theres a clan called "Madness" they are Pro Dters... everyday they come on play hard as they can ..then befor they go off they all DT..
and people may ask why am i rageing about it...only cuz i come back to the game after rage deleting my account last im on a new low a newbie in all but i know how to play.. and all day everyday its max ranked players..and ive been in teams today where they r really newbies..
so what about have a distrct just for newbies.. where they have to go.. dont a get choice..and they cant leave till set 85 or something.."this just an idear"
right now u make a new char and can pick where u go.. remove the choice for newbies..send them to a locked green map where only people of 0/85 rank can play..
once u get to 85.. u then can join the next rank of maps..
its just an idear.. i know the big match makein is long to fix .. but if u made it like ive said newbies would get a far better start to the game..