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  1. Thanks for mentioning, try to make your own game. I got one bro been working on it, got events going on right now, uh u can join too, add me on discord an il get u in game details
  2. Uh, I think Little Orbit, insulted all you players intelligence, with their recent (Fake news) as if they have made any progress on FE2. Guys they gave you pictures with some admin tools shown to tease your minds as we know it fr, FE is over they do not have any legit confirmation that the server would ever be up again. Honestly also they took advantage of the true fans, and attacked their spirit with a fraud agenda of an update. The Orbit team tbh
  3. Honestly these pictures disgust me, this is fake news, they have not worked a inch on the game, I mean yes, children play this but how do yo see the FE community??? 2 years later and your giving us pics. Where is the beginning gameplay video pics means nothing at all that's easy . . Little Orbit you suck tbh. You have let all the FE fans down, and for this fraud of a post, I'ma take a picture, go-to Walmart get the sketch of it, piss on it and bury it Fraud + Fake News LO = Fraud + Fake News Merged. LO = Fraud + Fake News LO = Fraud + Fake News LO = Fraud + Fake News
  4. Yea all they have done is bait FE as if it will be a new server......... LO tram is like the boogeyman ......... They are trying to drop the game period......... You people should wakeup 👁 Everyone who dislike this drowns in their ignorance. Dracio LO has brainwashed you........ Don't defend something that doesn't care if u slip into heaven by tmr...... They have stalled us out, lied to our mother and fathers............ They have inappropriately touched our members hearts........ Wakeup and see what's going on like fr dude.
  5. I don't think so..... *cough* yet Merged. Wow baby
  6. Agreed, in some way some how the Little orbit team is stalling . . If they have people think that this task of fixing FE would take years it's another agenda behind it. {my opinion } "They are slowly letting the FE community die off until there is no liking into the game, allowing fans to attend elsewhere, while they slowly banish the game. I believe their real attention was apb reloaded and they got it, clearly nothing else matters." but to those who keep up with this wait <fuss are not awake to their net surroundings ... #tragic
  7. Hm I like this 9 months to a year tho? .. Bleh Allowing such attitude towards FE fans is a No-No . . Waiting is *cough* B.S . . No ty.
  8. Oof. So like quik question 1. How long are you willing to wait?
  9. Honestly, I'll say FO4 was the 2nd weakest fallout series, but it's something new I'm trying. Fallout New Vegas is #1 . . . But if it had FO4 it would...... I can't even finish the epicness
  10. sir have this topic, swiftly made u insane? . . . You can overhaul the game itself quickly. {Factory Reset} kinda idea where everything is set to default settings. Ok, trying to keel with most request from others keeps options limited. In 2 years LO will drop the game and it would only be a memory to those that even played it. P. S = #If LO says it'll take 1-2 years to get the game back working = means their secretly closing the game and no longer are working on it
  11. And with what you saying OK. Working on the following "infrastructure" .. .. But 1 man can reset the game and use the new engine and it'll be up and running
  12. Aroa Croft you make sense others going against you are drowning themselves. This hold up, it's inconclusive, an wastes time with words following a ending solution. It's just get it over once all those who play the new server with a wipe, they will continue to play.
  13. Also u must be a foreigner if you don't understand our Americans laws of "Freedom of Speech" I can sue you son or daughter. Merged. thank you for the input, but FE needs a solution. It shows your support towards all the issues we have.
  14. Aroa, u literally made perfect sense about the situation. "Those who debated on the forums to keep their items, they now witness the mistake due to they won't play FE for years to come" and also a valid statement "With LO being a new team they were suppose to make a {serious decision} knowing what they were dealing with clearly} Reset the game and open the 1st and 2nd sector for gameplay to continue for players. Aroa I have the insight to exactly what your saying. I honestly care for all FE players gaming future and this is why I speak on these matters. This is something all players should take serious, I agree with Aroa on monthly updates with game progress. "Walking blind make you fall in sooo many holes" omgeeee Merged. Kish, buddy they have owned FE for 17 months and you mean to tell me you can't release a server with sector 1 and {maybe } sector 2 . . For gameplay. Where FE fans can adventure with friends again. I mean Kish we should all feel as if we deserve more and better, dig . . . Merged. Baby, Tiggs adored me . . . . Giggity . . . But Viscera we have to be more realistic about The FE situation, dig? why wait years and with the {right decision} everyone could be playing the game again by next Wednesday. Baby, it's just not ringa-ding. Lights camera action . . . . FE2 please
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