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Posts posted by -Rachel-

  1. 52 minutes ago, (Xbox)MortisedGuide said:
    On 5/31/2018 at 5:29 PM, -Rachel- said:

    When I hear "post your setup" why is the first thing that crosses my mind that I should post a picture of my cleavage?

    You just gave me a boner thanks.
    Glad to be of service.

  2. 2 minutes ago, MattScott said:

    Hi all,


    Just for clarity, I think we've designed something that fills the spot that FC was intended to from a gameplay / reward stand point.

    The problem with FC is in the implementation. It's using a small corner of an existing district, and frame rate will always be a problem till we fix it.


    Ultimately we'll let the players decide.

    If they really like FC and want it to stay, then I'm 100% fine with that.

    We can run the new mode in place of OC, but I'm super excited to get players feedback on something entirely new.



    Baylan and The Beacon use small corners of districts, but Asylum is a standalone separate map.

  3. 35 minutes ago, MattScott said:

    Hi all,


    Just for clarity, I think we've designed something that fills the spot that FC was intended to from a gameplay / reward stand point.

    The problem with FC is in the implementation. It's using a small corner of an existing district, and frame rate will always be a problem till we fix it.


    Ultimately we'll let the players decide.

    If they really like FC and want it to stay, then I'm 100% fine with that.

    We can run the new mode in place of OC, but I'm super excited to get players feedback on something entirely new.



    Baylan and the Beacon maybe but Asylum is its own standalone district.

    • Thanks 1

  4. 1 hour ago, DieselnotPetrol said:

    Instead of focusing on unbanning people or even B.E. LO should of focused on the foundation the infrastructure of the game. Like the crappy servers that are some how more vulnerable to ddos attacks then any other game servers In the history of multiplayer gaming (I mean lets be honest this is a fcking joke 🙂 ). Plus even when the server aren't getting ddos still feels like poop. IDK just my 2 cent rambling I feel like you should always start from the ground up. 




    Should have.

    • Like 5

  5. 18 minutes ago, MattScott said:

    Hi guys,


    Spoiler: I am going to get rid of Fight Club and Open Conflict.

    Besides the awkward FPS problems, I don't feel either of these are fulfilling their role in the game at all.

    We're 100% focused on cleaning up the lag and server performance right now.


    But as soon as that's done, and the game is playing smoother, then I'll announce the new mode that will be replacing them.



    And what about Joker Tickets?

  6. 1 hour ago, Thelnformer said:

    Remove district selector.....


    Make it auto join available instances....


    Thats it... GREENs/Ts can get their own instances and any player under R 80 n BRONZE also goes into that district..


    Silvers+golds should be matched together, i mean yes some silvers are plain poop, but silver isnt THAAAAAAAAAT below gold.... Also we need threat levels ranging from 1 to 10

    Silver IS pretty below gold. Hell, low golds are pretty far below high golds. This game has a high skill cap.

  7. 1 minute ago, TheAceNinja said:

    Are there any actual games that even do this? I don't see how it'd be viable with APB.

    There are plenty of games that use phasing for all kinds of reasons. There's to reason to believe that with competent programming and the right amount of time, that it could be done. I can't say how much of the game's matchmaking and district handling systems would need to be rewritten, I just know that with code, anything is possible with enough effort.

  8. 11 hours ago, BXNNXD said:

    never really understood silver or even bronze tbh


    when you can get gold without firing a single shot, it’s kind of crazy to me that some people can’t manage it

    I used to be a perma gold. I have played very little since 2015. Coming back, I am just worse now. My positioning, awareness, etc., is all still fine, I just can't aim anymore, so I lose fights because of it consistently. I dunno why it happened, but it did. When I came back, I immediately got slammed down to silver, and since then, I have been fluctuating back and forth.

  9. 17 hours ago, Westford said:

    I see a whole bunch of derogatory remarks on players .. that (They must be Silver)

    Either because of poor positioning, situational awareness, unfounded hackusating  ... whatever....



    Let's set the record straight.

    Golds are no better ....  


    I know....

    Been playing the game for a better part of 7 years.


    Yes, I may be a maxed rank Silver, and yes ... I know better..

    Killed mid level to high rank Golds on the regular .....


    So before any of you elitist Golds care to "spew" your "stuff" ... about (they must be silver)...

    know this ... I have "spewed" your "stuff" on more than one occasion.


    Might want to change the song you sing ...   cause ... it ain't cutting it anymore ...


    I'm not buying it ....

    ....  and neither are they .



    On a lighter note, happy to see people in district ....


    Okay for one, none of that made sense, you're just trolling.


    Two, your ellipses are completely out of control.

  10. 13 hours ago, indi said:

    Remove the "threat" tiers, implement hidden MMR. Let the remaining player base have at it and play with each other as efficiently as possible. On NA you're forced to sit in social, sometimes for 10+ minutes, spamming the only "silver" district available while there are two other "bronze" districts open. The way the system works right now is it punishes those who don't dethreat, while it rewards those who do dethreat with an easier time with both joining districts and farming newer players.


    There shouldn't be four different threat levels locked to their own districts for a server that hovers around 500-700~ people.

    This is the only real solution. It is the only suggestion that will actually work. MMR should be server side, we should not be aware of it. If you can't see it, you can't easily manipulate it.


    In addition to this, add a phasing system to the game so that matchmaking works across all available districts, and just phases the matched players into the same instance.

  11. 16 hours ago, TheOppositePolarBear said:

    IF i recall correctly, last time they did option 2 or 3, they almost killed the game, the dethreaters instead of playing in gold district, just left, and we dont have a healthy enough population to just afford losing them.


    i do recall that they did option 2 at some point.


    so option 0: rework the matchmaking / threat system.


    bonus point: they do have to rework the threat system at least. there are lots of low golds saying "im no gold" - thats because the skill gap between a low gold and a high gold is the same skillgap between a 1st day bronze and that low gold, with a NHVR and a yukon. so, they are "too good to be a silver, too bad for be a gold" thus they end up joining silver districts / dethreating (not all low golds).


    i would like to call an APB historian to corroborate  tho-


    I don't even dethreat, I literally just fluctuate back and forth between silver and gold every few missions.

  12. 00:12 Running around out in the open in basically the optimal range to get mowed down by an ALIG. No cheating.


    00:56 You're doing it again, stop doing that.


    That last bit where you didn't die: You're just standing out in the open. You should have pushed the point at close range to counter his long range ALIG play, the ALIG is hard to use against CQC users, anbd you have an NTEC.


    Your positioning, aim, and reaction times, and decision making are all very, very poor. I'm not trying to attack you, but there is no cheating in this video.


    • Like 2
    • Thanks 1

  13. 11 minutes ago, LuzExtinguido said:

    What made you change your mind so fast from "feminine features are women objectification" to "the body and sex is beautiful"???

    I am honestly curious.

    Different moods. But ultimately, I kind of feel both ways.

    3 minutes ago, Zascha said:

    Because you're trying to force everyone inside your interpretation of this topic.


    I never said people shouldn't be able to do it. I don't like it, and I personally think the images people make in-game are juvenile, grotesque, immature, and pornographic. I don't really care if people feel judged by that--it's no different than someone thinking I'm stupid or mean or whatever other judgment they make on my own character by disagreeing with me.


    Whether they agree with me or not, they have a right to express their own opinion on the matter as well. They're free to do so, as far as I'm concerned, and I'm all right with them making whatever symbols they want to make. But we need to have an option of filtering. I've laid out a plan which allows for that.

    I'm not a fan of objectification, but tasteful sex and nudity isn't an issue for me.

  14. 7 minutes ago, Birmingham said:

    theres a clan called "Madness"  they are Pro Dters... everyday they come on play hard as they can ..then befor they go off they all DT..


    and people may ask why am i rageing about it...only cuz i come back to the game after rage deleting my account last year..so im on a new low ranked..no mods..no percs..so a newbie in all but i know how to play.. and all day everyday its max ranked players..and ive been in teams today where they r really newbies.. 


    so what about have a distrct just for newbies.. where they have to go.. dont a get choice..and they cant leave till set rank..like 85 or something.."this just an idear"

    right now u make a new char and can pick where u go.. remove the choice for newbies..send them to a locked green map where only people of 0/85 rank can play..

    once u get to 85.. u then can join the next rank of maps..

    its just an idear.. i know the big match makein is long to fix .. but if u made it like ive said newbies would get a far better start to the game..


    Confining new players to a specific zone is a mistake. What if someone gets their friend to start playing and then is like "oh yeah sorry but I can't even play with you until you level up". That would be garbage.

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