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  1. Yes, that fixes it, but it requires more money which is inconvenient. The same goes for Intel, their CPUs require good coolers. On the other side, RYZEN coolers keep them at an acceptable temperature, and the stronger the CPU, the better the stock cooler looks!
  2. The way of thinking that AMD is trash is outdated . AMD has improved its CPUs lately. Starting from ZEN. FX CPUs were pretty bad though, they had some serious overheating issues too. RYZEN 2400G should be as good as a GT 1030. Intel is actually worse than AMD these days. It's not very clear for some so I'll explain. The stock fans Intel CPUs have can't keep them cool, so you need to spend additional money on a fan. Sure, a RYZEN might provide you with a weaker framerate, lets say your performance gets 10% lowered by a RYZEN and a GTX 1070 performs 35% better than a 1060. We tried to build PCs with RYZEN and Intel CPUs with a specific budget and the results were like this We could either build a PC with an Intel CPU and a 1060, or one with a RYZEN and a 1070 that, if we have the example I provided in mind, will give 25% more performance Sadly, it was before the inflation of GPU prices. AMD is better than Intel....for now.... Everything can change.....Intel might finally fix the problems its CPUs have....who knows?
  3. Doing the same to EU would be appreciated. The connection quality might be lower but 100/150 ms is okay IF the lag compensation's good. I've played every game with a ping higher than 100 for my whole life. From my experience, 150 ms is okay if you're not lagging. And it would increase the amount of interaction between players and developers, giving the developers the possibility of finding out what parts they can improve.
  4. I did not know that, but there could be a really easy solution to this problem, chat channels! There could be English,Russian,Turkish,etc. channels so that the players who speak a language won't annoy other players who do not speak that language. But this has to come with multi-channel support so that,for example, a German player whose English is good enough to communicate can see both the Russian chat and the English chat.
  5. The banned players would reroll anyway. So they are giving them a direct second/third/100th chance. And also, how could all of them go through BattlEye? Some might have the huge amount of time required to code private cheats. And the paid cheats scene is extremely private in APB. So, in spite of many accounts being unbanned, the amount of cheaters will be significantly lowered by BattlEye.
  6. In spite of Russian servers being made, some players chose to stay on Citadel, in which their connection quality is worse. I think it is because of the lack of a migration system from Citadel to Nekrova.
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