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Posts posted by IRyanI

  1. On 2/9/2019 at 2:11 PM, neophobia said:

    Oh yes, you are one very masculine individual. I'm in awe of your pair.


    I never even used one of them because they don't matter. You are being so whiney about them though.


    Do you need some confirmation or smth?


    Oh and while we're at it:

    The way APB was meant to be played is on hardware from 2012. Grow a pair and get your first gen i5 out and play sub 30fps on a fhd screen.

    you dont need to go and harass someone of their personal opinion. everyone's got their own.

    this community is salty enough already. it would be better to just state your opinion and leave it at that.

  2. On 2/3/2019 at 9:12 AM, Hypothesis said:

    oh I did and told others streaming to report the guy too.


    How is this considered a cheat? There are multiple things this one screen can be. It would be more helpful in you told us how exactly this is considered a cheat in your case to avoid repeating questions.


    4 hours ago, Keshi said:

    Honestly this is all what we asked...without screenshots but if spct's can post screenshots...that's all most of us wanted.

    Now @MattScott i have posted a video 5 months ago with a freecam in the new UE3.5 and you said that what you guys had back then is nothing like what i had. After reading your post i would like to ask again. Was there any difference between the video i had and what you experienced? 



    That's even older then the one we are joking about. I cant even call that the same thing since there have been so many changes since then.

  4. 1 minute ago, Mitne said:

    We talk UE 3.5.

    The same console UE 3.5.

    Did you saw all this performance breaks on it?


    That's why i'm asking somebody from SCPT team to check that.

    Not all the performance breaks no. I'm only answering your question on machines that are low end based, I was merely using a game which had the same engine version at the time of release. I understand why my answer is a little skeptical since APB is a different beast entirely and, It would be nicer to hear an answer from SPCT.

  5. 9 minutes ago, Mitne said:

    Does any of SCPTs own some shitty PC? Hopefully something near minimal APB requirements like Intel Dual Core or Quad, some weak GPU like 1GB of VRAM and 4GB of RAM set?

    I would ask them to test it in manner of how much performance suffered or improved.

    Of course I know there will be fix to optimization but right now I just want to know at what shitty-end PCs stand at.

    If you can run Ut3 on an Amd A8  mobile cpu with only 8gb of ram with only a 512mb dedicated card at 72fps at 16x9 on max settings.  you should be fine on minimum 

  6. I feel like a few people here who are convinced that there are so many cheaters in this game are in the mindset of they are the best and now one is above them. "Thats not true at all"

    Its a f2p shooter, your either gonna get the occasional player who just wants to have fun and mess around or, you got the competitive side of apb rammed down your throat. Just because someone has a higher skill level then you doesn't make them a cheater at all. You have to consider in a fight that theres always a way for improvement. There maybe cheater here and there but, It doesnt give you the right to just go and call them a cheater without proof, if you believe someone is cheating report and be done with it and dont get to attached to it.



    As for the OSCAR tips IR3, RS3, Tagger. learning the firing speed is the best thing you can do to improve your skill and knowing when to push especially when you have a slight range advantage compared to the STAC-10 or the Joker-carbine.

    • Like 1

  7. 19 minutes ago, Frosi said:

    Not gonna lie, I actually forgot about HBU there for a second. Obviously another mod on the list of Car Modifications that should be looked into. (Reducing the max health of the car would be a valid tradeoff.)

    Vehicles already have a different amount of health. the majority of players either use 4x4 vegas or a heavy vehicle "espacio, nulander, even the 4x4 dolton fresno but, its quite rare to obtain." becuase of the difference in health.

    adding sp3 and hbf on top just makes the heavies more of a cruch to deal with since its superior for cover and takes way more punishment.


    there are times where people place exp3 and car-bomb but, I digress the only thing I can say is the timer could be larger since every time you re-spawn the vehicle it resets the timer making it spammable. adding like a cooldown of 2m makes it feel more balanced since other skills have that as well making more of strategy instead of running wild abusing it.

  8. On 12/19/2018 at 5:44 AM, Janelle The Real MVP said:


    i am waiting like thousand year now i am sure my computer are not sux

    a GTX 980 cant handle APB graphic is unacceptable

    my cpu are not that bad too AMD 8350fx 4.0g

    install APB on SSD

    and got ram 16 gb (bus 1600)

    can u explain to me why i got lag spike mostly when i got shot or when i fire my weapon and it is worst when i use my true orge

    my cpu are not that bad too AMD 8350fx 4.0g

    the engine is based of a Intel Cpu framework so AMD is gonna do poor performance overall.

    Apb is running on an old engine that runs on single threads instead of multi-cores like most cpus can push now.

    Apb also prefers a Cpu with a least a base clock speed of 3.0ghz which is a bit high for a basic shooter.


    most lag from Apb is more of the cpu trying to handle everything else that is depending on graphics. being an amd cpu. threading and processes are handled differently. switching to and intel or amd makes a huge difference.

    Apb in my guess running on an old version of Udk-Beta "possibly the old E3 version that ran GOW 3" before the 64bit release, making it only a 32bit version forcing the use of about 3-8 gb of ram mostly anyway."this isn't true about GPU's however"


    install APB on SSD

    Check what your read and write speeds are. that the difference for loading times in and out of games.

    Some things such as character and vehicles textures are exported on your pc as a Dump file allowing your pc to load them faster, they are deleted once you quit the game however.


    "hint for slow hard-drives"

    Try typing %temp% for a folder, select all and delete. "these are as you see in the name temporary files your computer places on your hard-drive, deleting them causes no damage but might speed of you main hard-drives


    and got ram 16 gb (bus 1600)

    Your Ram is fine since the game is only using 8gb at maximum




    a GTX 980 cant handle APB graphic is unacceptable

    A 980 is absolutely fine to play apb, I'm still currently running a GTX 980-TI


    what is your nvidia control panel image setting set to?

    changing this can cause a significant difference especially if your using the quality preset since that upscales textures and other thing as well.

    Either change it to "let the application decide, use 3d setting and change to your preference. "what you think will help."

    or change the general setting to performance giving the best performance but, the worst to look at "it isnt that bad"





    If you want more info on a pc for Apb check out this guys video of a pc for around $350 running at max settings



  9. On 6/11/2018 at 5:58 AM, Tobii said:

    You can still rip models if you want.


    How? Easy;

    1. make the changes to the model you want to rip.
    2. Log out and close apb.
    3. Navigate to "*\APB Reloaded\Binaries"
    4. Move or rename "APB_BE,exe"
    5. Launch APB with NinjaRipper like you usually do.
    6. rip the model from the character selection screen.
      • I am sure you can log in if you want and also rip cars but that's prob a bit dodgier.
    7. enjoy your freshly ripped models.

    If you are too slow you will get booted because BE is not running.


    Is this optimal? No.. but if you can't wait, it's a way to get around the current issue.

    Idk if its just me but, I would rather wait on a response from the devs for exporting models instead of getting banned. I would feel really embarrassed if I couldn't reclaim my account just because I wanted to export my characters. 


    Though for some doesn't renaming the APB_BEprogram break the TOS since you are removing/editing an application required to run the game.

    • Like 1

  10. 4 minutes ago, wayofthinking said:

    I don't think it's a CPU problem. CPU usage is only at 35% while playing.


    I use the default options.

    I already tried the advanced launcher, set everything to maximum, but still no changes.


    Well, I can't upload a video, because my upload is trash.

    Here is a picture, I hope you know now what I mean.



    As you can see, on the upper picture you can't see the car.

    I moved 1-2 meters forward and the car popped up.

    I dunno if it's just the game, but it's strange how short the render distance is.

    Specially while driving these pop ups are a bit .. well, not beneficial.


    I tried both fullscreen or windowed fullscreen, no difference. Temperatures are fine.




    That's absolutely the game. that is not a problem on your side. its basic optimization

  11. On 5/29/2018 at 7:40 PM, awb said:

    its funny you ask about the nfas. when i began modeling it, i started with a 2d image. as it unfolded, i started shaking my head by the poor modeling job the original designer had done on it, but never noticed the details, or lack their of until this project. it appears to be a mashup of a few weapons. part ak, part ar, part nerf gun. the theme was all over the place, but it didnt share any common design features with anything i know of in existence. if it is the usas-12 that was the inspiration, the designer took a lot of artistic freedom with his version...... i plan on building a real life version on the nfas, but i needed to start with existing gun parts that are easily available. so if you pay attention to my model, youll see ar and ak components to scale. the model was never 100% finished, it still needs alot of design configuration changes to make it functionable, but this was a spitball of ideas i had been kicking around and i was happy with the direction it went in. 


    edit, for the record. no, it will not be automatic. just saying.

    Beauty of apb, Never can figure out what weapons they used as a reference. Best example is an oscar. 

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