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Posts posted by TheHidden-Tember

  1. 1 minute ago, Thial said:

    I read your first post, not gonna read 13 pages. The whole prestige system should be reworked as it brings literally nothing to the game anymore, nobody cares about it and it's literally unfair due to crims being able to pay off their meter. The meter should be gone while its effects should be just hardcoded into base APB. The bounties should be completely gone in general as it was always a griefing tool by either announcing to everyone where you are so that they could come and grief you during possibly a very important moment of a mission or like I wrote before it was actually abused to grief on purpose which was happening very often in clan / 4 man group matches.

    Since you do not want to read I will copypaste my actual suggestions here:
    - Remove the huge icon over a P5/N5 player's head

    - Remove the message that says "there's a bounty on "X", kill them now"
    - Might as well remove the bounty counter for when you press M or select your spawn

    - Decrease the prestige penalty when you're an enforcer killing a P5 enforcer OR increase the notoriety penalty when you're a criminal killing an N5 criminal.

    • Like 1

  2. Just now, Thial said:

    Removing the marker doesn't fix it. The problem was that the bounties were abused by the opposing team which were calling their buddies to kill the bounty. Also the opposite was happening where bounties were teaming up to grief missions by using things like opgl osmaw hvr etc.

    literally read better, please. I am not saying that the bounty system should be back to how it was before, I am saying that since the bounty system has been practically removed (aka you cannot kill bounties not in your mission anymore), then I want to stop seeing all those UI elements which tell me to kill bounties. Also, the fact that bounties are asymetrical in terms of enfs/crims is still not fixed.

    • Like 2

  3. Hi, it's been what, 3 years now. The bounty system is still in its broken useless state.
    I understand that you'd want to remove it but please then also consider:

    - Remove the huge icon over a P5/N5 player's head

    - Remove the message that says "there's a bounty on "X", kill them now"
    - Might as well remove the bounty counter for when you press M or select your spawn

    - Decrease the prestige penalty when you're an enforcer killing a P5 enforcer OR increase the notoriety penalty when you're a criminal killing an N5 criminal.

    • Like 1

  4. On 10/2/2021 at 8:01 AM, Vnight said:

    So how do you downvote this nonsense? There seem to be no way to actually tell the truth about it!

    This is a perfect example where yellows basically upvote each other regardless of the actual truth.

    the hell is a "yellow"

  5. On 7/17/2020 at 11:54 AM, NotZombieBiscuit said:

    Yes it is. They were removed years ago. 2013 if I remember right.

    1v1s still happen. I had a lot of them lately.
    Just because some patch notes somewhere say they don't happen anymore doesn't mean they don't.
    Also I'm not just talking about 1v2 but with 1 player disconnecting, I legit mean 1v1 matches.

    I am guessing that maybe having a mission start in a group of 2, then having one player leave, then having one opponent show up is what might be triggering this from the opponent's point of view, but it still happens.

  6. 22 hours ago, MACKxBOLAN said:

    Sir. I Must Object. 

     Your Co-association with these dastardly methods of strategy and The Cheese People is Anti-Cheesist

    I believe your T ornament idea may be a good thing for Clan/Clubs. And someplace here to post winners.


            Regards aka MACKnCHEESE 

    clans are somewhat dead though.

  7. Hear me out.

    An APB tournament, but where the goal is not to win but to actually entertain the audience by picking the most despicable strategies.

    There would be some guidelines (not rules) of course, such as "avoid stalling coz that's boring'. (even though I could imagine implementing a run clause, where if you ever are to run away you must warn the enemy team beforehand this way they can prepare their equipment for a car chase)

    Anything could be done as long as there's clear telegraphing. Going full sniper, full explosives, rushing with percs, car gameplay, glitching items, using physics to attain unreachable spots, paying an enemy player to sabotage their own team, taunting the enemies in chat, listening in on their voice comms, use your imagination!

    Would be more like pro-wrestling with some teams having specific flavors and both team can agree secretly beforehand on a general mission layout to create a short storyline out of each match.


    As for actual winners/prizes there could be some audience votes or something, I haven't thought that far. Help me out plz.

    • Like 1

  8. 45 minutes ago, SquirrelFace said:

    Starting gear only. STAR, FBW, Frags, no mods or equipment. I'd even go as far as saying you can only respawn the unlocked tutorial car with no mods, since mobile spawner is game breaking. This would allow all players to compete equally regardless of in game hours and Armas purchases. Fresh accounts still couldn't compete, but I think everyone could spend a few hours in the tutorial to prepare.

    For wins I would go by stages won rather than final outcome. Defenders winning the final stage just means they failed the previous stages. To keep things short, the teams must complete 5 stages, swap factions and mission side, then complete another 5. Who ever has more won stages wins. Settle ties in the next stage. I would also look at the factions and determine which starting contact has the fairest missions. Maybe even auto quit specific ones.


    But even with these restrictions, the missions themselves can still decide who wins. I also don't think you'll get a lot of entries due to the RTX crash bug. RTX GPU owners won't be able to compete. Owners of these cards tend to be the competitive type, while those with old hardware tend to be less competitive. Then again, that might make it easier to decide on rules.

    This ruleset you describe seems like it would be a boring game.

  9. Not sure if this is a bug, but today I tried playing the anniversary event in beacon, and there were 0 players there.

    Upon closer inspection, it appears that Beacon does not have a subcategory to be selected from the district selection submenu (escape > district select > advanced) like asylum or baylan shipping would (also baylan shipping still has its subcategory but no servers which feels counterproductive)


    Please consider this before deciding that "no one played this event therefore we shouldn't do it again"


    This is also something that happened when you rolled out freekill open conflict (which was an absolute blast to play) but very few players even knew it EXISTED when it happened, and then you were like "well no one played this, which means no one likes it and we'll never do it again"


    Understand that after getting past bronze threat, a vast majority of players don't actually use the simple district selection tab, and go directly to the advanced tab to click silver district if they're gold and bronze district if they're silver. This means that any district not shown prominently there (for instance if it actually lacks a threat icon) will be ignored by this vast majority.




    NVM I found it apparently, it shows up in "all rulesets".

    Well that's dumb it should have its own subcatgory.

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