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Posts posted by liliya

  1. I only have bloom off, but everything else pretty much maxed. I get a frequent ~20 fps drop that makes the game pause for a moment no matter what I do unless I lock it under 60 fps. Even then it'll still do it randomly though slightly less. It's frustrating since it tends to happen just as I engage and therefore will always miss a shot or two or my tracking will be thrown off.


    Whatever changed with the shaders a while ago makes bloom really bothersome, so I have it off with brightness turned up @ 1080p. If I'm going to play for a while I'd rather suffer without whatever edge I might have from lower rez/graphics to instead have something halfway decent to look at.


    What really troubles me is how those with extremely low graphics sometimes also remove muzzle flashes which as far as I understand isn't allowed by LO. But hey if all that gets them their 50+ kills MVP with their PMG skillz to screenshot and hang on their refrigerator to feel accomplished then I wish them a happier life.

  2. I did this some years ago putting my radar car in the police garage under the area needed to defend. So it made it easy to keep the other team out and we won the match. I got an angry whisper from one on the other team saying his teammate was wall hacking and that I must be also wall hacking since I kept following him to each entrance. They were both low level.

    I then explained radar tower to him to no benefit.

  3. Thank you. Hoping the best! The few times that Jericho has a district start populating it's usually ruined by the lag that inevitably comes.


    Maybe one day they can be caught as more efforts are being made to punish those who do this (though by huge companies compared to LO):




    A two-year sentence has been handed to an individual who had a role in a series of DDoS attacks against Daybreak Games, then known as Sony Online Entertainment.

    Austin Thompson has been sentenced to 27 months in prison for his role in DDoS attacks which occurred in 2013 and 2014.

    Thompson plead guilty to the charges in November 2018 and was sentenced yesterday. As part of his sentence, he is to pay $95,000 in restitution.

    The 2013 attacks were made by Thompson’s group “DerpTrolling” and affected online services other than Sony Online Entertainment, now known as Daybreak Games.

    These services included Battle.net, Dota 2, and League of Legends.

    DerpTrolling wasn’t the only hacking group to target Daybreak Games. Lizard Squad also attacked online services for Planetside 2, H1Z1, Everquest, and other Daybreak titles.

    The year prior, it even tweeted a bomb threat to American Airlines, grounding a plane on which then company president John Smedley was due to travel.

    Thanks, Polygon.



  4. I was getting this, too. Eventually I could log in but now it won't let me select any characters on Jericho. It is absolutely frustrating.

    • Like 1

  5. Having to wait 5 minutes before another round starts is a pain.

    Having nothing happen for 5+ minutes after winning a round is a pain.

    Having to force close your game because you're stuck in an infinite loading screen after changing to a different district is a pain.

    Having an error code that your account is already in use after you force closed the game due to an infinite loading screen is a severe pain.


    In nearly an hour I played for 20 minutes or so in between trying to join and waiting for things to start.



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  6. I only used the RFP as my secondary pretty much from OBT til whenever this last change was. I have 3 variants of it and for years I hardly saw anyone else using it. Now it's frequently used and feels incredibly easy compared to before. It had a bad nerf a few years ago in like 2015, then a slight buff that made it perfect.

    I'm sad it got further changed to push it over the edge of what's reasonable. It does seem the burst lands way to accurately no matter what range or if aimed or hip fired. I've shelved it for now and am trying to get better at .45'ing since it's also amazing but has no room for error.

  7. Seems all the districts are doing it. I've been trying for the past 30 minutes and can't get into any. Citadel works OK. Quite frustrated when there's limited time to play and FC is actually populated, but then the server is broken and you spend the time you have trying to just get in game.

  8. @Virgil Just curious, what is your internet speed (upload and download)? I feel like I have the desync or hitreg issues frequently where no matter how on-point my aim is nothing lands or a small fraction lands. However, my internet sucks at 1.3mb/s down and 0.3 mb/s up which has notable impact.


    Regarding the audio, it doesn't seem right to allow some to have stuff off or lower while others can't or don't know. I would like to see it consistent for everyone and agree it needs to be addressed better. I feel the same about visuals when I see streams or videos of some who've disable so much graphical content to where there's really no smoke, no gun effects or other things that normally obscure or limit visibility. Players only using in-game settings, while even on minimum, still contend with them. Spraying with a LMG, for example, is quite different when there's no muzzle flash or smoke compared to how it is in normal graphic settings. It's a complicated issue, too, due to variable hardware performance but it's questionable when it seems to give advantage aside from increased FPS.

  9. The introduction of fight club was really fun. Then when Asylum came there were so many instances of it and people playing. The seasonal events like Horseman and 12 Days of Xmas were fun, too. But like most things the hype didn't last long, the problems grew and persisted, and nothing was ever fixed or improved as people came and left.

  10. 1 hour ago, JohnNighthawk said:
      Doesn't CJ3 make the crosshair not close completely before the next shot? I dislike it for longer ranges.
    Correct me if I'm wrong though.
    Yes, but only if you fire as fast as possible. It's nice on the -AV pr2 so you can shoot cars as fast as possible but has to be paid attention to when shooting persons. I prefer Cj2 on the -SD for that reason.

  11. It's my favorite weapon and all I used for a long while! I never saw it used and decided to try and learn to be competitive with it. At first, I sometimes got kicked at the start of matches when the leader didn't like that I used it and I'd refuse to change, even though I was leading in kills or contributing. I didn't initially know about the max range damage boost, too, so that was an amazing surprise. It's my go-to gun when struggling with other things. DMR-SD and RFP are my favorite combo from 2013 on.

    The -AV is great, too, and the sound is amazing. I've often used it it just to deal with vehicles, but I prefer the -SD for the surprise factor.

    Plus, you can do this!

  12. It was great for a few days and now back to how it was before. It's not fun running through a door and finding yourself back in the room you just left (repeated 3 times), or shooting at opposition forever and nothing landing only to find you're actually in a corner redecorating the wall.

    @MattScott Please help!

  13. 7634a1613a.png


    I had a 2600k prior to this processor with everything else the same and have had the same large frame drop/stutter/freeze that drives me crazy. My internet isn't great, too, so I think that contributes to a lot of hit reg problems, but not the frame drop stutter. I go from like 120fps to 70 for a moment, then back.


    I don't know what's causing the random freezes. It happens at any time, when just running, driving, fighting, standing still. I put a couple moments from playing the other day slowed down in a gif to show the pauses. I'd really like to know how to get rid of them. I'm not the best player, but it sucks when I feel I lost a fight because the game paused for a moment in the middle of it which really screws up mouse tracking and click timing.




  14. On 7/4/2018 at 5:16 PM, MattScott said:

    Hi all,

    We analyzed the logs and found a fairly significant source of latency, and we put a fix into the last patch.

    I don't think there is any one silver bullet that will fix the lag, but I'm curious how everyone's experience has been so far during the Holiday Event.



    The last few times I played I didn't notice the warps/teleports like before. Played both in Asylum and in Financial on Jericho. Thanks so much!

  15. The servers seemed great early yesterday. I didn't experience any pauses or teleporting compared to the past while. However, this last evening they seemed to have returned. Is this still related to the DDOS mitigation?  There was a constant stutter and large latency fluctuation going on the previous day, which is thankfully gone, so I'm not sure if that's only what the reset fixed.


    I'm happy to see the game more populated then it had been, and have renewed a fair bit of Premium due to it, but it's still very frustrating to experience these warps:


    I know others experience them, too, often at the same time as me as we're chatting on VOIP so it's not just my connection and PC. It seems others don't experience them, or at least seem affected as much, with how they succeed in gun fights that are making us warp. Grateful for some progress. Hope to see more improvements.

  16. On 6/19/2018 at 4:59 PM, Nanometic said:

    I'd like to see how he "convinced" himself that he was right about people he hack-u-sated. I get that he used wall hacks to do so, but I get the feeling he was still wrong most of the time and it was just a good player with game sense.

    For nearly 20 years I've had bad aim, but tried hard to think of what the opposition is doing so I can counter it. I'm still bad, but do OK with it at times. You get a sense for routes people take and how long it'll take them. If they don't show up at one spot first it's obvious their likely at another. Unlocking stuff later on in APB like radar tower and spotter really helped.


    Once there was an area to defend above the police garage in Waterfront. I had my radar car under the whole time and won the round since the op kept pushing me rather than going for the car or obj. I then got rage whispered by one of them accusing that I was wall hacking since his teammate was and could tell that I cheated. He still didn't understand what the radar tower and spotter mods do after my attempt to explain in futility.



    I still run into max ranks who make the same accusation.




    Eventually accusing someone of cheats becomes a lazy excuse for their lack of effort to learn or improve.

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  17. I've played off and on with a triple screen setup. One of the devs years ago specifically worked on getting the UI to work with it and took some feedback from me for some issues, but I don't know how to get the posts from the old forums.


    Widescreen is not an advantage. It can heavily impact FPS and which makes precision aim harder. Half or more of the screen is warped and distorted which gets distracting and disorienting. The UI has issues where names don't show on the side screens, only the center, as well as other elements in game. It also messes up center screen messages. It's great for more immersion, but not an advantage. I often use it in single player games but turn it off in multiplayer ones.




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