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Everything posted by Datpaper420

  1. Naw i think it had to do with advanced launcher, ive set it back to default and will not use it again due to a 7 day ban im still on. Texture decrease for ban not worth it. Back to pure stock bois, ill see you friday if all goes well
  2. Mack is our natural born radio talk show host, you can always guarantee quality movements like this one geeg
  3. Hello i went to log in today to find a 7 day account suspension, no email or any info on why, any ideas? Checked email, checked forum mail, nothing on why id recieve a 7 day ban, havnt been griefing nor causing any issue at all, been on ARK for 3 days. ????
  4. Go to apb binaries folder and launch the apbprogram took awhile to figure it out but i think the client got changed, should be above APB SE hope this helps
  5. Yea same here just uninstalled and reinstalled but stuck on updating : /
  6. At approx 1:35PM 2018-10-28 Lag started. Everyone got kicked. Maybe a ddos? Servers currently at time of this post are offline. Someone or something brought them down. Figure you should be informed.
  7. Hey, im having a weird issue that started about 35 mins ago when this was posted. I was in a mission with a friend and at like 6 out 7 mission completion i got kicked to login, however when i tried to re-log in kept saying "Could not access the login servers at this time" so i booted up steam and was surprised to see my friends still in game, i waited then got back in but about 5 mins later during a mission got kicked back to login with the same problem. A few other players experienced this from what i was told, but still cant figure out why. Happened during a 4/6 mission, 6/7 mission, and a 7/7 mission. Any ideas would be appreciated. Your Rager Datpaper420
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