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Posts posted by XXXXXXXXXXX

  1. 2 hours ago, BXNNXD said:
    not even going to bother picking this apart, every single one of your posts is a jumbled mess

    main points
    • you still dont understand the difference between defenders and attackers
    • comparing apb to gta is just as silly as comparing apb to csgo
    • yes ive cheated, get over it
    • video shows someone who didnt even bother to try the tutorial
    • fixing the existing systems does not mean the same thing as reworking system to add headshots

    nice to see that you cant even keep your own suggestion thread on topic tho

    Now you! everything you say i take with a grain of salt, simply because you hacked. YOU were part of the problem of APB, now you call my posts jumbled mess, you just show how ignorant you are. That is all visual proof right in your face, from hundreds of players i just posted some, not all. I didn't bother posting all of them, i just posted some, so you could get an understanding of how bad the situation of the game is. The fact is, you cheated. I played since 2011 never cheated, i'm not saying i'm special or something, but the thing is YOU gave up on the game the second you started to cheat. You didn't give a f*** about the game the second you turned your little hacks on. You were a part of the problem of why the BABIES left the game. Now you want me to believe, that you care for the game and it's future? Fixing existing problems and then implementing headshots to the game would make the combat more advanced, more skill based, instead of having a single one block of pathetic hit box that you don't even have to hit a character to actually make the shot count, you can just shoot next to a character and that would register as a shot! And YOU are trying to convince me like that is better than a well balanced and reconfigured hitbox system with headshots? I can't take you serious.

  2. 1 hour ago, Sergsininia said:
    Pretty much everyone has read what you've posted.
    Everything you've posted is the same jumbled up crap being slew about, bringing elements that need to be fixed, or modified, and using those as justification to fix headshots (spawn system, really?)

    Spawns have had their system changed, and they need to be modified to accommodate for a better set of spawns. What at all does this have to do with headshots?

    All this pointless banter is getting nowhere. @BXNNXD has already, and thoroughly, gone through your posts, and countered each and every point you presented.
    What more would get this going?

    Absolutely nothing. A quote from MattScott: The parts I bolded felt necessary to bring up, while the red font is what pertains actively to our conversation.

    MattScott thinks the design of the game perfectly goes hand in hand with having a competitive play.
    Hell, It was designed for it. Saying that APB should have headshots, and make it "A clone of Counter Strike" would effectively have had him lie through his teeth to the entire $&(*@ community.
    And with the handling of everything with the game, and GamersFirst, they have proven not to lie, as well as to follow through with what they promise. On top of the competitive play, he did touch on weapon balance, and his own opinions on how our game effectively plays. He further states: "I'd rather make a couple of little adjustments..." If you understand that, it means to NOT entirely revamp the gun, and combat mechanics.

    So to sadly shoot down  your idea, it's not going to happen with current, nor future projects for this game.
    Matt Scott never talked about about headshots. How adding headshots to APB will make it a CSGO clone? do you even think before you write? That would make League of Legends a clone of Dota and Dota a clone of Warcraft 3. Guild Wars 2, Tera, all clones of World of Warcraft and World of Warcraft a clone of Lineage. Saints Row, Sleeping Dogs, Mafia, all clones of GTA. Crysis would be a clone of Far Cry. Doom would be a clone of Duke Nukem. Fortnite would be a clone of PUBG and PUPG would be a clone of Arma 3. Left 4 dead would be a clone of Killing Floor. Call of duty would be a clone of Battlefield. The Evil within would be a clone of Resident Evil 4.  The Crew would be a clone of NFS and list goes on and on the whole gaming industry would be cloned, you see how flawed your logic is? If you say APB just because of headshots would somehow become a clone of CSGO then you automatically remove yourself from any serious conversation because you literally make no sense.

  3. 1 minute ago, Fortune Runner said:

    Like we all said....

    No it would only waste money developing a whole new game rather than fixing APB

    You said you are from 2011 but barely joined the forums? so is it you didn't care all this time to join the forums and contribute? Then again this thread doesn't really contribute since its a real bad idea to do.

    And then there's twisting my words about how many people do NOT like your first post on this thread....
    I never suggested it was 26 people for the whole community.....
    go talk in district chat I bet they'll just love to hear from you.... until they say no as well

    And no not  everything needs to be fixed most things are not broken at all.... wow cant believe you said that

    And yes saying how you said in your first post to make one shot kills on everything and comparing it to black light retribution is accurate because that's what a one shot kill game  is like ...duh

    You do not come off as educated in programming or business or even common sense of APB game play so either you hardly played  , or just don't get APB at all  , or flat out lied about how long you have played
    because any of us players who have been here since the beginning of APB have all said no to your headshot rants in this thread this whole time.... might want to take the hint.

    Oh an done last thing genius.... why would I be on the forums here if i don't play?
    Can you stop picking a fight with the whole community just because we all in this thread said no its a bad idea?

    I barely joined the forums because i was one those players who got used to the constant bs of the game, it made me think it's normal, but the more i played the more it got to me that game is absolute mess. You say the game is in a good state? you're one ignorant individual. You compare APB to Black light? it's a completely different game one is 1st person shooter other is 3rd person shooter completely different combat, different movements, everything is different. 

    And no not  everything needs to be fixed most things are not broken at all.... wow cant believe you said that?

























































































































































































    skip to 1:58 the funny thing is that's how majority of the gaming community views this game. So yeah right, Fortune Runner.

    2 hours ago, NotZombieBiscuit said:

    Silvers have too much freedom on this forum to make silly threads like this.

    Oh hey ZombieBiscuit i already seen your "gold" skills in the videos you posted, you're right, you're the best, now since you got nothing really meaningful to say how about you go and make more videos on how perfect apb is while showcasing your "gold" skills. Oh and don't forget add more of those silly corny anime thumbnails oh f***, i forgot i didn't mean to insult you, they're more than just drawings to you. You call those silly drawings your "waifus" right? if so then go on, Keep making your videos about how perfect apb is while showcasing your "waifus" along with those "gold" skills of yours. giphy.gif


  4. 13 minutes ago, 23k said:
    Everything else needs to be fixed so the headshots could be implemented. A very large amount of the community? that's like what? 26 players? You want real fun? do you even play? Black light retribution you compare that to APB? you can't be serious... If you compare APB to Black light there is nothing else left to say to you... You're trying to teach me about the game? I've been playing the game since 2011 the game always had problems. Look at this, look at this man, 2011 e3 APB skip to 1:51 the developer doesn't even know what district he is on? what kind of bs is that?
    And then we got TIGGS no offense to you TIGGS got nothing personal against you. But i strongly believe that you had more experience taking her of your horses than actually taking care of the game for the past several years. And right now it shows because LO needs to take care of the mess that APB has become from all these years.

    Look at this

    This video dates back to 2012 yet it's still applies to this day... In fact this player would be even more pissed right now than he was back in 2012. It shows that APB has never changed and always stayed in the same broken state.

  5. 27 minutes ago, Fortune Runner said:

    Seriously man just sit down off the soap box what you have suggested would break APB even further....

    A very large amount of the community have gone out of their way to explain why and you are basically just picking fights with people now

    I do not recall anyone but YOU saying head shots should be added and how all of APB would have to be programmed from scratch from it changing everything

    And as for your very first post...... 26 dislikes currently....
    No one wants a cheap one shot one kill game we want real fun
    black light retribution is like that and that's if it still exists.... boring as it gets

    We have been here playing  for YEARS for a reason... but this "Joined Feb 2018" under your name doesn't say you know APB  much at all so can you just stop now please?

    Everything else needs to be fixed so the headshots could be implemented. A very large amount of the community? that's like what? 26 players? You want real fun? do you even play? Black light retribution you compare that to APB? you can't be serious... If you compare APB to Black light there is nothing else left to say to you... You're trying to teach me about the game? I've been playing the game since 2011 the game always had problems. Look at this, look at this man, 2011 e3 APB skip to 1:51 the developer doesn't even know what district he is on? what kind of bs is that?

  6. 8 hours ago, BXNNXD said:
    players arent going to be crossing streets on foot and players arent going to be pushing any corner unless its been grenaded/flaregunned - hell even in half of your responses to me you cited multiple players using covering fire and leapfrogging just to deal with a single target, so you apparently cant even keep your own answers straight

    You can't keep your answers straight at first you say players will camp, then you say players will have no place to cover themselves. You keep throwing arguments with no real weight behind them. You said if APB had headshots it would become a subpar knockoff of CSGO. CSGO and APB will never be the same ever, regardless of headshots. At best you could try to compare APB to Fortnite just because it has headshots but even then it would make no sense APB will always be APB. Only thing people compare APB to which it always has been compared to is GTA it's like a cops n robbers GTA parody type game with worse driving and even worse combat overall game flopped. That's how majority of the game industry look at APB they think APB is a joke... Hell the players themselves make memes out of APB. Again didn't you get banned for hacking? if so that just shows that the second you decided to hack you gave up on the game, becasue you were getting your a** kicked 24/7 by a bad matchmaking again if you hacked you're were part of the problem of destroying the game by hacking you just show to the new players of how bad situation in this game really is. The new players see that and they don't bother to even play the game anymore so they quit, and never comeback. The whole game needs to be reworked regardless of headshots look at this
    These new players are babies. They barely can understand the game and what to do. There is no real preperation for them instead they get matched up against a silver who is more experienced, that silver is in a bronze district because he probably got tired of dealing with golds that kick his a** 24/7 in the silver district. So golds kick silvers out of the the silver district then silvers come to bronze district and they kick these babies out of games. The whole system is broken. Whole system needs to be reworked regardless of headshots. The driving the hitboxes, the hitreg, the servers, the matchmaking the weapons everything.

  7. We have to change a lot of things regardless of headshots... If you don't see the state of the game is in right now that's your problem. I've posted above what's wrong with this game go read.

    9 hours ago, Slickmund said:

    I think we need to start a foundation to raise money to buy this fella a set of reading glasses. I am done with this, and saddened by the fact it is still ongoing.

    I think you need to get a set of reading glasses it looks like you never read what i posted above if that's the case there is no point for you to comment right now, because your comment holds no value you just say something to fit in with the rest...

  8. 11 minutes ago, BXNNXD said:
    time to go in circles again

    adding headshots will require large amounts of development time due to nearly every system in apb needing changes to accommodate headshots

    in addition headshots will slow the game down immensely, removing the arcade shooter aesthetic that allows apb to be unique instead of just a subpar csgo knockoff with bigger maps
    APB will require large amounts of development time due to nearly every system in apb needing changes regardless of headshots. You sing the same ol song. Headshots wont slow the game down. The game pace is dictated by the players. Even now without headshots, the game sometimes goes fast and sometimes it goes slow, it depends on what players you play against. Again what makes APB stay APB is the customization adding headshots to APB wont make it a subpar csgo knockoff,  your argument is so invalid... Then you could say Battlefield is just a subpar knockoff of Call of Duty just with bigger maps... 

  9. 28 minutes ago, BXNNXD said:

    this post is gonna be a doozy

    if they just added headshots without changing anything it would make the game worse
    if they changed the game to revolve around headshots, it wouldnt be apb in anything but name
      i wont speak for "these other guys" but id like nothing more than for apb to get off the ropes
      we've already been over this - adding headshots would just break the game if nothing was changed (which even youve agreed to despite all of your shallow arguments), or it would require so much work and so many changes to incorporate successfully thats its not worth it
      i agree that several cars have pretty shitty handling
    the 1s input delay is necessary however, cars in apb absolutely have to be server side
      again not speaking for anyone else but again id love for apb to improve
    im obviously up for discussion on pretty much any issue - ive been responding to you for like 5 pages of this thread after all - so idk where you got me wanting to pretend issues dont exist
      im not going through every one of these but it seems like a lot of them are the typical players who quit because of perceived issues without ever bothering to learn anything about the game, theres a few with flat out wrong info in them
      a ton of videos about apb's bad hitreg for no reason as far as i can tell - this whole debate has been over headshots which will be affected just as badly as body shots by poor hitreg
    are you aware that hitboxes and hitreg are two very different things?
      ive never said headshots would affect hitreg, you really dont understand that hitreg and hitboxes are different things do you? lmao
    hitreg needs to be fixed regardless of what features (headshots) people may want added, but its not a simple issue
      yes vehicle hitboxes are pretty bad, and the poor servers dont really help
    not even going to discuss that trainwreck of a thread you linked
      shooting without exposing your head, whether we have headshot or not, is a bad idea - it just lets people fire from corners with even less risk
    more animations would be fine i guess, kind of low priority tho
      fixing the problems that apb already has is not the same as adding new features (headshots) that would cause more problems 
      i dont think anyone in this thread has said the game is perfect lol
      again, fixing the problems that apb already has is not the same as adding new features (headshots) that would cause more problems 
      a large majority of players already create the smallest thinnest female characters they can for the insanely small advantages of a slightly harder to spot character and so that theyre character takes up less of the screen, you're insane if you dont think that would increase if character customization started having an even larger impact on gameplay
    theres a reason every other game with headshots either has preset characters or doesnt allow you to adjust character height
      do you even play apb? there are plenty of times you can shoot the hitbox when the character itself isnt visible
    also disagreeing with your headshot suggestion is not the same thing as saying the game has no problems

    There is no problem adding headshots after hit reg, hit boxes,server problems get fixed. The only thing everybody remembers and associates anything positive about APB is a good customization. And not a no hs combat. After headshots APB will still remain APB but with actual better and more realistic combat.


  10. 1 minute ago, LusoPT said:

    jesus christ.. he was trolling... everybody loves APB because we dont get instant kill with headshots...

    Its known for being a hard game.

    Get over it, dont feed the this troll post, like seriously.. soon its the most trending one EVER in apb forums. xD

    So i'm a troll because i said the truth? everybody who goes against your beliefs is a troll? If you fail to recognize that this game has a lot of problems then ironically you're a troll yourself.

  11. 1 minute ago, Sergsininia said:
    3 minutes ago, 23k said:
    You fix the hit reg and then you implement the headshots. picking a character that is tiny, or tall characters complaining that they're at a disadvantage is bunch of bs. Its comes down to skill the height and weight of the character is not that drastic if you could create little paper thin midgets then you would have more of a solid point. The players will adapt to the enemies hell they wont even feel the change. When you aim at a character you don't see that invisible box you still aim at the character not the invisible hit reg box.

    Quite the contrary, you can see that "invisible box" it's what the crosshair shows when it turns red.
    What? you can't be serious.... you aim at the character nobody aims for that invisble hit reg box.

  12. On 7/25/2018 at 12:52 PM, Sergsininia said:
    I did not say there could be changes with hit reg... I said that we've established that as a problem you deem worthy of implementing a change, specifically headshots.
    Now tell me, how will headshots fix hit reg? it's just another hit box.

    If you have watched the video I posted, at around the 3 minute mark, or after ( I don't quite remember ), Issmir states that headshots are not a thing in APB. There is only 1 hitbox. 1 hitbox to rule them all. Not only is there 1 hitbox, but it also isn't the size of your character. The characters all fit inside this hitbox, so that way, if you have a tiny girl character, as thin as a twig, you have the same hitbox as your afro wearing supa fat enforcer. They're all the same.

    If you created a game where you can customize a character drastically with their height, weight, etc. then if the hitbox was only the character's geometry, you would see everyone either picking a character that is tiny, or tall characters complaining that they're at a disadvantage.

    The hitbox does NOT exceed the character so much that you can be shot from behind a dumpster. Every bit of cover in the game allows you to hide behind it from at least one angle. If you see partial cover, it will affect everyone.
    You fix the hit reg and the hit box then you implement the headshots. picking a character that is tiny, or tall characters complaining that they're at a disadvantage is bunch of bs. Its comes down to skill the height and weight of the character is not that drastic if you could create little paper thin midgets then you would have more of a solid point. The players will adapt to the enemies hell they wont even feel the change. When you aim at a character you don't see that invisible box you still aim at the character not the invisible hitbox.


  13. Just now, Sergsininia said:
    How do guns need to be reworked? The guns in the game work perfectly fine, and may need fine tuning, not drastic changes.
    -We've established hit reg
    Spawns have nothing to do with headshots
    Matchmaking has nothing to do with headshots.

    If you've ever played a flight sim, racing or simulation games, you should understand that it is much much better to fine tune than to change everything, or radically make a change that will affect "everything else"
    -We've established hit reg? you got to be kidding me? go up top watch the videos. The hit reg we have now is a complete joke. You don't even have hit the actual player you can shot close to him and it will register as a shot.

  14. 2 minutes ago, Sergsininia said:
    Why these two things aren't the same?
    Because combat is a non-issue. There's no problem with combat.
    If you say hit reg, that's the hitboxes, and DUN DUN DUN, registering hits. Where do I see combat in here? Not at all.
    The guns, the hit reg, the spawns, the matchmaking, everything needs to be reworked regardless of headshots. Headshots just adds another reason of why it needs to be reworked.

  15. 4 minutes ago, AxeTurboAgresor said:

    Bruh, matchmaking has nothing to do with headshots, and headshots would not fix matchmaking, therefore there is no need to completely change the game. You are a complete psycho lunatic, whose grabbin aeverything that might potentionaly support his clearly idiotic ideology, but you are only embarrasing yourself this way. 

    Headshots would be just another reason to rework the combat along with the rest of the problems that the game has.

  16. 58 minutes ago, Kempington said:

    But 23k, isn't that know as adapting? I mean the game has some great moments and is fun. What you're proposing is not just adapting to the current system and letting them sort out the remaining issues, but completely redoing everything from scratch which would take much longer, then forcing everyone to get used to that.

    You can't have it both ways.

    Alright Kemp, this is you, a guy who has been playing the game since 2011 a guy who has countless hours clocked in the game, a guy who knows this game in and out a max rank gold. And here you refuse to play against 3 max rank golds because you know you're going to get your a** kicked and you don't want to stress over it. Now a silver or a bronze with a few days of experience gets matched up against 3 players like that and they get completely destroyed, you think they're going to press k again? or are they simply just going to press esc and quit apb you think new silver and bronze players don't get discouraged like you just did here? The fact is apb's bad moments outweigh the good moments, a lot of players start the game in a good mood and leave being pissed.

    here is another video of you having some great and fun moments. You think the new players don't feel the same anger when they play? they just give up when they get matched up against high rank gold for 10th time.

    You only get fun out of this is when you're the one at the top and not the one getting your a** kicked. The whole game already needs to be reworked. Right now the main thing that shines in APB is the customization, everything else is a competition of who sucks more the combat or the driving? the server or the matchmaking or the bs spawns? Everything needs to be reworked either way. Headshots just add another reason of why it needs to be reworked, the system is already broken and needs a rework regardless of the headshots.

  17. If the players think the game is ok at this stage and it has no problems it's either

    A) They don't play the game
    B) They play the game but they only come to social to just talk with other people and hold hands with all other female characters.
    C) They play the game but they get used to the constant bs that this game has, so they begin to believe that it's normal.

  18. 51 minutes ago, 23k said:
    The thing is man, i showed you the people who took time to show how the game is broken, they took time because it really got to them... Now imagine the players who don't have enough patience to make and upload videos about how broken the game is the new player and other players what they do? they just say F*** IT, they get tired of dealing the bs of the game and they quit and that's when the pop of the game drops. The fact is G1 never took good care of the game it shows, They were just shoving boxes down the players throats. You can try to hide the game's flaw but overtime they're still going to pop up you got face them and in fix them. This game is never going out of this dirt if we keep pretending everything is ok.
    The small group of players that are still playing are the ones who recognize the potential that this game could have under the right managment. The players they become used to this constant bs of the game, the lag, the hit reg, the server problems,  the matchmaking, overall unbalanced game they become used to it, they start to think it's normal, they begin to think that's how it should be, when in reality it's not, things got to change. Majority of the players act like sheep they're afraid to stand up and try to give ideas that could improve the game, they're afraid that other players will think negatively of them it's like crabs in a bucket one crab tries to do something other crabs just pull him down. Lets face it, majority of the veteran players don't give a f*** about the new players in missions, after they lose they just bash the new players because the new player couldn't meet their expectations for the mission, so what does the new player do? he says f*** i'm not going to deal with this bs everybody constantly trying to put a blame on me for not playing like a pro when i just started the game. And the thing is the new players didn't come to a gold district to play with the veterans, it's the veterans who came to a lower rank district, and the veterans complain about having low skilled mates and what they do? they push the lower rank players out of their own district that's the best case scenerio, the worst case they push them out of the game, that's in it self is ludicrous.

  19. 1 hour ago, 23k said:
    1 hour ago, Kempington said:

    I'm not quoting your whole post, since it's massive.

    However, right in the first few sentences, you mention "what if APB was reworked around headshots?"

    This is in contrast to what you were originally proposing, in regards to just adding headshots and upping grenade damage to one shot, also.

    Our argument was based on not being able to just add headshots for various, explained reasons.

    Do you know how much work it would take to completely revamp everything to incorporate headshots?

    Everything, like you suggested, would have to be reworked around headshots. Is this a bad idea? Well, sort of. It might work, but you'd have to undo everything that has been done up to this point and completely change the feeling of the gameplay and game's flow in order to do so. Not to mention the problems head shots would cause with the various character heights you can choose. It wouldn't be consistent and everyone would redesign their character to be as short as possible. Not only that, the complexity of the player's hitbox would increase, so a system would have to be designed around that, too.

    It's just not a simple change, nor an improvement to the game.

    C'mon my man you got to be kidding me? you act like everything flew over your head... The game is already at the sate that it needs to be reworked it has a lot of flaws already regardless of headshots and you got to fix those problems regardless of headshots... Headshots just give you another reason to rework already broken system.
    The thing is man, i showed you the people who took time to show how the game is broken, they took time because it really got to them... Now imagine the players who don't have enough patience to make and upload videos about how broken the game is the new player and other players what they do? they just say F*** IT, they get tired of dealing with the bs of the game, So they quit and that's when the pop of the game drops. The fact is G1 never took good care of the game it shows, They were just shoving joker boxes down the players throats. You can try to hide the game's flaws but overtime they're still going to pop up, you got face them and fix them. This game is never going out of this dirt if we keep pretending everything is ok.

  20. 5 minutes ago, Kempington said:

    I'm not quoting your whole post, since it's massive.

    However, right in the first few sentences, you mention "what if APB was reworked around headshots?"

    This is in contrast to what you were originally proposing, in regards to just adding headshots and upping grenade damage to one shot, also.

    Our argument was based on not being able to just add headshots for various, explained reasons.

    Do you know how much work it would take to completely revamp everything to incorporate headshots?

    Everything, like you suggested, would have to be reworked around headshots. Is this a bad idea? Well, sort of. It might work, but you'd have to undo everything that has been done up to this point and completely change the feeling of the gameplay and game's flow in order to do so. Not to mention the problems head shots would cause with the various character heights you can choose. It wouldn't be consistent and everyone would redesign their character to be as short as possible. Not only that, the complexity of the player's hitbox would increase, so a system would have to be designed around that, too.

    It's just not a simple change, nor an improvement to the game.

    C'mon my man you got to be kidding me? you act like everything flew over your head... The game is already at the sate that it needs to be reworked it has a lot of flaws already regardless of headshots and you got to fix those problems regardless of headshots... Headshots just give you another reason to rework and improve already broken system.

  21. 5 hours ago, UubeNubeh DaWog said:
    The Burden of proof is on you my dude.
    You're coming at everyone with an idea that is contrary to the status quo.

    You're argument is just not convincing enough.
    Okay, lets be realistic lets say LO implements the headshot system and optimizes everything around it, hitboxes that already need to be reworked either way, mods, weapons etc. Would it make APB worse to play?  Would it make APB less fun to play? lets be realistic, someone like Banned and these other guys they're not doing anything positive to promote this game's health, they want the game to be at the same broken state as it always been. The headshot change would not hurt the game in fact it would benefit the game the players would adapt to it and find interesting ways to make new plays also it would bring in new players.  On top of that the driving has to be fixed it's the worst driving probably ever created in the history of games it's absolutely terrible. Lets face it the players are like wives trapped in abusive relationship where they remain silent and pretend everything is okay or they leave but keep coming back to the abuse that's how they act with this game. The cars feel sluggish some feel like paper cars like cisco, other cars feel like they're loaded with ton of bricks like vegas, the handling is horrible theres got be a fix for this, instead people like Banned and these other members who don't care for the health of this game just trying to bury the problems and pretend they don't exist, that doesn't work,  you can't just shovel dirt on problems and pretend everything is okay.

    Jebus117 6 years ago#4

    That site has stats for all the weapons, including shots to kill. Keep in mind that there are quite a few unreleased/test weapons in there as well. But I don't think any gun takes a whole mag to kill someone, so long as you're accurate and don't try to use your weapon outside its effective range (i.e. tying to snipe someone with a shotgun).

    Oh and I should also point out that shots do the same damage regardless of where they hit. So there are no headshots. Getting shot in the toe will hurt just as much as getting shot between the eyes.

    XBL GT: Atticus
    ngoster (Topic Creator)6 years ago#5
    That's kinda lame, no hs. Anyways imma download the game and see whats up, thanks for the info.

    Posted by
    Joker | Enforcer
    3 years ago
    How does damage work?

    Damage from guns seems to be completely random, being able to kill someone with a PMG in 3 shots from far away or being able to kill them in more but they're closer which doesn't make sense to me. This could even happen before they've been damaged. And what is the difference between Hard damage and Health damage?

    Sort by
    Patriot | Enforcer
    3 points · 3 years ago
    Also, its worth mentoning all players have the same single hitbox, so headshots etc. are irrelivant.
    Joker | Enforcer
    6 points · 3 years ago
    Wait, what? The player is just a single big hitbox? That's absurd.

    a comment i found on ign apb site

    NiGHTS88 said:
    Yeah, I heard about the game's failure a few months ago. Apparently it is incredibly imbalanced and disappointingly shallow; the game did not get much market exposure, either.
    They didn't even have hitboxes to allow for headshots. A shot from the same gun does the same damage on every part of the body.

    then it got replied with 😄 it's a joke.



    https://steamcommunity.com/app/113400/discussions/0/540741131081304010/ i could've given you a lot more steam topics if LO didn't wipe all the previous steam posts and started fresh...




    I'm sorry if this thumbnail is offesnsive to somebody, you can direct your blame to ZombieBiscuit with her/his poor choices of picking thumbnails...


    I'm sorry if this thumbnail is offesnsive to somebody, you can direct your blame to ZombieBiscuit with her/his poor choices of picking thumbnails...

       look at the first clip mainly.

    if somebody makes a video like that it just show how unbalanced the game alredy is...

    Banned you always talk about hit reg and how adding headshot would need to rework hit reg, that's a good thing because apb always needed a rework in hit reg not only the that whole game needs to be fixed because g1 never cared about anything but joker boxes, headshots would give you another reason to fix the hit reg.
    vehicle hit boxes is a joke aswell... Sometimes with a car you get gently pushed and die at other times you can run in to some players at full speed somehow they don't die  the car just pushes them away, flaws like these makes this game already in dire need for a change. As far as cars go i want to direct you to this thread this is a man with a bright thinking and has high hopes for a change that is needed in this game, his ideas must be heard it will really improve driving in this game not only driving music aswell i also like his comments on crouch options. -
    also add this

    make an option to shoot without your head being out, blind fire it wouldn't be as accurate but still effective as you move cover to cover. On top of that add quality reload animtaions where you actually see mag getting replaced, Another thing having your primary gun on your back when you use your secondary weapon.

  22. 5 minutes ago, Fortune Runner said:
    Captain Kirk Kobayashi Maru
    Google is your friend

    We have been more than reasonable with you trying t explain to you why these reasons are bad.
    You are entitled to your opinion as we are entitled to ours
    However the fact remains why very few want head shots in APB and you refuse them even though we explained them clearly enough
    We even asked you to stop for various reasons and continued to explain why these are bad ideas
    Cease and desist your hostilities enough is enough
    How dare you talk to me like you got no business being here anyway at first you try to discredit me now you're trying to silence me? You got no real counter arguments. I all i did was post solid solutions to fix majority of the games problems.

  23. 6 minutes ago, Fortune Runner said:

    Ok I see a few problems here just now so lets cover it  yet again.....

    Slickmund although his avatar looking like a freak has very valid points and his post did not discredit him.
    Seriously though your avatar is creepy  rofl

    BXNNXD also made a very good point of how nearly  no one agrees with you if any at all
    I'll admit reading through this many pages to see if anyone did agree with you  while I am busy is intimidating so I did not
    none the less BXNNXD is correct in telling you to rethink what you are saying and doing here.

    Then 23k there is you saying  a lot of people from the whole gaming community would agree...
    Are you referring to the APB gaming community? Or do you mean everyone online playing games?
    If you are referring to APB's gaming community then I would have to say I know better than this
    And if you say gaming online in general then APB is different for a reason and your reasons would kill APB and why it has b3een here for nearly a decade now

    In other words you just did a  kobayashi maru to yourself
    I would advise ending this thread it will not benefit APB

    I'm sorry what the fuck did you just said to me? kobayashi maru to yourself? I suggest you leave this thread and never come back you got no business being in here anyway. What i do is post real solutions for the game you on the other hand are trying to discredit my every single post with your spam, troll, posts.
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