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Posts posted by TheHidden-Tember

  1. 1 hour ago, Zolerox said:

    Glad your back never really knew why you were banned.

    Been following your youtube for a while.

    Was just a forum ban because I posted a meme 😛 nothing irreversible.


    Is there no way to edit this damn thing in actual text?


  2. [wip]



    • GhosT 8747
    • Jaani
    • Noxlol
    • Ekimi
    • Martinez49
    • PrincessTwilight
    • Caesruul
    • Hollowchick
    • Kempington



    So you've been playing this game for a while now, and you have accumulated a few millions of APB$.

    Or maybe you're feeling lucky, and want to buy a bunch of joker boxes.

    Or maybe you already have a legendary gun you're dissatisfied with, and wish to trade it for a better one.


    Well you've reached the right place!

    As the Legendary Knight, it is my duty to educate you forum plebs in the ethics and customs of my art. Similar to Nox's weapon modification guide, this guide will focus on legendary guns. Which guns to chose, which guns to avoid, how to use the gun you ended up with, and how to modify them. Of course, everything you see on this thread will be the interpretation of one of the contributors or myself. With only one vacant slot available, modifying legendary guns can be a bit tricky which is why the suggestions on this guide are listed in no specific order.


    If you are an extensive user of legendary guns like me, or wish to share a new/better way of using one of the guns described, feel free to share your input here. 


    The number one rule:


    Legendary guns are cooler but not better than normal guns.


    You must accept this fact and move on. Like regular guns, legendaries will have strengths and weaknesses which make them good in some situations and bad in others. But most of them will also have what I like to refer to as legendary magic which are dumb mechanics added in order to remove the feeling that APB is Pay2Win. (it doesn't work, the feeling is still here) Because of this, most legendaries will be downgrades to normal guns. Do not let this discourage you, the legendary player doesn't use them to win missions, he uses them to show off. (Also known as Cherry Tapping)

    Beating someone by using a legendary will always feel better than beating someone with the boring N-TEC, N-HVR or PMG.


    With that being said, enjoy the guide!




    icon_sniperrifle_hvr243_gold.pngN-HVR 243 'Sitting Duck'fnmod_weapon_tagger_duck.pngmod_vacant.png


    What makes it legendary:


    The Sitting Duck is a variant of the N-HVR scout, a sniper that keeps the 2-shots capabilities of the N-HVR (although with only 55% health damage) while adding in great mobility. The reaper and the sitting duck are equipped with unique and stylish taggers. They can also accept player modifications, which is not the case for regular scouts which are preset.




    • Huge mobility
    • Ability to shoot from cars
    • Very fast scoping
    • More Modification versatility than the Reaper.


    • Low 55% damage, which will sometimes give clotting agent III users enough time to regenerate between shots.
    • Limited efficiency over 92m, where it requires 3 shots to kill. 


    How to modify it:

    fnmod_weapon_coolingjacket3.pngCooling jacket 3

    This turns the 1.75s time to kill into a 1.63s time to kill, which is extremely helpful when dealing with clotting agent 3 users, as a higher rate of fire means less time for them to regenerate. Accuracy is not affected by the bloom increase.

    fnmod_weapon_rifling3.pngImproved rifling 3

    This gives the Sitting Duck an effective range of 97m, which means that it will kill in 2 shots regardless of range. (it does 506 damage at 100m) Best used for long range users.

    fnmod_weapon_huntingsight3.pngHunting sight 3

    Gives a higher zoom which makes it easier to pick up that tiny red pixel of the enemy hitbox. Keep in mind that accuracy is mostly unchanged, the scout variants have pinpoint accuracy even without hunting sight.

    fnmod_weapon_bandolier3.pngBandolier 3

    Will make sure you have enough ammo in the long run. This is mostly here because the Sitting Duck already has a decent reload time and ammo count.



    What to avoid:


    Jumpshots no longer work.

    Never let the enemy regenerate, be after him constantly.

    icon_smg_tommygun_gold.pngColby M-1922 'Hazardous'fnmod_weapon_coolingjacket3.pngfnmod_weapon_extendedmagazine3.png


    What makes it legendary:


    The Hazardous is the Ugly Duckling of legendaries. You will most certainly find it all over the marketplace for prices under a million, anyone who ever had one knows how bad it is. It comes with preset cooling jacket 3 and extended magazine 3, which makes it hard to consider it a legendary, when you know that the colby M-1922 can be obtained both in-game and as a loyalty reward, and with 2-3 vacant modification slots.


    The gun itself is somewhat impractical as well, it has a very special recoil pattern that starts as horizontal when you're at maximal accuracy, which ruins the tap-firing efficiency, and slowly converts into vertical recoil which is easy to compensate but when this happens your bloom is already at its maximal value so you have control but no accuracy.






    • Very high and impractical recoil pattern
    • Poor range
    • Non-modifiable
    • poor choice of modifications (cooling jacket 3 and extended magazine 3)


    How to modify it:


    You can't. And the modifications are bad.


    What to avoid:


    Avoid buying it by mistake on the marketplace.

    If you can handle the recoil, get the regular M-1922 as a loyalty reward or unlock it with high rating contacts. Just don't try to get the Hazardous.


    icon_pistol_nano_sd_gold.png OCA Nano fnmod_weapon_silencer.pngfnmod_weapon_mobilitysling.pngfnmod_weapon_tagger.pngfnmod_weapon_extendedmagazine3.pngfnmod_weapon_magazinepull3.png


    What makes it legendary:


    Also known simply as "the Nano" this weapon is one of the jack-of-all-trades of secondaries. It has very low recoil, and can be used in many situations. For many, it is considered to be on par with most primary weapons in the game. Even after the range nerf, it can still reliably kill anyone up to 50 meters, albeit slowly. This gun can also be obtained with preset modifications from very rare end-tier contact activities, in its unsilenced version. Those unsilenced versions are harder to obtain and therefore more rare than the silenced versions.




    • Good accuracy and low recoil
    • High ammo pool, easy to use by anyone.
    • Can be used efficiently in a less-than-lethal loadout (try it with stun grenades)
    • Decent DPS at range.


    • High equip time (you WILL notice it.)
    • Higher time to kill and lower accuracy than the basic FBW
    • Next to no hard damage.


    How to modify it:


    You can't actually modify the Nano, however it comes in different presets if you get it with high rating contact activities:

    fnmod_weapon_silencer.pngOCA Nano 'Connoisseur' (silenced)

    This is the Joker mystery box version and the one you'll find on the marketplace. It has no recoil, like, at all. One of its downsides is the reduction of the already ridiculously low vehicle damage, so you probably won't notice anything. The low sound effects can make it hard for the enemy to know that he's been hit. This version also removes the non-existing tracers.

    fnmod_weapon_mobilitysling.pngOCA Nano 'Chrome' , 'Mobile' and 'Connoisseur' (unsilenced)

    Mobility sling can bring a big downside to your Nano: increased equip time. However the speed increase can help your efficiency at range, as you'll be able to use marksman mode in more situations.

    fnmod_weapon_extendedmagazine3.pngOCA Nano 'Glow'

    Extended magazine gives the Nano a reload time of 2 seconds, which is still acceptable since people with brains reload behind covers. This is a negligible drawback, when you know that it now packs 23 shots, which means plenty of ammo to finish off anyone. Most of the time, they won't expect the few additionnal shots. It's the one I use, I really recommend it.

    fnmod_weapon_magazinepull3.pngOCA Nano 'Assassin'

    This gun creates an endless stream of bullets. You can easily empty entire clips and reload mid-combat without anyone noticing it. Will be slightly harder to use against skilled players who hit minimal ttk constantly, but if you take anyone by surprise you can just rush in and hold left click until one of you dies.

    fnmod_weapon_tagger.png OCA Nano 'Gold'

    One of the few secondaries with an integrated tagger. It's an immense support to your team, and the only drawback is that the enemy will know he's being shot. Currently this version of the nano is however unobtainable.


    What to avoid:


    Even if the Nano can compete with most primaries, it still has a relatively high time to kill. Always keep that in mind.

    If you're being attacked while using a long-range primary, it is not recommended to start a fight by switching to your nano, as the high equip time will be added to the alreaady high time to kill. Try to find a cover while you switch.

    icon_sniperrifle_hvr243_gold.pngN-HVR 243-SD 'Reaper'fnmod_weapon_silencer.pngfnmod_weapon_tagger.pngmod_vacant.png


    What makes it legendary:


    The Reaper is a variant of the N-HVR scout, a sniper that keeps the 2-shots capabilities of the N-HVR (although with only 55% health damage) while adding in great mobility. The reaper and the sitting duck are equipped with unique and stylish taggers. They can also accept player modifications, which is not the case for regular scouts which are preset. Reaper comes with a sniper silencer, arguably not the best thing to have on a sniper since it trades range for non-advantages such as removing non-existant tracers and changing the sound effect to something that is still pretty damn loud.




    • Huge mobility
    • Ability to shoot from cars
    • Very fast scoping


    • Low 55% damage, which will sometimes give clotting agent III users enough time to regenerate between shots.
    • Limited efficiency over 85m, where it requires 3 shots to kill. The silencer is a straight downgrade.
    • Given that currently the game has no tracers, the silencer will feel useless very fast.


    How to modify it:

    fnmod_weapon_huntingsight3.pngHunting sight 3

    Gives a higher zoom which makes it easier to pick up that tiny red pixel of the enemy hitbox. Keep in mind that accuracy is mostly unchanged, the scout variants have pinpoint accuracy even without hunting sight.

    fnmod_weapon_bandolier3.pngBandolier 3

    Will make sure you have enough ammo in the long run. This is mostly here because the Reaper already has a decent reload time and ammo count.


    What to avoid:


    Jumpshots no longer work.

    Never let the enemy regenerate, be after him constantly.


    Many people see the Reaper as a straight downgrade to the sitting duck.

    icon_flaregun_gold.pngFirework Launcherfnmod_weapon_flare.png


    What makes it legendary:


    A straight upgrade to the high-rating unlockable flare gun, the firework launcher will fire in straight lines instead of in an arc. It is therefore way more accurate than its F2P counterpart, as well as being a permanent gun when the first one is a 7-10 days lease. An exploding firework will spot any enemies in direct line of sight of the explosion (even those in cars) up to 60 meters, allowing you and your team to see them through walls. Keep in mind that, unlike the spotter modification, the enemy will know that they're visible.




    • Legal wallhack
    • Fires in a straight line, explodes between 22m and 35m, pinpoint accuracy.
    • Spammable if you have a large ammo box
    • Actually useful at killing people.


    • You sacrifice your secondary gun
    • The enemy knows that they're being spotted
    • Very limited ammo count


    How to use it:


    First of all you must realise that this gun is a secondary, so you will need a gun that works at all ranges such as N-TEC, STAR, FAR charger, VAS-C2 etc.... Once that is clear, make sure that you have either a bandolier on your primary or a large ammo box (very recommended). there are two ways of using it, which can sometimes be perfectly compatible:

    • The way of spam 

    When defending an area, have an ammo box deployed. Shoot a firework every 8 seconds in the general direction of the enemy, as this is the duration of the spot. If you don't know where the enemy is, then shoot in the 4 cardinal directions until you find them.

    When attacking an area, always shoot a firework inside the building to detect potential campers.

    • The way of accuracy

    A firework explodes at exacly 35m. When an enemy is spotted, you can see exactly where he is standing, with a neat range indicator above his head. if the enemy is hiding behind a cover, place yourself at 34m from him and shoot. Don't forget to hide behind covers while reloading. Fireworks do 400 damage, so they will kill in 3 shots.



    What to avoid:


    Don't shoot it in the air, you will spot less enemies. if you shoot it horizontally in their general direction, you can spot someone up to 95m.

    Just don't shoot it in the air.

    Don't let your primary run out of ammo, Ammo should be your primary concern when playing with fireworks. if your primary runs out of ammo, you're as good as dead.

    Don't use it with snipers or explosive primaries unless you want to look like an idiot in close quarters.

    Also don't shoot it in the air.

    icon_sniperrifle_ncr762_gold.pngNCR-762 'Anubis' Adeenfnmod_weapon_huntingsight-anubis.pngmod_vacant.png


    What makes it legendary:


    The Anubis is a 3-shots rifle with a better time to kill and mobility than its F2P counterpart: the DMR. It is notorious for its unique sight modification, which while being pleasant to the eyes of some players, will be extremely annoying for any case where you're actually trying to snipe. Note that this crosshair only appears in marksman mode, so you can usually quickscope efficiently if your screen is centered on the enemy before entering marksmanship mode. The last rebalance gains increased accuracy and lower recoil as you shoot (which is somewhat jarring when you know that it's pinpoint accurate anyway)


    Or at least that's what it used to be. The latest big update has included a sprint-to-marksman penalty to all sniper rifles (supposedly to nerf HVR)  which extremely negates the gun's mobility, making it very hard to use.




    • Huge mobility You can sprint with it.
    • Extremely fast scoping (faster than scouts) No longer possible
    • Faster time to kill than N-HVR
    • Good ammo pool
    • Less recoil the more you shoot.
    • As you shoot, you go from 100% accuracy to 150% ( yay T_T )


    • Low overdamage
    • Low range
    • Custom crosshair gets in the way. If the enemy is over 50m, he's entirely coverd by your crosshair's surface and very hard to see.
    • Less opportunities to take cover than with N-HVR
    • Has a nerfing mechanic that should only be present on the N-HVR.


    How to modify it:


    fnmod_weapon_rifling3.pngImproved rifling III

    One of the drawbacks of the Anubis is its low range for a sniper rifle. Slap improved rifling on it and voilà!

    fnmod_weapon_coolingjacket3.pngCooling jacket III

    Cooling jacket does not affect accuracy if you are shooting at normal fire rate, so it's a straight upgrade to the Anubis. 7% increase in fire rate will give you those extra milliseconds needed to kill someone urgently, by trading for a slight decrease in accuracy for that very shot.

    fnmod_weapon_magazinepull3.pngMagazine pull III

    (nearly) Instant reload time, in exchange for losing a kill (that you probably wouldn't have gotten anyway)

    fnmod_weapon_mobilitysling.pngMobility sling

    If you are not very good at quickscoping and find yourself in marksman mode continuously (not recommended) then you might as well increase your marksman mode speed with this.


    What to avoid:


    Being stationary. A good Anubis user is a mobile user.

    icon_pistol_colbycommander_gold.pngColby Commanderfnmod_weapon_piercing.png


    What makes it legendary:


    The colby commander is an RSA: a very reliable secondary that kills in 3 shots at very long ranges. This one comes with the piercing modification, which will allow you to shoot through players and a few destroyable props.




    • Range
    • Accuracy
    • The piercing ability
    • Fast scoping
    • Hard damage reduction is a minimal drawback, other than that it performs like the F2P RSA


    • High reload time, equip time, and time to kill.
    • It is sometimes unclear which objects can be pierced


    How to use it:


    You should always have cover when using the Colby Commander, especially if this cover is pierceable. It has a high time to kill, so taking cover between shots is a must. The most common RSA loadout will have a close-range primary gun such as OCA, PMG or the cap40 'Sergeant' if you want to show off . Try to always run around with your Commander equipped instead of your primary, so you can quickly scope in to possible ranged fighters without having to go through the excessively high equip time.

    If you're in close quarters, take a shot with your Commander (just one) before immediately switching to your primary. This will allow you to start the fight with a huge damage advantage if you hit.


    What to avoid:


    Don't shoot it at max rate of fire, as you lose a bit of the accuracy bonus. Always make sure your crosshair is completely closed-in before shooting, as this will allow you to hit anything up to 70m.

    icon_shotgun_nfas_trueogre.pngNFAS-12 'true Ogre'fnmod_weapon_doubledrum.pngmod_vacant.png


    What makes it legendary:


    "Dual Drum magazines and a cosmetic extra barrel give the NFAS-12 'True Ogre' an imposing look while also effectively doubling the ammo capacity and magazine size of this already intimidating weapon."  This is the in-game description.

    Do not trust the in-game description.

    It omits the most important aspect of this gun, the one that makes it truly unique, and truly terrifying and intimidating for... its user:


    The wind-up timer.


    This wind-up timer of 0.59s before shooting will turn what could be a perfectly viable shotgun into a very situationnal loud hammer. Still, it is also a very impressive loud hammer, with an outstanding fire rate of 0.2s instead of 0.29 for the regular NFAS, which gives you

    18 shots that yield a total of 8856 dmg in 4 seconds,

    and a very manageable reload time that is actually the same as if you had extended magazine 3. You just need to create situations.




    • Extremely low ttk
    • Extremely high ammo count of 18 shells in a  magazine and 84 shells carried (you won't need to reload or resupply much).
    • Highest DPS in the game
    • Once you start eating someone, they'll eventually die in a horrible and agonizing fashion no matter how good they are at dodging. Just aim in their general direction.
    • No one knows how to play against this gun. Seriously, it's hilarious when they get eaten.


    • The wind-up timer
    • Somewhat high reload time
    • The sound that it makes during wind-up, which will ruin your backstab attempts if you're not careful.
    • Very low range


    How to use it:


    If possible, Jump and Windup out of a Sprint, It helps you keep your mobility durring the windup
    You can use the windup to bait a Prenade. Just Windup and Run away. Works really good on them Perc happy folk. And it keeps the enemy guessing.

    Once you start shooting however, rush towards your enemy and keep eating him like an ogre. Only let go of LMB once you are sure that there are no more enemies in your vicinity, this gun has potential to kill 6 people in one magazine so use it to your advantage.

    Positioning is everything with the True Ogre, you need to create the situations where it has its uses.

    With the latest version, you will out-ttk anyone who didn't hear you coming.


    fnmod_weapon_coolingjacket3.pngCooling jacket III

    If you don't really care about accuracy, slap this on to unload the highest continuous DPS in the game. Works great against large groups of unsuspecting enemies, but will ruin your accuracy (which is already somewhat bad anyway)


    fnmod_weapon_threepointsling3.png3-points sling III

    To play the True Ogre correctly, you should have a long range secondary. It's a good idea to have your secondary equipped at all times, and only switch to the ogre when you're about to eat someone.

    fnmod_weapon_rifling3.pngImproved rifling III

    Any genre-savvy enemy will be clever enough to run away when facing your Ogre. With improved rifling 3, you triple the damage dealt between 20m and 27m, thereby increasing the range inside which you can finish off the enemy, by having each pellet deal 41 dmg instead of 12 dmg. This modification also has no drawbacks.



    What to avoid:


    Just because it's a loud hammer doesn't mean you have to be a loud hammerman. Be sneaky, let your enemies get close to you before eating them. If you try to play the True Ogre in the open, you'll most certainly die.

    Never second guess yourself. You have to comit to every Windup.

    icon_rifle_ffa-jb_gold.pngFFA 'BullShark'fnmod_weapon_4roundburst.pngfnmod_weapon_bananamag.pngmod_vacant.png


    What makes it legendary:


    Also known as the FFS 'bullsh*t'

    "Functionally Identical to the OBIR, the FFA does however lack the scope of the Obeya weapon, resulting in less zoom while aiming"

    As before, do not trust the in-game descriptions.

    The reduced zoom while aiming is actually one of the strong points of this gun, as less zoom allows you to have better peripheral vision and therefore increase your awareness.


    The FFA 'Bullshark' is generally considered a straight downgrade to the OBIR due to the reasons above, but is still a good choice if you don't already own a permanent OBIR.


    The FFA R&DIII however, is considered extremely rare, and can be sold for high prices on the marketplace. The R&DIII version is a straight upgrade to the OBIR because of the reduced zoom. The description below only applies to the Bullshark version. For the R&DIII version, refer to this: http://forums.gamers...e/#entry2787363


    As of the latest rebalance, the FFA 'bullshark' now has a unique twist: 

    The more you shoot, the more bullets come out in a single burst.

    The pattern is 2,3,4,5,6,6 with each bullet doing 15% damage, for a damage pattern of 30,45,60,75,90,90



    • Less zoom than OBIR
    • Slightly better than OBIR at spraying in close quarters
    • More damage as you shoot, makes you unpredictable.


    • Very unreliable, as the shot bonus depends on how long you fired and not how much ammo you have. Stop shooting for more than a second and you go back to 2-shot bursts.
    • Variable fire rate. You have to shoot slower at each burst, not easy with a semi-auto gun.
    • More recoil and bloom as shots are added, the last 6-shot bursts are very inaccurate.
    • Only 6 bursts
    • Limited modding options (see below)


    How to modify it:


    One of the issues with the Bullshark is that the optimal OBIR setup has hunting sight 3, improved rifling 3, and a purple modification of your choice. However in the case of Bullshark, you cannot use improved rifling and will have to chose between hunting sight and your purple modification:

    fnmod_weapon_huntingsight3.pngHunting sight III

    You aim down the sights. This will give pinpoint accuracy to your FFA, and you will land more shots in each burst. close quarter abilities are still as bad, therefore unchanged.

    fnmod_weapon_mobilitysling.pngMobility sling

    You aim down the sights. This will make you faster while aiming down the sights. However, you'll end up with a higher equip time so make sure you're always under cover when you equip it.


    A perfect FFA shot removes a good chunk of the enemy's health (between 30% and 90%) therefore when your allies see this, they'll know that the job is already half done.



    What to avoid:


    Always keep an eye on the ammo count, it gets depleted really fast.

    If you decide for whatever reason to stop shooting, just reload. It's not worth it to keep a half-full magazine.

    Don't try to exploit the damage increase by pre-shotting before encounters. You'll lose the valuable fast-firing 30% damage of the first burst and will become visible and audible to enemies.

    icon_smg_cap40_gold.pngObeya CAP40 'Sergeant'fnmod_weapon_piercing.pngmod_vacant.png


    What makes it legendary:


    The Cap40 is functionally identical to the OCA, apart from the fact that it kills in 7 shots instead of 8. (time to kill stays the same, 0.7s) It's one of the few legendary guns that are not straight downgrades to their F2P counterparts. It holds the piercing modification, which will actually be more useful on this gun than on the colby commander, as it will be easier to line up two enemies in CQC than at range. When piercing through a player or destroyable object, it will kill in 10 shots.




    • Piercing is very useful when fighting multiple foes in cqc
    • Better ammo pool than OCA (4 kills per magazine instead of 3.75)
    • The piercing ability


    • Accuracy. It's one of those guns that will miss shots even if your aim is perfect.
    • It is sometimes unclear which objects can be pierced.
    • Weak against cars.
    • Limited modding options when compared to other CQC guns like OCA and PMG


    How to modify it:


    fnmod_weapon_coolingjacket2.pngCooling jacket 2

    This increases your fire rate, and therefore makes you kill slightly faster. Cooling jacket 3 increases maximal bloom by a very sizeable amount for a minimal advantage (7% rate of fire versus 5% rate of fire with CJ2) while Cooling jacket 2 barely affects accuracy.

    fnmod_weapon_reflexsight3.pngReflex sight 3

    Using marksmanship mode has nearly no effect on the cap40, most of the time you will be sprinting with it. Reflex sight 3 gives a decent accuracy advantage when sprint-firing, which you will be doing a lot.

    fnmod_weapon_extendedmagazine3.pngExtended magazine 3

    Since cap40 has bad accuracy, you want to make sure to shoot as many bullets as possible on the enemy before reloading. Extended magazine 3 works well for that. it is also a good combination with piercing, as piercing bullets cause less damage therefore you will need more of them.

    fnmod_weapon_huntingsight3.pngHunting sight 3

    The cap40 is best used when hugging the enemy. Well hunting sight 3 does not affect hugging accuracy at all however it makes your gun much more reliable between 5 and 20m, making it function similarly to the ATAC. You will need to get used to the zoom, however.


    What to avoid:



    Don't use it at range. To maximize this gun's efficiency, you must try to always hug your enemy.

    Avoid marksmanship mode unless you're using hunting sight 3, as it gives a really negligible advantage.

    Improved rifling 3 is a straight upgrade but doesn't really help the CAP40.


    icon_assaultrifle_ntec-7_gold.pngN-TEC 7 'Ursusfnmod_weapon_huntingsight_reddot_v01.pngmod_vacant.png


    What makes it legendary:


    A big brother to what is currently the most useful gun in the game: N-TEC 5. This version comes with massive advantages, such as killing in 5 shots instead of 6, doing 210 damage instead of 185, requiring only 5 shots to do your business, and needing one less shot than N-TEC 5 to kill your enemies. Oh and did I mention it kills in 5 shots?

    It is also known for its unique 3 post-dot sight, which is actually more useful than the Anubis sight.


    Currently an extremely reliable and competitive gun.




    • It is based on the pre-rebalanced N-TEC, which makes it extremely powerful if you know how to tap-fire.
    • 3 post-dot sight gives you a massive overpowered central dot that you can normally obtain only with bannable shader dots, or by damaging your monitor with some blue-tac or a sharpie.
    • More total kills than the N-TEC 5


    • Strong recoil
    • Less accuracy than N-TEC 5
    • Slower dps than N-TEC 5 against cars
    • Smaller ammo pool than N-TEC 5 (5 kills per magazine instead of 5.3)


    How to modify it:


    fnmod_weapon_rifling3.pngImproved rifling III

    Range is a big issue on this gun, as it can remove the only advantage it has over N-TEC 5: 5 shots kill. Use improved rifling 3, and you'll have a 57m range under which you kill in 5 shots. Try to use tap-firing as much as you can, as going full-auto will just not work.

    fnmod_weapon_coolingjacket3.pngCooling jacket III

    Cooling jacket 3 is a decent upgrade which allows you to tapfire better (since recovery time starts earlier) and gives you MUCH better cqc spray. You will completely lose any kind of full-auto accuracy but you're not supposed to fire this gun full-auto anyway. My personnal favorite. Use CJ2 for a slightly more decent bloom.

    fnmod_weapon_heavybarrel3.pngHeavy barrel III

    Use this if you want to fire the gun full-auto. It becomes a straight downgrade to N-TEC, making it 6 shots to kill with a slower fire rate.But makes it much MUCH easier to use. Make sure to use good cover. Release the trigger every 10th shot or so to maintain accuracy. This modification also makes you useful in close quarters.


    fnmod_weapon_mobilitysling.pngMobility sling

    Spraying doesn't work well with the Ursus, so you'll be using marksmanship mode most of the time. Mobility sling makes you faster while in marksmanship mode, so if you have trouble hitting the enemy you can at least be better at dodging their shots. Using Mobility sling also removes the expanded bloom that would be caused by a red modification, therefore making full-auto slightly better than with CJ3 or IR3.



    If you're bad at killing anyone, at least be useful to your team and light up the enemies. The Ursus dishes quite enough damage for efficient tags.



    What to avoid:


    Going full-auto will only work at hugging range. Other than that, always tap-fire, tap-firing is the Ursus' strongest ability!

    Any level of heavy barrel will break the damage, so you might as well use HB3 for lazer accuracy.

    icon_pistol_ocsp_gold.pngOCSP 'Kommandant'fnmod_weapon_tagger_suit.png


    What makes it legendary:


    If you're an enforcer, you probably used a TG-8 before. You know, this needle gun with no range that blooms horribly when you shoot it for too long? Well now you can use its legendary lethal version! What?

    If you check the statistics, it seems based on the trusty Obeya FBW except that it kills in 7 shots instead of 6.


    It is however, as the in-game description calls it "An exceptionally accurate and mobile sidearm" Which is justified by the good base accuracy and marksman modifier, which are better than the FBW. Just make sure you don't fire to close to the maximal fire rate, otherwise you will feel the gun's massive bloom.


    It comes in 5 versions, depending on the shape of the integrated tagger: Hearts, Clubs, Diamonds, Spades and Joker.

    The Joker version is considered the rarest.



    • One of the rare secondaries with an integrated tagger. 
    • Your first 2 shots WILL hit anyone up to 50m even if you're sprinting.
    • Kill someone with it and your ego increases by 200%.


    • It feels like you can hit anything at any range, but you'll inflict mosquito wounds.
    • Same ammo count as the FBW but with more shots to kill means less impressive ammo pool.
    • The basic FBW does more damage and  is more reliable when fired at max rate of fire. 
    • You cannot afford to miss shots.
    • Costs a few million APB$, where an FBW is free.

    How to use it:


    Open your inventory, and equip your Obeya FBW.

    More seriously, this gun can actually be used very efficiently up to 50m if you take advantage of its mobility.

    It also is efficient at jumpshots, because easily spammable with a good mid-air accuracy.

    Under 15m, you don't need marksmanship mode and will land most of your shots even while sprinting because of the high accuracy.

    Make sure to always fire slightly slower than the maximal fire rate, in order to keep a good accuracy.

    Be mobile, be mobile, play like a mosquito!


    The tagger is also a nice added bonus when you're in a team.



    What to avoid:


    Shooting at maximal fire rate. It really kills accuracy. Try to fire it in a way that you recover all the bloom entirely between every shot, because you just can't afford to miss shots.

    Also shooting while stationary doesn't give you any sort of advantage so move, move move!

    icon_explosive_aaped_gold.pngAAEPD 'Volcano JC'fnmod_weapon_microrockets.pngmod_vacant.png


    What makes it legendary:


    So you just started a mission that's all about cars. You start smiling, and think "this would be a great situation for my OSMAW"

    You go to an ammo box, open your inventory, switch primaries and...


    This weapon has expired.


    Opps! Guess it's time to buy a new OSMAW. Mid-mission. While those enemy cars are freely rolling all over the place, minding their own businesses, not eating rockets. If only you had a permanent rocket launcher!


    Comes the AAEPD 'Volcano JC', a rocket launcher that fires two rockets for double the amount of boom, has an increase of damage over range, much more ammo thank the regular OSMAW, is user-friendly (you cannot you're awesome with it because the starting damage is too low ) and PERMANENT.

    What more could you ask for?




    • A permanent rocket launcher
    • Damage increases with range
    • More ammo than OSMAW (12 rockets total, which means 12 kills over 83m and 12 car explosions over 60m)
    • Rockets explode at 100m, which makes it devastating for takeout missions and defending objectives
    • You can't you're awesome with it unless you really wanted it because of the low initial damage
    • 2 rockets, more chance of hitting something
    • Better than OSMAW at destroying vehicles.
    • Lower wind-up timer than OSMAW
    • Better for your long-term in-game wallet (micro rockets cost 50$ each, and you can buy 300)


    • Higher time to kill than OSMAW under 90m
    • No cqc suicide rockets (I mean, you can try but you'll look stupid)
    • Fires in an arc instead of a straight line.


    How to modify it:


    fnmod_weapon_highmagnificationscope.pngHigh magnification scope

    This is what I recommend if you want to be a long-range killer. By using this, you sacrifice the limited close-range abilities of this gun, but allow for devastating long-range shots with pinpoint accuracy. The horizontal markers on the bottom half of the scope actually let you measure precisely where the rockets will end, therefore compensating the biggest weakness of the Volcano JC: arc firing.

    Use it a little bit, and you'll soon notice that rockets explode at the exact lowest point of this crosshair at 100m.

    You may need a little adaptation time to the zoom, however.


    fnmod_weapon_threepointsling3.png3 points sling III

    The AAEPD's equip time is already good, but you can improve it with 3-points sling.

    Since you'll be equipping your secondary gun most of the time, you'll have to switch to your Volcano JC a lot.

    Better equip time = better time to kill.

    fnmod_weapon_huntingsight3.pnghunting sight III

    Only use this if you feel that the zoom helps you aim better.

    It does not increase accuracy, and many will find the additionnal zoom to be a drawback.

    fnmod_weapon_reflexsight3.pngreflex sight III

    For the same reason, sometimes all you need is slightly better tracking abilities for point defense.

    RS3 reduces the zoom, which helps you track better in marksman mode. No accuracy is lost in the process.

    fnmod_weapon_mobilitysling.pngMobility sling

    Equip time on the volcano JC is 0.7s, which becomes only 0.8s with mobility sling. However, you get a marksman speed of 125cm/s which means that in marksman mode you'll actually move faster than outside of it (90 cm/s) 


    What to avoid:


    The AAEPD is NOT a close range gun. If the enemy gets close (under 20m) then don't even try shooting, as you won't be able to kill him in 2 shots. Switch to your secondary instead.

    kipN4L0.pngVBR 'Huntress' SpkcA12.pngmod_vacant.png


    What makes it legendary:


    The Huntress is similar to the joker SR15 carabine, with less accuracy and damage but a better rate of fire, especially in marksmanship mode, where it's increased. It comes with the blue Chambered round modification, which reloads faster if you have a bullet remaining in your magazine. This modification is a straight upgrade if you use it correctly (aka never empty your entire magazine).

    It also has a very fast marksman movement speed.




    • Good rate of fire especially in marksmanship mode
    • Very high movement speed in marksmanship mode.
    • Highly modular
    • Good base accuracy (first shots are more accurate than carabine)
    • Chambered round= super fast reload in most cases
    • Crouch and right-click to become a sniper


    • Very high bloom
    • Less overdamage than the carabine therefore less range.
    • DO NOT empty your entire magazine. You'll regret the reload time.


    How to modify it:

    fnmod_weapon_coolingjacket3.pngCooling jacket 3

    The best thing about the Huntress is that it kills fast. Use this to make it kill faster.

    fnmod_weapon_rifling3.pngImproved rifling 3

    One of the drawbacks is range. Use this to minimize this drawback and actually become quite efficient at mid-range

    fnmod_weapon_mobilitysling.pngMobility sling

    The VBR 'Huntress' has one of the fastest movement speed in the game, use this to make it even faster.

    fnmod_weapon_huntingsight3.pngfnmod_weapon_reflexsight3.pngHunting sight 3/Reflex sight 3

    The Huntress can pretty much be used any way you want. Nearly every modification gives some kind of advantage. If you feel like red modifications hamper accuracy too much for your playstyle, then you can decided to increas it instead with an orange mod. Use hunting sight 3 is you spend more time in marksman mode, reflex sight 3 if your usual playstyle is sprintshooting.

    fnmod_weapon_heavybarrel3.pngHeavy barrel 3

    This will require one additionnal bullet to kill your enemies. However, it has one massive advantage: Complete supporession of the bloom.

    Since the huntress's base accuracy on the first few shots is better than other mid-range guns like N-TEC and Carabine, you'll be able to get much more reliable shot patterns at the cost of time to kill.


    What to avoid:


    If you're firing a target at range, make sure to take short breaks between bursts, as the bloom can get very high when firing constantly.

    DO NOT empty your entire magazine. If you do it you will look like an idiot when reloading, which could have been easily avoided by shooting one less bullet. Also keep note of the difference in rate of fire between marksman and non-marksman mode, it can mess up with muscle memory.

    1wFnwSi.pngDOW 'Thumper'TvwvQjh.jpgmod_vacant.png


    What makes it legendary:


    The DOW 'thumper' is based on the N-FAS shotgun, with a 0.6s ttk and 49.2% damage per burst. It has however the shell-by-shell reloading and semi-auto mechanics of the JG and CSG shotguns (and like them, it cannot be used from a car) It comes with a mechanical choke which supposedly reduces the pellet spread for a tradeoff in rate of fire. It is also a straight upgrade to the NFAS in terms of accuracy.




    • Smaller spread than the NFAS, the machanical choke helps you pick up targets between 10m and 20m if you have cover.
    • Fractioned reload, which lets you shoot people mid-reload in case of emergency. With magazine pull, you'll reload faster than you can shoot.
    • Semi-auto shooting makes you lose a bit less ammo than full-auto, and is better for accuracy.
    • Overall a straight upgrade to NFAS in terms of accuracy


    • It's still an NFAS, if the enemy knows how to press S you're going to have a bad time.
    • The mechanical choke is tricky to learn, since like the bullshark you have a variable fire rate on a semi-auto gun.
    • Slightly slower fire rate than an NFAS, and semi-auto shooting means that you'll shoot even slower.
    • As of 04/02/2015, can no longer be shot from a car because of an "animation" fix. normal NFAS can.


    How to modify it:



    fnmod_weapon_magazinepull3.pngMagazine pull 3

    Reduces your ammo count to 5, but you will reload extremely fast (in fact, you'll reload faster than you can shoot). great for 1v1 encounters, slightly less great when fighting multiple foes. Run between covers and reload constantly  for best efficiency.

    fnmod_weapon_extendedmagazine3.pngExtended magazine 3

    Gives you 9 shots, which is plenty enough to mow down entire teams as long as you have the initiative. Reload time will become extremely long however so make sure you have a reliable secondary you can switch to instead of reloading.

    fnmod_weapon_mobilitysling.pngMobility sling

    If you really feel like using the choke mod, then at least you'll be able to dodge better while trying to aim. Make sure to cornerpop a lot, and run between covers when using it. A good tactic is to shoot 2 shots normally and use marksman mode for the third one, as only refire rate is affected by the choke mod.



    What to avoid:


    The mechanical choke reduces fire rate by 33% and the accuracy bonus is rather small. However if you spend your time running between cover, you can use the extra accuracy to improve your damage output. Just don't use marksman mode if you're out in the open or in close quarters with no cover, you will lose in a DPS fight.

    Orange mods don't do anything at all.

    yKV3mdV.pngEOL 'Deep impact', 'Hammer' and 'Kickback' mod_vacant.png


    What makes it legendary:


    So you just started a mission in a small building with narrow corridors, or you're currently fighting a VIP camping at a contact. You start smiling, and think "this would be a great situation for my OPGL"

    You go to an ammo box, open your inventory, switch primaries and...


    This weapon has expired.


    Opps! Guess it's time to buy a new OPGL. Mid-mission. While those enemies are freely camping inside that building, minding their own businesses, not eating nades. If only you had a permanent grenade launcher!


    Comes the Explosive Ordnance Launcher, a grenade launcher that fires, well grenades. They diverge slightly from their regular counterpart however.


    Three different guns, throw us your money!


    EOL 'Deep impact' a.k.a the conc launcher:

    • Damage: 99%
    • Blast focus: 2.8m
    • Blast radius: 4m
    • Max throwing range: 65m
    • Clip ammo: 1
    • Stored ammo: 8
    • Grenades do not bounce at all, which makes them somewhat unpredictable. Their small trail and dark blue color also makes them harder to see. Use this EOL if you want to play with skills.

    EOL 'The hammer' a.k.a the not-so-perc launcher, with nades that don't exactly explode on impact:

    • Damage: 55%
    • Blast focus: 3m
    • Blast radius: 5.5m
    • Max throwing range: 35m
    • Clip ammo: 2
    • Stored ammo: 14
    • As of right now, there sems to be no behavioral difference that justifies the lowered everything compared to the YOLO launcher. Use this EOL if you want to look like an idiot, not get any kills, and lose all credibility because you're using the perc launcher.

    EOL 'Kickback' a.k.a the YOLO launcher:

    • Damage: 57.5%
    • Blast focus: 4m
    • Blast radius: 7m
    • Max throwing range: 45m
    • Clip ammo: 3
    • Stored ammo: 12
    • Probably the best version of the EOL. It is also the only version that can reliably kill one person per magazine. If two enemies are near each other, you'll kill two enemies because of the large explosion radius. They also explode on impact after 15m. Use this EOL if you want to play like with the regular OPGL with lowered damage but more spammability. As of right now, it has two modification slots.




    • A permanent grenade launcher
    • Shoots much faster than OPGL
    • Reloads faster than OPGL


    • Cannot sprint-shoot because of the wind-up timer. Sprinting between grenades cancels your wind-up.
    • No one-hit kill nades like the OPGL
    • Less ammo pool than the OPGL



    How to modify it:


    fnmod_weapon_bandolier3.pngBandolier 3

    Definitely the best modification to use, with the most noticeable effect: Increases stored ammo, for more total kills. Since you have a limited clip size, it increases your total amount of clips by a huge number. Recommended if you intend to main the EOL for the day, but not if you switch-in when the situation calls for it, because of the long resupply time.

    fnmod_weapon_threepointsling3.png3 points sling 3

    Decreases equip time, and therefore time to kill when switching from your secondary. Recommended if your use of the EOL is situational, and you don't want to be bothered by the huge resupply time.

    fnmod_weapon_magazinepull3.pngMagazine pull 3

    Decreases reload time, at the expense of one les bullet. It's an option, but will usually just reduce the spammability of your EOL. Only use on the EOL 'kickback'


    As of right now, the EOL 'Kickback' has two modification slots.

    What to avoid:


    Avoid using the hammer (perc launcher) it doesn't actually throw percs and is a downgrade to the two others.

    Extended mag does nothing.

    Orange mods do nothing.


    Don't hold down the sprint key while shooting, it will reset your wind-up timer.

    eJUMVBR.pngUrban Legends 3  'Bloody Mary', 'Jersey Devil' and 'Hitchhiker' mod1.pngmod2.pngmod3.png


    What makes it legendary:


    The secondary pool of legendaries already has mid-range (OCSP/nano) and long-range (Colby commander) now it is time to try out close range legendaries: The Urban Legends. Those guns function like a hybrid of the NFA-9 and SAS-PDW:

    • fire rate of 0.06s
    • 13 shots to kill
    • 30m range
    • accurate at first, and then you feel the bloom


    Three different guns again, throw us even more money!


    mod2.png UL-3: "Jersey Devil" a.k.a. the moather of finishars 

    • Improves Rate of Fire by 10%
    • Increases Accuracy Loss by 10% 
    • Decreases Equip Time by 39%
    • Probably the best finisher of the 3, with a ttk of 0.655s, and an insanely fast equip time.

    mod1.png UL-3: "Bloody Mary" a.k.a. Hold LMB down 3 times

    • Improves Damage against Players by 5%
    • Decreases Damage against Vehicles by 50%
    • Decreases effective range by 5m
    • Removes Tracers (you know, the ones you can totally see all the time) and reduces sound.
    • Reduces Horizontal Recoil by -50%
    • Increases Vertical Recoil by +25%
    • Reduces ammo count by -1
    • The most accurate of the 3, if you shoot bursts of about 8 bullets you can keep a decent accuracy. TTK is also 0.66s



    mod3.png UL-3 "hitchhiker" a.k.a don't panic!

    • Improves Base Accuracy Slightly
    • Reduces Accuracy Loss Slightly
    • Increases Mag Size by 30%
    • Increases Reload Time by 60%
    • - Whilst Being Fired-
    • Reduces Base Accuracy Slightly
    • Increases Accuracy Loss Slightly
    • A gun built with range in mind, but you won't hit anything at range, because it is the only gun in the game with exponential bloom. It also has the slowest ttk of the 3 guns, at 0.72s



    • They kill fast.
    • They kill VERY fast
    • Extremely low ttk
    • High damage output
    • They HURT


    • Weak range, especially the Bloody mary (intended) and the Hitchhiker (it has 30m of effective range but you won't hit anything at that range)
    • Low accuracy, especially the Hitchhiker (It is the only gun in the game to have exponential bloom)
    • Low ammo pool, you'll probably kill 6 people max with your 150 bullets carried.

    How to use them:


    Simply put, those guns are mostly finishers. If you have a mid-long range primary with high damage output (OBIR, Obeya CR, explosives, snipers) then a good idea is to first fire your primary and then instantly switch to your Urban Legend while you sprint towards the enemy. 

    Try to get as close as possible, those guns stop being useful at about 5m.

    • Jersey devil is the best finisher
    • Bloody mary is the most accurate and consistent

    All of them should be burst-fired at intervals of about 10  bullets for best efficiency.


    What to avoid:


    • The hitchiker is the worst, it reloads slowly and has no accuracy and no close-range bonus.

    1KTlaHM.pngRaptor 45 'Condor'xdt7mod.pngmod_vacant.png


    What makes it legendary:


    Have you ever wondered how in most weapons silencers will usually have loads of drawbacks such as less ammo, less range, less hard damage, with their only advantage being less recoil (if you're lucky) a somewhat different sound (not necessarely less audible) and the removal of non-existent tracers ? Well with this gun, you finally get a silencer that's gameplay-relevant:

    • You do not appear on enemie's radars if they're over 50m.
    • You do not appear on enemie's radars if you shot less than 4 times in a row.
    • Your first 6 shots are barely audible

    This, combined with the fact that this gun is a very accurate assault rifle that works up to 50m makes it a great choice for anyone who mains legendaries. This gun was built for full-auto, but if for whatever reason you decide to burst-fire it comes with a nifty stealth bonus.



    • Very accurate, no bloom. You can full-auto safely up to 40m in marksman mode. Works similarly to a nano
    • The silencer offers not significant drawbacks.
    • Decent hip-fire accuracy, works like a slow-firing cap40
    • Extremely effective against veterans who use the radar a lot.
    • They will rage at you. A lot.


    • Kills somewhat slowly
    • Limited ammo pool (22 in mag for a 7-shots kill, 132 total)
    • Don't try shooting cars
    • Slowest marksman movement speed ever


    How to modify it:


    fnmod_weapon_huntingsight3.pngHunting sight 3

    Sacrifice some of your hipfire accuracy to become the god of full-auto marksman mode.

    With this modification, you can easily hit Every. Single. Shot. In full auto. Up to 40 meters. And with a bit of luck you'll even get rid of enemies which are out of cover in longer ranges. Just remember to tactically reposition a lot, because when in marksman mode you will be slow as a turtle. Oh and don't try close quarters unless you know what you're doing.


    Reflex sight 3 gives no significant advantage.


    fnmod_weapon_extendedmagazine3.pngExtended magazine 3

    My personnal favorite. The biggest problem this gun has is that you can kill a maximum of 3 people with each magazine. Using extended magazine 3 gives you 28 bullets, enough to kill 4 people. This combined with the fact that you're not using hunting sight 3 means you can reliably kill people in close quarters now. Enjoy! But get ready to have enemies question your skills with this loadout. Full-auto becomes somehow less impressive than with hunting sight 3, because you may miss one of every 6 shots or so.


    fnmod_weapon_bandolier3.pngBandolier 3

    Will make sure you have enough ammo in the long run. Only useful if you don't have a field supplier or a deployable ammo box, but this modification actually allows you to go on ninja stealth infiltration missions and stay undetected for a very long time.



    What to avoid:


    Don't try to out-ttk other guns, it won't work. Be sneaky and use the burst-fire stealth bonus to your advantage if you're against someone with a low-ttk gun. use cover.

    If you're out in the open, don't try using marksman mode you'll just be super easy to hit. Only use marksman mode when behind a cover. In the open, spray-and-pray while running towards a cover is a valid tactic. Bonus for making ragers rage.

    Don't try shooting cars.

    Contrary to what the modification implies, this is not a tap-fire gun. Tap-firing in bursts of 3 shots will give you no significant accuracy advantage, it's just here to troll veterans. The only moment where you should not be shooting is when there is a wall between you and the enemy.

     Nflm3mU.png N-AMG-556 'Medusa' JrkaaZT.pngmod_vacant.png


    What makes it legendary:


    The AMG-556 is an anti-personnel light machine gun, akin to the SHAW but with a unique twist: It's intelligent stabilizer reduces recoil as you shoot. It starts with an increased +50% horizontal and vertical recoil. But as you spray and pray, eventually (after 30 bullets) recoil is reduced by 75%. This makes it a powerhouse capable of killing anyone who stays out of cover for too long. It can also compete with any mainstream gun, with its time to kill of 0.585s



    • Huge mobility.
    • Can be used from hugging range to 70m and above
    • Very fast ttk.
    • Nearly-instant scoping.
    • Very accurate in the long run.
    • Good cqc spraying abilities.
    • Recks cars.


    • Lower ammo pool than with a SHAW (80 in a mag, 240 in storage).
    • Very slow reload time.
    • Recoil reduction resets as soon as you let go of your trigger.
    • Will eat through your money, you need on average 60 bullets to kill a guy.
    • Must be crouched if the enemy is over 10m away


    How to modify it:

    fnmod_weapon_extendedmagazine3.pngExtended magazine 3

    You get 104 bullets. You can spray continuously for 7 seconds. You get enough bullets to destroy every car in the game under 70m. After killing a dude, you can keep shooting and simply turn towards another duded and kill him as well. Sure, your reload time becomes 5.2seconds, but really if you have to reload after all that spraying you deserve to die anyway. Alternatively, pull your secondary out. The funniest mod to use overall evn though people will question your skills and tactics.


    fnmod_weapon_magazinepull3.pngMagazine pull 3

    You get 60 bullets, enough to kill one or two enemies per magazine. You lose a bit on the long run recoil bonus but you become much less vulnerable. The best mod to use for players who actually use skills to play APB, and want to make use of this gun's fast ttk

    fnmod_weapon_bandolier3.pngBandolier 3

    If you have no ammo source, you will need this. The medusa fires faster than the SHAW and has less ammo so you will run out really fast. With bandolier 3, you won't have to worry about resupplying anymore. The best mod for players who use area denial tactics and do their best not to die.


    What to avoid:

    fnmod_weapon_huntingsight3.pngfnmod_weapon_reflexsight3.pngfnmod_weapon_highmagnificationscope.pngfnmod_weapon_coolingjacket3.pngfnmod_weapon_rifling3.pngfnmod_weapon_muzzlebrakehorizontal.pngfnmod_weapon_heavybarrel3.pngAny modification that is not blue.

    This gun's main accuracy modifier is the crouch modifier. If you crouch, you get pinpoint accuracy. The medusa has no marksman modifier, so HS3 will mostly just increase your zoom (which is bad) and reduce your cqc abilities (which is even badder) Reflex sight does mostly nothing, it doesn't even penalize you. Cooling jacket and improved rifling will trade a 0.0001% DPS improvement for a 50% decrease in accuracy. No need. With muzzle brake, your intelligent recoil stabilizer will become dumb. Heavy barrel reduces accuracy degradation per shot, but this gun is meant to be fired full-auto so after 3 bullets you lose any sort of advantage and you do less damage.


    Don't let go of the trigger until you run out of ammo, you never know if enemies are still around or not and you don't want to reset your recoil modifier.


    Don't reload if an enemy is nearby, switch to your secondary instead. This gun's main drawback is its high reload time.


    Don't marksman and move. There are 2 ways to play this gun:

    • Hug the enemy and spray while sprinting
    • Crouch, stay immobile, and shoot until everything dies.

    Marksman mode doesn't improve your accuracy, it just makes it easier to pick up targets at long ranges.

    JlttZTk.pngMountie SF9 'Yukon'  UmQdQpj.png


    What makes it legendary:


    The Yukon, a.k.a that new gun no one knows how to play against therefore it's OP. It comes with a "SelectFire" modification that will switch the firing mode from 4-round burst when you're in marksmanship mode to full-auto when you're outside of mm. It effectively encompasses the abilities of an RFP9 and an NFA9, but with a bunch of utility-related drawbacks. It is also quite legendary in the fact that your truly had the idea for this gun, and the people in charge implemented it: http://forums.gamers...stic-mechanic/  Legendary knight + 200%.


    Current estimated stats:

    • 11 shots to kill
    • 20 shots in the magasine
    • Fire delay: 0.05s outside of marksman mode (also the time between bullets in a  burst)
    • Burst delay: 0.65s in marksman mode (0.45s base burst delay + 0.2s to fire 4 bullets)
    • Equip time: 1s
    • Reload time: 2.2s
    • Range: 30m


    • Time to kill of 0.5s outside of MM (faster than a SHAW)
    • Ability to accurately hit targets up to 30m in MM
    • Looks OP from the enemy's PoV


    • Poor accuracy
    • Poor range
    • Slow equip time
    • Very slow reload time (especially considering how fast you fire a magazine)
    • Not the best movement speed in marksman mode
    • Is actually not OP in your hands.

    How to use it:


    If the following conditions are met, your enemy dies:

    • You are less than 2m away from the enemy.
    • Your enemy is following a predictable movement pattern (jumping, opening a door, climbing a fence, doing an objective, being bronze/silver)
    • You are not having a lagspike right now.
    • You aim where the enemy is going to be (not where he is) and hold down left click.


    How to fight it:


    If the following conditions are met: the Yukon user dies:

    • The Yukon user has failed to kill you with his first magazine, and is now reloading.
    • You are not braindead.
    • Run after him and kill him while he reloads.



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