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Posts posted by Kewlin

  1. Agreed, the most useful clothing is the most generic clothing: my favorite item that's been released recently is the baseball pants by far, 'cause they're just super versatile capris. Like, as you said, we need more skirts (why don't we have anything even close to a micro skirt?)


    So yeah, LO, give us clothes actual people would potentially wear, that you can fit into different outfits.

  2. 11 hours ago, Nophromoo said:

    First of all, jg as better hard dmg and second of all even though I didnt play with the csg, from clips and gameplay I seen the csg seem to have an advantage over the jg in fights but not to the point its a one sided fight.



    JG is better in CQC, CSG is better at slightly farther ranges.



    9 hours ago, xNyuu said:

    Maybe, the cake is a lie.


    Ask youself, what led to the end of APB besides the silence? It's not the cheaters, it's the concept. I'd say, pull the hand break now, tackle the corner and make APB unbreakable, a true second world. Aim for the top and nothing less.

    APB has the potential to outrun all games released in it's genre.


    Nope, nope, and nope.


    When have you heard the news, "[INSERT GAME] is now super-duper popular because they removed content!"? It simply doesn't happen.


    P.S. What other games in its genre?

  3. Danke Scott!


    4 hours ago, Jenz/Amaka said:

    Thx Scott, but honestly when the player is required to use real money to gamble an item, it should be removed completely. It's bad for people who have the nasty habit and it's not good for the image anyways. If you see a player or players who spends hundreds of dollars on joker boxes then do what Warframe developers did. They removed it when they discovered someone was spending hundreds of dollars for something the player wanted on a gambling mechanic.


    I really don't want to see JMBs removed, but I guess I see what you're saying.


    Maybe put a limit on JMB purchases? IDK.

    • Like 1

  4. The starting rifle is one of the best guns in the game, and tied for easiest gun, and I will stand by this fact until the day I die (or it becomes untrue.)



    1 hour ago, DanRO13 said:

    I'm talking about permanent guns, and afaik, freebies can't buy grenade launchers like Osmaw (without spending too many JT's and money), or semi-automatic pistols (might be wrong on this one)


    You literally can't even buy the OSMAW (or the O-PGL) with real money, lol. Also, you start with the best semi-auto pistol in the game.

  5. I'd like more options as well, but it's worth pointing out that already a lot of items have the ability to change how worn it is, and you can already layer lots of different clothing.


    Still, increased use of those systems and the addition of the other two systems could be nice.

  6. No, just no, this would totally ruin the feel and fun of APB.


    APB isn't made to be competitive, or fair, or anything like that, it's silly and ridiculous. If you want fair, predictable games where you can calculate all of the variables of a mission, go play something else.


    What we need to solve griefing is a better report system, not to ruin the majority of missions that don't have griefing in them.

    • Like 1

  7. Bump, I wanna' know if you at least are aware of the fact that what you added is an entirely different thing.


    I really feel like seeing the most recent posts is not as useful as seeing the most recently created thread. . . also, 5 is a really low number of most recent threads IMO.

  8. APB and tierlists honestly don't mix TBH, 'cause there's too many ways that what guns work well is entirely dependent on the player, and every player has difficulty facing different weapons, and as such it's nigh impossible for anyone to agree on virtually anything, no matter how hard you try to be subjective.


    In addition, there's like half a fucking million guns.

  9. 9 minutes ago, notHunky said:

    Except for the fact that the carbine is pretty much better in every way imaginable besides starting accuracy in marksmanship mode. Right now as is, the COBRA has the worst effective TTK at any range beyond 10 meters, and short range weapons or even an NTEC will wipe the floor with it within those 10 meters.


    Honestly I'd be satisfied with it becoming a reskin of the Raptor 45 variants, but with 2 open mod slots instead of the suppressor. The hipfire would still be decent for up close, and you could also be effective at medium ranges.

    No, turning a gun that people own and like into a reskin is never the solution, lol. Making the gun into a reskin is the absolute worst thing they could do.


    Some upsides of the carbine include:

    1. Around half the starting spread of the SR15 Carbine with comparable recoil per shot.
    2. Almost half the spread in MM.
    3. Accepts any red mod well, but most notable can take CJ3 with almost no downsides and bring it within 0.04s of the technical TTK of the SR15
    4. Around 10-15m more range, depending on how you count it.
    5. 170 overdamage as opposed to 80.

    The one and only downside of the COBR-A

    1. Its technical TTK is 0.10s higher than the SR15's if for some reason you aren't using CJ3, but the COBR-A was basically made to have CJ3, in which case it has only a 0.04s difference in technical TTK.


    . . . and no, the NTEC does not wipe the floor with the COBR-A at 10m and below unless you REALLY suck with it.



    TL;DR: Just because you aren't good with a gun doesn't mean its bad and should be replaced with [INSERT GUN HERE]. Here's a suggestion, how about you use [INSERT GUN HERE] instead if you like the way it performs so much?


    I have no problem with them buffing the COBR-A, as long as it's a minor buff, but there's no reason to completely rework it or replace it.

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