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Posts posted by ArtDeco

  1. Hello, so I have a question about the settings on APB Advanced Launcher,


    So when I'm serious about playing the game and not hanging on social all day, I start apb with minimal settings on apb adv launcher and everything looks like playdough.


    I was wondering if anyone knows which setting to increase or enable to visually show the smoke trails of OPGL nades or EOL nades while everything is still on minimal settings?



  2. Hello, at this time I would like to purchase either 


    "Shimmering Black" by Markrove


    "Tuesday Garc0n 0", "Tuesday Garc0n 1" by Beruma


    Please send me a PM here or please send in game mail to




    I can do APB cash or theme/gun trades.


    I'm in Jericho server.

  3. The volcano and OSMAW are only deadly to silvers who don't understand their mechanics, they are most effective at 90-100m, the Volcano uses arc mechanics, the OSMAW fires a straight rocket until 100m.  They are so easy to dodge if you're a typical gold that is aware of their surroundings and noise.


    OPGL is a bit strong atm, it should have a slower firerate or make the nades more visible when it is fired in motion, add smoke effects.


    EOL Deep Impact is a great gun atm and only wielded by a few people like me, I think the radius of the conc rounds should be increased just a little.


    EOL Kickback needs slightly more range


    The other EOL needs to be deleted because it is fucking useless.

  4. Hello, I'm on the Jericho Server and I would like to buy/trade for themes created by " Jive45 " or " Krovalite ", who was an old theme maker from the mid Joker server years.


    I really liked his themes, please PM me if you have any of his themes and I'm sure we can work it our with APB Cash or trades.


    Thank you.

  5. On 4/11/2020 at 7:40 AM, CookiePuss said:

    Ive said it once and I'll say it again... If you think a gun is OP, make video of you using it and dominating. Cuz if you can't it's not OP.



    On 4/4/2020 at 2:11 PM, Flaws said:











    Okay, let's call it mid-range (40-50m) instead. As you can see it can full auto easily at 40-50m. That doesn't mean that it will beat any of the other ARs at that range, it means that it's capable of dealing considerable damage with little effort and as seen in the clips, it's extremely efficent as a support weapon due to it's 50m base range (+ IR3 which most people use on it, 57m) and it's relatively tight max bloom which allows for a more consistent than not RNG. It won't work 10/10 times at these ranges but neither does the PMG and that needs a range nerf as well.


    I'm sure cover solves all weapon balancing issues.

    Someone already did recently, look at the range and how quickly it kills a moving target. Now try to replicate that ttk in that situation with an Ntec

  6. Regarding those well put together clips of the ATAC shown above, while it's true that an Ntec can perform similarly in those circumstances (killing moving targets within 2-3 seconds), the fact that the ATAC is a high reward/low effort gun that competes with the Ntec, is already showing that it has no place in the assault rifle class in APB. 


    Just look at how accurate and how fast the ATAC kills a player in that range and circumstance (moving target) and then try to imagine a typical Ntec user tap/burst firing to try and match that ttk and accuracy. While a very skilled Ntec user might get similar results, the fact that almost anyone can replicate the ATAC kills shown above with little effort proves my point that the gun needs to be "adjusted" to work with the combat phycics of this current game.

  7. If it's so "balanced" why did I see much more ATACs than Ntecs yesterday. A lot golds used them and a lot of silvers, all different players too. I only saw about 2-3 ntecs compared to an army of ATACs, something clearly got touched up in a ATAC, maybe a ninja sneak adjustment patch, I don't think you all notice it.


    Anyway, let's just assume I'm noob and the ATAC users can move on.




  8. Little Orbit, I urge you to take a close look particularly at the state of the ATAC, I don't know what got touched up in the last patches but an army of butt naked low rank silvers are 85ing golds in half a second and golds are going 20-5 with them in Financial District.

    The gun is way too accurate and tags way too fast. Lower the firerate or increase spread.


    My ntec/star, fired at proper firerate and burst is outspeeded by the ATAC.

    • Like 6

  9. As I said before and others have said,


    The Deep Impact is the most versatile one, the nade can shoot up to 60m (farther than any of the EOL) with the proper arc and using the DI along with FBW with proper reverse quick switch tactics and general smart play will destroy high level golds squads.

    Instead of braindead spamming, the EOL Deep Impact requires arch knowledge and confidence to use.


    The Kickback is probably useful and fun for Asylum, those tight spaces where enemies cannot slip away or escape.


    The other one just sell it.

  10. While we are on the subject of the EOL Deep Impact, did Little Orbit change the gun's nature at all recently? It may as well just be server lag but the gun seems more ineffective then ever, nades blowing up at near with pin point accuracy but they seem to do no damage at all. No they weren't using FLAC JAC either. The Deep Impact + FBW was my go to setup for Financial District for 2 years already but it feels different now.

  11. I actually believe being a crim gives you combat advantages, for example a crim's shooting animation when using a FBW shoots with one hand only as opposed to enforcers holding the gun with both hands. It has a sort of placebo effect on the player since the hands a more free during the shooting animation that makes the player become more nifty and shifty moving around while shooting? IDK if its like that for others but its true for me.

    • Thanks 1

  12. Skill is reflected in your threat color most of the time.


    Gold would mean you can maintain high scores in missions and have a good amount of wins. Basically keeping your invisible K/D/R high enough to stay Gold. These players are somewhat familiar with the game's mechanics.


    Silvers are usually frowned upon, they are not consistent in matches and do not get very good mission end scores. They haven't gotten used to the game's mechanics yet. They come in a few varieties, there are Decent Silvers who eventually learn to game to become Gold, Braindead Silvers who are too slow to read chat and ruin the missions for their teammates and the rare few who dethreat to play in Bronze District.


    Bronze players are usually pitied on as they will usually be recognized as beginner players and have absolutely no idea of what they're doing, even annoying Silvers sometimes.


    Silver Rank 255s just mean that they have played the game a lot and unlocked a lot more things but they cannot beat a skilled low rank Gold reroll with default weapons.

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