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Posts posted by Talla

  1. 54 minutes ago, KnifuWaifu said:
    Going off the original Jobs' post, they said they'd have to drastically improve District loading times for cross district matchmaking to be a thing. But I get that any delay really would give the "home" team an advantage.
    Maybe it won't actually spring the "APB" until the entire enemy team has loaded the District, so the enemy won't even know there is OP until they arrive?
    They don't need to switch them everytime they enter matchmaking.
    You force an auto-join to an instance (after setting your group in lobby / Social district) and sort them accordingly with the group's ELO.
    You re-evaluate the group's ELO after a set number of matches and transfer them to the appropriate instance of that map type if needed.

    Given the current active playerbase, cross-district matchmaking is a low priority.
    • Like 1

  2. I strongly advise everyone to play APB within the next 2 weeks.

    By that time, BattleEye will probably be obsolete.


    Are we keeping some part of FairFight?
    It's a good anticheat, provided the game isn't F2P and GMs know how to make full use of its logs and settings.

    Pretty confident LO could find settings to autoban blatant cheaters (any Shawcopters in 2018?). Manual, monthly banwaves were such a pain.

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