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Posts posted by Asparii

  1. 7 minutes ago, Dahel said:
    @Lixil never tested in this game ^_^
    - need tests just shout
    You can.
    Although I think it's [System] instead of [missions]
    It's been a while since I've fiddled with the chat settings.

    edit: Just double checked. There's both.
    Clan, Combat, District, Group, Mission, AutoReply, Officer, Say, System, Team, Vehicle, Whisper, Yell
    • Thanks 1

  2. 2 minutes ago, Frosi said:
    That won't fix the issues of randoms taking pedestrian cars from you nor will it help with the randoms having a mission in the same place as yours.
    That's just the chaos of APB, without that it's going to be a ghost town.
    Frankly I like having others doing missions near by, and if someone takes a civis car then oh well they got their first, they're doing their own missions. Without chaos like that what's the point of it being an open world multiplayer?

    My idea was to stop griefers, not ruin APBs atmosphere.
    • Like 2

  3. 4 minutes ago, tries said:
    10 minutes ago, iPlumbum said:

    Thats low tier cpu for apb.


    You need to upgrade.

    i fail to see how an 8th gen i7 is low tier for apb lol
    Pretty sure he's joking.

    I'd suggest taking a look at what you're running while running APB.
    I'm on a similar CPU and I have no issues what so ever, and I don't use the advanced launcher.

  4. 5 hours ago, NecrophileChick said:

    To add another anecdote: I agree that fighting a full team of LTL tends to be very hard, especially in cases with stun OPGLs.

    Yes it's hard to vs a full team of stun opgls (Unless you rush them..)
    But a team of normal OPGLs is even worse.
    Stun OPGLs are 2 hits to stun. (Assuming max dmg)
    Standard OPGL is 1 hit to kill. (Assuming max dmg)

    I know it's not fun getting arrested, and I see the argument of "NERF LTL" pretty often but LTL is just outclassed by lethals in every single way, without any form of advantage. (In terms of actual combat)

  5. 1 hour ago, Hunter70777 said:

    shit , true , i have a razer mouse ._.
    is that the problem ?
    cuz i was playing apb year ago and it was before i buy this razer mouse
    and it was good
    but i downloaded it again yesterday and open today and this error had shown up

    do u know a way to turn off all the buttons in my mouse ? just to be like the normal mouse without the added buttons

    With the addition of Battle Eye some macros/external devices can trigger it to kick you.
    There should be a driver interaction panel that Razer uses (Like a Razer app or something) where you can turn off macros. 

  6. 15 hours ago, TheKeanuReeves said:

    I think he means the place where you spawn your vehicle, you can get ammo there.


    13 hours ago, MurkTheMerc said:


     2.Like Keanu said, I'm talking about Car Spawners, not Mobile Spawners.

    That makes a bit more sense.

    Your issue with removing ammo resupply from Car Spawners is where else is there to get ammo? (Also you can just spawn an ammo car then swap it out)
    All Joker Ammo boxes are at contacts which are hardly ever near missions, so you now need to rely on your vehicle or an ammo box.
    I like the idea of having to properly rely on your vehicle for ammo (Since currently all it's used for is opgl/osmaw spammers) but in areas where you can't get a vehicle you're limited to ammo boxes.
    Your ammo boxes slow down gameplay quite considerably, out of objectives that last 2 minutes you can spend 15-20 seconds sitting their reloading (Depending on if your friendlies need ammo/what guns are in use), which is kind of a lot of time, it'd actually be easier to kill your self and respawn with a full reserve. 
    One thing that we'd need to be careful of is you can't make certain modifications too good, or all you're gonna see is N-Tec (Mod X lvl 3), if it's too detrimental for players to go without a mod then it needs to be reworked. 

    But lets assume the reworks are done and it all fits, APB ttk doesn't really work with that set. If you don't reload after a kill you aren't going to get your next kill. 
    There are very few guns where you can kill more than 1 person by your self in a single mag, there's some where it's 2 on a full mag if you hit every shot but that's it.
    What are you supposed to do with your left over ammo? Shoot at a guy and reload mid combat just so you don't lose 5-10 bullets? You're setting your self at a disadvantage.

  7. On 5/31/2018 at 8:49 PM, MurkTheMerc said:

    When you reload, the magazine you're on, the ammo will be thrown away

    I agree ammo needs to be reworked, however APB isn't mean to be realistic, and this would be the wrong way to go about it.
    APB is a very fast paced game, and adding things like that will break 70-80% of all weapons in the game.


    On 5/31/2018 at 8:49 PM, MurkTheMerc said:

    ll, remove the ability to resupply ammo or change weapons from car spawners

    Are you trying to say players can use the car spawner to resupply/change ammo?
    (They can't..You need the ammo slot for that, which replaces the spawning mod)

    On 5/31/2018 at 8:49 PM, MurkTheMerc said:


    I've seen often in streams that players have too much ammo to use and really only use their resupply mod for grenades and not so much their ammo.


    This I can agree with.


    On 5/31/2018 at 8:49 PM, MurkTheMerc said:

    Ammo should also be bought like it used to, once your inventory of ammo was depleted

    This is something where APB needs a redo with its ammo entirely.
    It's weapon/ammo management system (OR management system in general, especially it's UI) just isn't very easy to use, or efficient. 
    The UI is on the list of things that needs to be redone, once they've done that I think they'll look at how the rest of the game interacts with it a little further, +what they could re-balance with it.

  8. 41 minutes ago, Sidewayz24 said:

    From what I remember you only lose a percentage of xp and money if you go into lower threat districts. Though this may have been changed after I left for a while and doesn't anymore. But going up I don't think ever penalized you.

    I remember seeing a notification about that, but I don't think it actually does anything.
    As a gold I never noticed when I'd play in Silver, or even as silver playing in bronze.
    Overall numbers seem to be the same, and progress doesn't feel slower. 

  9. 11 minutes ago, Frosi said:

    A solid formula that doesn't overvalue certain things such as it is now with doing Objectives. 

    This is an issue with how match making rates things in general. Which hopefully will be fixed, instead of just for this single idea.


    12 minutes ago, Frosi said:

    I think that Little Orbit should look back at Leaderboards and see if they can be added back into the game so they can have a Threat that works in a similar way as the "Challenger rank" in League of Legends works. This Rank is awarded to the Top 200 players in the "Masters" Leaderboards. 

    12 minutes ago, Frosi said:
    •  Leaderboards being added back into the game.
    •  A system that removes banned players from the Leaderboard. (So it doesn't get cluttered with cheaters even after their accounts were banned)
    •  Active developers listening to community feedback based on point distribution in case things are broken, overvalued or are becoming stale.
    •  A patch dedicated to balancing missions. (And also one dedicated to Weapon balance but this has already confirmed to be in the works.)

    I'd like to see this.
    However if we're on the topic of leader boards we'd need to make a way so you as a player can see where you are relative to the leaders. 
    For example, I can see my ELO but other people can't unless I'm on the leader board. That way people who aren't on the leader board are able to see how far they are from me and how much work they need to put in so it doesn't feel like an endless grind. 

  10. 3 minutes ago, Rolpack said:

    If you agree with OP, you might as well just disable the whole chat alltogether

    But that'll disconnect me from the APB community, which I don't want.
    Yes there's toxic people, but there are people I want to talk to. d chat can be pretty bad sometimes, but it can also be pretty good at other times. I don't like having to spam ignore people who cause a fuss, the only thing chat wise that really annoys me is rage whispers, they're such a bright and distracting colour where as people raging in district are just grey so it's easy to ignore. 

  11. 7 minutes ago, Rolpack said:

    or you could just disable whispers in the chat itself and use something else like steam for friend messages like everyone does nowadays

    Eh, I've gotta agree with OP here. 
    It's nice to be able to personalise how you interact with the games community specifically, instead of needing to get people from APB on Steam. Which you really can't do without whispering anyway.
    There's a lot of very toxic people on APB so having a "filter" of sorts (I.E your friends list) would be a nice touch.

  12. 13 hours ago, virginiavirgin said:

    It’s annoying and unnecessary for those vending machines whoever is that voice actor or actress must of got payed to annoy me and other players please look into this.

    13 hours ago, Excalibur! said:

    so i am forced against my will to buy allways joker ammo.

    Use the Car Spawner as an ammo vendor, boycott Joker Ammo :)))


  13. 13 minutes ago, Athon said:

    Thats why i want to have something like an account Rank (not the threat its useless) which is used for matchmaking. So I would weight more in matchmaking.

    That's what we've already got though.

    You're simply asking for threat to be rebranded.
    The issue isn't entirely just the threat, it's how match making pairs people up based on its algorithm.
    LO have already said this is a critical feature they are going to redo.

  14. 10 hours ago, PersianTiger said:

    I asked in the forum because i was in contact with a gm in the game asking exactly this question and he/she told me to do so. 

    I don't know where they host their applications anymore, but it should be on either the GamersFirst website or the Little Orbit website. (Depending on what specifically you're looking into applying for) 
    There's a list of "open positions" and a contact email for questions.

    • Like 1

  15. 55 minutes ago, hack said:

    ts been 2 weeks if not 3, Whats up bros?

    I see we are going down the Reloaded path all over again

    In 3 weeks they've added proper anti cheat, gotten us a website overhaul and as of June 23rd dealt with over 3,300 tickets. 
    So that's what they've actually completed (Besides a few hot fixes here and there)
    They've also laid out future planning for the game, and actively spoken with and worked with the community along with actually managing the company its self.

    APB is in a much better place in such a short amount of time. A lot of this is initial phase stuff because they have to pick up a game from a company that had that game down in the dirt.
    You can't expect the game to be completely new in 3 weeks. 

    • Like 9

  16. 2 minutes ago, freq said:

    My point being if you hit the EXACT same timing down to the millisecond every single time, you’re obviously using a macro. 

    I can do it pretty accurately, and it's hard to look down to the exact moment without recording it and analysing it and slowing it down.
    Most observations are going to be in game and just watching, you'd need to have reason in the first place to suspect them which is going to be hard to get because it's only milliseconds you're looking at. 

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