires? And if you just hate the game.. then.. why not just not play and pretend it doesn't exist? I dunno, it doesn't compute for me.

  6. 16 hours ago, MattScott said:

    Hi there,


    You have my sincere apology.


    I can assure you that we have in fact been DDoSed nonstop since early January.

    This has been a very humbling experience for me. We never saw anything like this in 2018.

    One day right after New Year, we hit nearly 1300 concurrent. Something I hadn't seen in months.

    And the very next day we got hit nearly every 30 minutes with the largest attacks I've ever seen.

    Additionally they did something new that our previous protection couldn't block.


    Since then we've had the occasional 12 hour break here and there, but for the most part the attacks keep coming on Jericho.

    We are working with our providers to get the situation cleared up as quickly as possible.



    That's gotta be rough, I don't understand these people. 😞

  7. I personally hope that APB (and the industry in general) moves away from loot boxes.. before the governments make them (*stares daggers at EA*).


    My primary issues with Joker Boxes always boiled down to how little value they presented unless you got the grand prize (and some of the purples) and how easy it was to get duplicates of things you already owned.


    I also kinda hope there will be some mechanics in the future that lets us trade weapons we have bought through MTX, and not just Legendaries from the boxes.

  8. On 1/18/2019 at 9:14 PM, BXNNXD said:



    orbit has had the game for like 6 months you think its magically fixed just because the ball dropped?


    i assume hes talking about the disgusting excess bloom that rtw had where it looked like you were playing through a bottle of olive oil





    Heeey, a lot of us likes that 🙂


    My hope is that 3.5 comes with some new graphics settings, including an actual bloom slider.

  9. 3 hours ago, koenyboy500 said:

    I know I should do my homework. But it is 3:53 here and I am sleepy.

    What are we purchasing from who now??? G1C pre-ordering?

    How does that even work. Pre-ordering currency...



    This is for the Descent game.

    • Thanks 1

  10. LOL it's like a who's who of the elite. I mean, I don't have any issues with any of these people, but they are not average players, and most of them are very well known or popular. I'm mystified by this decision. I would hope there would be a larger array of players across more skill levels, and people who are less well known.


    For those thinking I'm butthurt because I'm not part of it: I have no interest in testing, Matt Scott actually knows this personally from a conversation we had.


    I'm not upset or anything, I'm just confused.

  11. 5 hours ago, MattScott said:

    NOTE: I was not on the original RTW team, nor was I on the Reloaded team, so much of this is internal hearsay.

    As I understand it, Midtown was a development area for the game's work in progress assets. Most of the buildings were used in Financial, although a couple unique designs remain.
    Technically we did find it on a map sketched in between Financial and Waterfront, and it is referenced in the lore as a separate place.

    The idea of Criminal and Enforcer Social Districts were too fragmenting to the player base, so those districts were scrapped.
    The Criminal Social District was used to create Asylum.

    The assets for the Enforcer district are still there, but for reasons I wont go into, they aren't very usable as in-game models.
    We would be better off doing something from scratch using that district as inspiration.


    1 hour ago, iTzBlackout said:
    Maybe that also answer my question why Asylum looked different in the past. Still it's possible that it already was the fightclub version, but was downgraded cuz engine limits and gameplay.  https://imgur.com/a/67WLK3f
    Funny how the game looks worse now than it did then.

  12. 3 hours ago, GhosT said:

    Loading screens after almost every single mission.

    If it's going to be seamless (which I highly doubt), you'll see tons of stuff disappearing and other stuff appearing, eventually glitching out because you just spawned inside of something that wasn't there before.
    You'll also lose everyone that was in your team that you wouldn't mind playing with again, but aren't grouped with, and everyone else in the district - so if you're one of the people that actively uses the chat to talk to others, you'll be torn out of a discussion.

    While mapwide matchmaking would be nice, it brings far too many problems with it.

    It would be seamless, do you not know what phasing is? It just moves you from one district to the other without having to reload the district.. so no loading screen. Some things might appear or disappear, but for the large part, it should be a quick, load-free transition. If you're worried about immersion, then sorry, because yes, some things might change as you phase, but it also gives you a better chance at a fair match and does so more quickly than without the technology, so it's a tradeoff, but on the win side for 99% of people.
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