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Posts posted by XXXXXXXXXXX

  1. Just now, Slickmund said:
    You know so little about gaming in general....... DAMN. This will not change by adding headshots, its a general issue in many games and stems from the way netcoding is done. It is incredibly hard to make it so that situation can not happen. It demands the kind of server-client communication which very few games can actually provide and even if they can, often enough not without its own cost. Just stop dude, I'd say while youre ahead but we are well beyond that. This is not a threat on my part but the more you post like this, the more likely you will be trolled till your departure from the forums, having added nothing, having gained nothing but frustration. I hope this gets a smirk out of you, I also sincerely hope you are capable of doing that at this point. But here, good one to leave it on:
    You can't be serious? This automatically removes all your big shot programmer credibility.
    6 minutes ago, BXNNXD said:
    25 minutes ago, 23k said:

    So you want to talk to me like i'm silly? Bottom line is you're trying to go against the grain and that is something you just don't.

    you’ve had about zero people agree with you in this thread, maybe you should rethink which one of us is going against the grain here
    A lot of people would agree with me if you counted the whole game community not just forums.

  2. Just now, Fortune Runner said:
    and then everyone would switch to snipers again then complain about that one shot you jsut mentioned  instead of this rebalancing you first  mentioned
    which would get thrown out the window then from needing a new rebalance  from the head shots .....

    nothing would change but the proper balance that makes apb enjoyable to begin with

    no thanks
    No thanks to you. Go and no thank yourself elsewhere if you're going take this in a laughing matter. We need fair combat i drop all the right solutions for the most problems that this game has. Snipers will have scope so it wouldn't be that easy to use them at close ranges also LO could downgrade no scope accuracy to further balance out the weapon at close ranges.
    11 minutes ago, Fortune Runner said:
    if i read this correctly he wants the armas guns in the old state that was op before tweaks

    are you a masochist?
    If every gun is op nobody will cry about it plain and simple. You'll have to adapt. There is no love, It's nothing nice about this game this game is business this game is about you hit or you be hit, deal with it.

  3. 7 minutes ago, BXNNXD said:
    9 minutes ago, 23k said:
    In the previous post i already said that recoil would have to have few touch ups in the process of reworking the game.
    Put headshots in APB then we'll see if they're easy or not.  I don't have an agenda all i got is the truth on my mind truth cannot be silenced. If headshots wouldn't work in APB i wouldn't have made this thread in the first place.
    this is some premium logic, i can’t even imagine having such a large cognitive disconnect that whatever i say is right just because i said it lmao
    So you want to talk to me like i'm silly? Bottom line is you're trying to go against the grain and that is something you just don't.

  4. Listen this is just as important as adding headshots, adding the abilty to deliver a lethal shot to each other while in combat basically you both land your shots if it happens to be lethal you both die. I've had quite few encounters where i had the enemy in my sight we both had low health i needed one shot to finsih him, i heard that shot going out of my gun i now i manged to pull the trigger but since the other player landed first he killed me that's the problem it should of been double murder i should of killed him and took him to grave with me that's the thing that really sits on my mind it should be fixed. 
    Can't stress you enough on how important this is.

  5. 1 minute ago, BXNNXD said:
    i mean we can pretend that having 1 out of 4 character mods (fragile) actually being useful is good balance if you want

    how is it ignorant to propose that the majority of the player base will decide to sit on corners for easy kills instead of running around out of cover risking instant death?

    headshots will be pretty easy in apb, most of the guns have low recoil, characters move at a constant speed nearly all the time, and you can see anyone coming and line up a headshot without even exposing yourself

    pushing for headshots isn’t a one sided agenda but pushing not to have them is? lol nice try
    In the previous post i already said that recoil would have to have few touch ups in the process of reworking the game.
    Put headshots in APB then we'll see if they're easy or not.  I don't have an agenda all i got is the truth on my mind truth cannot be silenced. If headshots wouldn't work in APB i wouldn't have made this thread in the first place.

  6. 1 minute ago, BXNNXD said:
    i mean we can pretend that having 1 out of 4 character mods (fragile) actually being useful is good balance if you want

    how is it ignorant to propose that the majority of the player base will decide to sit on corners for easy kills instead of running around out of cover risking instant death?

    headshots will be pretty easy in apb, most of the guns have low recoil, characters move at a constant speed nearly all the time, and you can see anyone coming and line up a headshot without even exposing yourself

    pushing for headshots isn’t a one sided agenda but pushing not to have them is? lol nice try
    In the previous post i already said that recoil would have to have few touch ups in the process of reworking the game.
    Put headshots in APB then we'll see if they're easy or not.  I don't have an agenda all i got is the truth on my mind truth cannot be silenced. If headshots wouldn't work in APB i wouldn't have made this thread in the first place.

  7. Just now, Auna said:
    I mean. I know have to Awenser to some of the ideas.

    Adding Headshots would destroy the game completly. Its not a normal Third-Person-Shooter. It is still a MMO and it has to stay as a MMO.
    Adding Scopes would destroy the game also. Its just not needed in the Community.
    Nades should be 1 kill? Destroys the game too. Everybody would spam more grenades as they now do.
    OSMAW is already like 1 rocket 1 kill. Also it would destroy the game also. Things like Flak-Jacket would loose their ability for like 50%.
     Can't take you seriously you sound like BXNNXD just on another account. It won't break the game go read above i already answered everything that you just said.

  8. Listen another thing is adding the abilty to deliver a lethal shot to each other while in combat basically you both land your shots if it happens to be lethal you both die. I've had quite few encounters where i had the enemy in my sight we both had low health i needed one shot to finsih him, i heard that shot going out of my gun i now i manged to pull the trigger but since the other player landed first he killed me that's the problem it should of been double murder i should of killed him and took him to grave with me that's the thing that really sits on my mind it should be fixed. 

    Does that make sense? what part of the game is that? you can't be serious nobody got enough balls to face these problems everybody are just trolling with their bs.

  9. 1 minute ago, BXNNXD said:
    there’s no rushing an entrenched player when all they need is a single shot to put u down
      you agreed with me despite the fact that i listed the single way that every defensive player will play
    1 =/= coubtless
      you repeatedly miss the point that you and your “mates” can’t prefire every corner, not only does it give away your position but it would slow down the game even more  kevlar will be useless with headshots, extra health doesn’t help when you’re getting one shot

    clotting agent will be useless with headshots, you can’t refer when you’ve been one shot

    flak jacket will be useless, reduced grenade damage doesn’t matter if grenades are one shot

    You can't be serious...

    A player wont be able to gun you down if you use nades, nades will one kill them they'll have no choice but to move on top of that your mates could just blast the corner that the enemy is in the meantime you move in.

    Again you pretend that you're the victim you act like every player is going insta kill you in every signle corner that's bs and you know you're being ignorant.

    Kevlar and flack jacket? you're really going to pretend that majority of people use those mods? pretty much nobody uses kevlar if they do they'll just get bashed in the chat... Flak Jacket is another mod that is rarely used but lets say Kevlar would still work on body shots and it could give you extra chance to surive a nade if you move away from it that means the nade radius wouldn't affect you as much as a player without kevlar or flak. Again you act like everybody will be headshot machines when in reality they will not always aim for the head because it's not the easiet thing do to. Every single argument of yours is everyone will just insta lock on your little head and hs you all the time do you even read your own bs on top of that  you even believe in your own bs? APB has fast elusive movements it's not going to be easy to hit a clean head shot most of the time stop pushing your one sided bs agenda.

  10. 26 minutes ago, Slickmund said:

    Jeez this crap is still going on? Can we all just mutually agree to ignore this idiot already? I'm done with trying to reason with him, and I predict anyone who tries to will be soon after as well. This guy is either trolling, or his comprehension doesn't go past circle reasoning, not to mention he clearly has no knowledge about how the mechanics would have to be implemented programming wise and why and how it would touch other mechanics. Things stop existing when we stop talking about it, I suggest we apply that to this steaming pile right meow.

    First of all you did was post your weak arguments with no real weight behind it. Game needs to be reworked either way the hit box system was always a joke. I'm pretty much the only one who has balls and talks about facts the rest of you act like sheep that follow their own bs, you're afraid to change the game for the better.

  11. 5 minutes ago, BXNNXD said:
    you clearly don’t understand that systems would have to be reworked around headshots, it’s not as simple as just adding a hit box for the head (and even that wouldn’t be easy)

    I know it will take some time but the end result will be worth it.

  12. 31 minutes ago, BXNNXD said:
    it will make combat less predictable because you wont ever be able to react to a defender popping from a random corner and instantly killing you, this isnt csgo where the maps are small and vantage points are limited

     That's not true at all, You use your nades when you rush and close the distance from there it all comes down to your skills it's 50/50 who's going to get the kill.

      what would they be shooting at? theres no way for you to know where the enemy is until they kill one of you, at which point you're at even more of a disadvantage since you still have to move out of cover and now you're down a man
      firefights will consist of:
    1. sit on overwath position
    2. wait until enemy has committed to moving out of cover
    3. peek for a fraction of a second
    4. fire a single shot to kill enemy
    5. return to cover
    That's what makes the combat that much more interesing you can do it countless ways

      instant TTK means you pose a threat to every single one of that 4 man group - you can kill one of them just as fast as they can kill you, thus making teamwork far less important and forcing players to rely more on twitch aim than tactics

    Nades comes in just like in real life one of your mates could rush in others will use the cover to smoke that camping solo player, again it seems you fail to understand that the combat has much more possibilities therefore make the game a lot more interesting to play.

    making gameplay unpredictable is not "spicing it up", csgo has very little unpredictability and yet you keep touting it as what apb should be
      theres no way you can claim to be able to reliably fire back at someone who pops a corner and fires one shot, especially since it could be literally any corner
      you dont instantly die if you get caught in the open currently, theres a pretty decent chance to fight back most of the time
    that doesnt happen if headshots are added

    You're wrong, there is another way you can do it one of your mates keeps blasting that corner if the enemy decides to peep his little head out he'll get hs'd if he decides to laid back you throw a nade then he's forced to move then you close the distance on him your mates follows and then it goes 50/50 it all comes down to your skills to make the shots.

      forcing players to stand still and scope in would slow the gameplay down even more than headshots already would. - it would only slow down hvrs, obir, and obeya and that's the point they will be good at far range but in close range they will get destroyed by CQC weapons. So you will have pros and cons which is logical.

    EDIT: still waiting on some fixes for how you would fix the broken modification system
    oh and the damage dropoff system too can

    Mods have nothing do with headshots if you're talking about characters mods.  Weapon mods and drop off system can be adjusted after headshots are implemented.


  13. 1 minute ago, holyTyu said:
    You know what? I actually think he is trolling. I don't think a sane person will go such a distance without thinking that something might be wrong about his idea.

    First people who were arguing about Heliocentric model were having insanely good arguments about using it, but they were doubting those themselves because of the people around them thought they are wrong without any reasoning other than God created Earth and Earth is the center.

    We are giving OP good arguments why his idea doesn't make this game more fun while he just talks about MUH SKILL GAMEPLAY.

    I will just say that OP is a troll or he needs medical help.
    You and Cookie are the ones trolling you are the ones trying to derail the thread. All i'm doing is giving solutions for a better game. People are afraid of a change their minds think only the negative, but we got to add headshots to this it will attract new players to the game it will remove "pay2win" arguments and in general it will be more player friendly on top of that  it will excel APB to new heights as far as combat goes plain and simple, i can't comprehend how the old players can't acknowledge that fact, it's ludicrous.

  14. 47 minutes ago, BlitzKitty said:

    a Headshot function would damage the entire game, especially if it's a ONE shot headshot, imagine using any existing weapon, the N-TEC, OBIR, ALIG, SHAW, OCA... dude they ALL have faster TTK than the CS-GO AK-47, the ONLY reason CSGO is what it is is because it's been meticulously tweeked and developed over 3 decades almost. CSGO works because the guns, maps, and even player models are built AROUND the slow gameplay with headshots and First Person View

    APB is not a headshot game, it just isn't. I've played 6000+ hours in APB, and I've played 3000+ in CSGO, there are absolutely no CSGO mechanics the community wants in APB, so take the hint.
    Go play CSGO.

    I'm not saying APB is like CSGO, i'm saying adding headshots to APB would make sense simply of how APB combat is played out. APB has faster movements than CSGO it's completely different ball game but the headshots would work nice with it, it would make the combat a lot more fun as well as more challenging plain and simple.

  15. 21 minutes ago, BXNNXD said:
    players with bad aim will have far less of a chance because the game will become more reliant on aim - how do you not understand this?

    1) There will still be a luck factor for the new players on top of that are new to APB could be real good players to other games involving headshos so it would be even better because it would make their adaptation easier.

     how can you grenade someone when you have no idea where they are? with the current apb even if someone gets the first shot off on you there a chance for you to fight back - that disappears if we make the first shot an instant kill headshot

    2) Again you got weapons for that to tag the enemies. On top of that you'll find out pretty quick where you're getting shot from, unless you're really slow and have no game sense. It's 50/50 you can land a hs as well again you pretend that everything is stacked against you, don't act like that...

      if you cant understand the difference between defenders camping corners and attackers being forced to move out of cover then honestly you shouldnt even have posting privileges

    3) Everything can be countered, you can deal with defending campers by using nades and nade launchers or even rocket launchers. Attackers will find a way to move out they're not brain dead they'll create diversions they will use covering fire but they i'll find a way to move, where there's a will, there's a way. Again you act like everybody will be a headshot machines that's not true at if they miss they can still go the regular way of killing is going to the body kill the body and head will dead as well.

      firefights will consist of 1 gunshot at best, thats not interesting whatsoever compared to current gunfights
      its not going to be difficult, lowering the ttk means that it will be easier to take down multiple opponents - taking on multiple opponents currently requires far more skill than it would with headshots
      again you dont seem to understand that attackers are forced to move out of cover and defenders are not

    4) Again the headshot part can go either way it goes 50/50 that's combat deal with it stop crying about it. While attackers move out they're not going to move without shooting and throwing nades they're not just going to simply run in to the place unless they're low ranks.

    no, explosive are not a valid answer to someone sitting on a corner, this isnt csgo, in apb a player on a corner will be able to see you without ever exposing himself - the only time he would have to take any risk is when he pops out for an instant kill headshot
      theres no way for you to identify an enemy behind a corner, in a game like csgo they have to physically move around the corner in order to see beyond it thus exposing them to sight and bullets - in apb you never have to leave the corner in order to see past it

    5) You throw nades regardless and rush in if it's a tight place you will able to move him from that corner just for a second as you close the distance in on him and then it all comes do to your skill of making the shot.
    That's the chance you take either way headshots don't have much to do with it if there is an oca and shotty waiting for you to come in behind a corner they're going to get you regardless if the headshots exist or not.

    speaking of mods you still havent offered any fixes for headshots ruining modification.
     so you agree that headshots would make long range weapons incredibly overpowered, thanks for agreeing

    6) I got a feeling you're getting pissed at me, but the only thing you should be pissed at is yourself for trying to counter me with your ridiculous arguments. But anyway, that's why you got to add scopes to long range weapons having real scopes would make a lot more sense than having a little crosshair also it would become harder to quickswitch and it would limit your view on other players and your surroundings while you're in a scoped mode, so it would have pros and cons and still can be countered. Mods have nothing to do with headshots.

     the only way to get close without risking a headshot is to drive a car up, but then we're right back to people doing nothing but camping corners and driving cars around

    7) Again elimante the camping corners with nades and your mates, and then close the distance with them and from that point on it all falls down to your skills. It goes 50/50 everybody has a chance.


  16. 33 minutes ago, Sergsininia said:
    45 minutes ago, 23k said:
    forcing twitch aim and reaction time based combat makes the game more challenging for the the right reason. Bad aim players are bad aim players regardless of headshots but it will actually benefit them because they will have that luck factor. A player's skill should not have an contributing luck factor aside from them flicking their mouse, and getting the two rounds to hit. 

    theres no point in being able to move fast because everyone will just be sitting on corners. Nades can be thrown to flush them on top of that people already camp on roof and corners headshots wont change that, campers will always exist in every game. First you say there is no cover and you'll get killed in the open now you're saying everybody is going corner camp make up your mind bottom line players will adapt to it and will learn to counter everything over time and apply the right strategy to the right situation.
    The game's mechanics fully rely on cover. but getting one shot killed in any mission just from leaving cover would hurt the meta, and be damaging to the gameplay.
    firefights will be over instantly, that depends on the players that play.
    no it doesn't. Firefights in this game take long enough sometimes because players have to knock down each other's health. headshots would radically change that.
    this is not something that should be made easier. It's still going to be hard you have less chance to pull it off but having that possibility floating over you head makes it more interesting. Having a chance taking on multiple enemies still opens new plays to the game.
    Do you even know what you're saying now? headshots, at least how you have stated would be a one hit kill. That makes say, a group of 4, require a minimum of 4 bullets to kill. 
    If you're playing APB now, depending on the gun, that can require .... say... 24 minimum with an N-TEC. See the difference?...

    all it will do is force people to camp on corners and in cars even more than they already do. Again at first you said there is no where to hide now you're saying everyone is going to camp... Players will handle that there are rockets, nades, and other tricks to take care of it players will always find a way.
    APB requires you to take cover. However with objectives, you're vulnerable, and thanks to the third person camera, you can't even react if a player hidden sees you, and 1 shots you.
    this isnt csgo where if people can see you, you can see them - anyone rushing is going to be cut down before they even have time to react. Actually in APB it's alot easier to see your surroundings, spotting your enemies wont be a problem. We also have mods and a gun for that.
    This shows you little you know about the game. If a player is hiding behind a corner, and you're in the street, or moving to more cover, they can see you because of the camera angle...You can't see them.
    any gun that has any rng will instantly become useless because theres a chance it will miss that first shot on the head - long range guns will be used almost exclusively because the longer ttk they have is negated by headshots and they have perfect acccuracy from 0m-100m that's why you need to add real scopes to long range weapons and again players will always find away to get close to their targets that's not a problem. Here you're trying to balance out your idea with more Call of Duty, CS:GO, Rainbow Six ideas that all take from the fact the game is First Person. APB isn't. The games do not need to be more run of the mill generic copy paste shooter idea.
     A player's skill should not have an contributing luck factor aside from them flicking their mouse, and getting the two rounds to hit. Deal with it, it will make the combat less predictable and it will give the new players more of fighting chance if you got skill then it wont be a problem to you.

    The game's mechanics fully rely on cover. but getting one shot killed in any mission just from leaving cover would hurt the meta, and be damaging to the gameplay. That's where your mates come in they can distract the enemy by cover shooting while you move through.

    no it doesn't. Firefights in this game take long enough sometimes because players have to knock down each other's health. headshots would radically change that. Again it depends on the players and the movements of the players.

    Do you even know what you're saying now? headshots, at least how you have stated would be a one hit kill. That makes say, a group of 4, require a minimum of 4 bullets to kill. 
    If you're playing APB now, depending on the gun, that can require .... say... 24 minimum with an N-TEC. See the difference?...
    That's combat for you, you think most of the time you'll be able to land all 4 hs while the enemies are moving all over the place and shooting at you? you got to be kidding me, 4 players will still maintain the advantage unless you get lucky and the players are low rank.Even then a low rank could get lucky and blast you so it it's unpredictable that's what makes it interesting you can't predict it. It spices up the gameplay.

    APB requires you to take cover. However with objectives, you're vulnerable, and thanks to the third person camera, you can't even react if a player hidden sees you, and 1 shots you. Really? that's the best you can come up with it just sounds that you want an easy games that's it...You act like you can't 1 shot him as well the fact is it goes both ways is what you seem to forget always you put yourself as the victim that is going to get owned not matter what. In combat everything can happen that's why it will make it more interesting.
    This shows you little you know about the game. If a player is hiding behind a corner, and you're in the street, or moving to more cover, they can see you because of the camera angle...You can't see them. That's your fault if you run in the open and that happens. You take risks and you have to deal with it. Same thing happens in APB regardless of headshots if you're running in the open right now sniper would still take you out regardless if the headshots exist or not.

     Here you're trying to balance out your idea with more Call of Duty, CS:GO, Rainbow Six ideas that all take from the fact the game is First Person. APB isn't. The games do not need to be more run of the mill generic copy paste shooter idea. Having real scopes would make a lot more sense than having a silly little crosshair also it would become harder to quickswitch and it would limit your view on other players and your surroundings while you're in scoped mode so it would have pros in long range and cons in CQC. Why would the game even have a scope on the gun model if it's not usable? it makes as much sense as your counter arguments to my posts.

  17. 9 minutes ago, Sergsininia said:
    I stopped reading after the first two lines... Before you try to criticize my post, I'll just leave this here:

    If you're old enough, you've learned about logical fallacies.
    So, to discredit your argument, you yourself formed with the subset of logical fallacies I'm about to point out. 

    You attacked the person not the argumentKempington did not insult you, nor do anything more than provide reasoning, and flaws with your idea.
    You're appealing to emotions, not logic. Here you decide to instead use buzz words as Bxnnxd and Kempington have pointed out. These do not prove your idea to be of any value, nor benefit to the game.
    You're then re-appealing to emotions by a circular logic. The game requires more skill, thus it will have higher rewards, thus requiring more skill. There's no end to that circle is there?

    On top of that, you probably could make your posts more legible, and easier to read for anyone who actually wishes to understand the suggestion you've made. (which, is also breaking a forum rule by posting a suggestion to the social subform.) Which, if I were to use the same reasoning in a previous post you made:

    "If so, anything you say holds no real value."
    I didn't insult Kempigton i called him by his tag. Other than that everything that you wrote holds no real value it's all your speculations they're not based on facts. they're just your opinons the same thing that you say about my post having no real logic or point or value applies even more to your posts. Bottom line is you leave the player alone with the game and it will sort itself out adding headshots wont be game breaking players will adapt to it since everybody will have to go through the same process of adaptation.

  18. 2 minutes ago, BXNNXD said:
    forcing twitch aim and reaction time based combat makes the game more challenging for the wrong reasons, currently players with bad aim can attempt to compete because apb rewards good game knowledge and tactics - adding headshots will negate that
      theres no point in being able to move fast because everyone will just be sitting on corners
      firefights will be over instantly, apb isnt designed to be a realistic shooter
      this is not something that should be made easier
      all it will do is force people to camp on corners and in cars even more than they already do
      this isnt csgo where if people can see you, you can see them - anyone rushing is going to be cut down before they even have time to react
      any gun that has any rng will instantly become useless because theres a chance it will miss that first shot on the head - long range guns will be used almost exclusively because the longer ttk they have is negated by headshots and they have perfect acccuracy from 0m-100m

    forcing twitch aim and reaction time based combat makes the game more challenging for the the right reason. Bad aim players are bad aim players regardless of headshots but it will actually benefit them because they will have that luck factor.

    theres no point in being able to move fast because everyone will just be sitting on corners. Nades can be thrown to flush them on top of that people already camp on roof and corners headshots wont change that, campers will always exist in every game. First you say there is no cover and you'll get killed in the open now you're saying everybody is going corner camp make up your mind bottom line players will adapt to it and will learn to counter everything over time and apply the right strategy to the right situation.

    firefights will be over instantly, that depends on the players that play.

    this is not something that should be made easier. It's still going to be hard you have less chance to pull it off but having that possibility floating over you head makes it more interesting. Having a chance taking on multiple enemies still opens new plays to the game.

    all it will do is force people to camp on corners and in cars even more than they already do. Again at first you said there is no where to hide now you're saying everyone is going to camp... Players will handle that there are rockets, nades, and other tricks to take care of it players will always find a way.

    this isnt csgo where if people can see you, you can see them - anyone rushing is going to be cut down before they even have time to react. Actually in APB it's alot easier to see your surroundings, spotting your enemies wont be a problem. We also have mods and a gun for that.

    any gun that has any rng will instantly become useless because theres a chance it will miss that first shot on the head - long range guns will be used almost exclusively because the longer ttk they have is negated by headshots and they have perfect acccuracy from 0m-100m that's why you need to add real scopes to long range weapons and again players will always find away to get close to their targets that's not a problem.


  19. 20 minutes ago, Kempington said:

    That was a lot of fluff. Hypothesize some scenarios for me and how headshots would help, as opposed to annoy the losing player moreso than currently.

    You haven't at all given a valid point for the addition of headshots. You used buzzwords such as "spice up" "adapt" "outplay", but not addressed how headshots will actually benefit the game.

    For the small points you did describe, we've counter argued with valid points, which you haven't a valid rebuttal for, other than "you're wrong".

    Please amend these issues first, if you can.

    Alright man child, headshots will make the game more skill based more challenging you'll recieve higher rewards from hitting headshots the game still will be fast simply because of the movements that you can perform in this game the crouch option is one way to counter head shots at certain times the gameplay will become more intense and realistic you'll have higher chance to pull upsest kills like killing multiple enemies for the player it will open new opportunities to perform new unique situtations in combat new tactics all open up new way of thinking, new mindset if you rush you'll take a higher chance of getting smoked but at same time you could still perfrom good while rushing if you manage to land those shots first. Your mind will have to be on point to perform some certain situations while trying not to get smoked. On top of that every gun will be a lot more usable it will remove the conversations of "op" and "pay2win" guns, because it would all fall down to your skills.

  20. 1 minute ago, BXNNXD said:

     that’s what exactly what new players are, they have no concept of most of the tactics available in apb - a headshot system would allow any moderately skilled player to mow down new players with impunity

    it will slow down the game, you claim to play csgo and yet you can’t tell the difference between the play speed of apb and csgo

    APB has much faster gameplay compared to CSGO with or with out headshots if it had headshots it would surpass CSGO in terms of combat there would be no crying about guns being op it would come down to your aim. I give you real solid solutions to solve some of the game problems you on the other hand just write and pull random s*** out of your a** with no real arguments. The game would be real good if it had headshots most players would know how to handle themselves the new players will adapt to it as well.

  21. The thing that should be the main number 1 priority is adding the abilty to deliver a lethal shot to each other while in combat basically you both land your shots if it happens to be lethal you both die. I've had quite few encounters where i had the enemy in my sight we both had low health i needed one shot to finsih him, i heard that shot going out of my gun i now i manged to pull the trigger but since the other player landed first he killed me that's the problem it should of been double murder i should of killed him and took him to grave with me that's the thing that really sits on my mind it should be fixed.

    1 minute ago, Sergsininia said:
    Name a valid argument to implement headshots in the game. You're just scared of the wonderfully intricate, and 10 years in the making system.

    It works both ways mate.
    Read above i already posted the reason why it would work and should be implemented.

  22. Just now, BXNNXD said:
    2 minutes ago, 23k said:
    You see the problem is that you think everyone will kill you, it's not like that it comes down to you how you play the game you can prevent from being smoked and you can outplay your adversary where there's a will, there's a way, No matter the circumstances players will find a way to out play one another that in itself makes the combat a lot more interesting. It would still remain APB but it would become better. Why not that could work.
    it would slow the game down to ridiculous levels which is the opposite of what apb was designed for, if you want to play csgo go play csgo
    It won't slow down it would excel the combat to another level with smarter play styles.
    Just now, Sergsininia said:
    Literally the entire game, balancing, meta, and design is based off of the character's single hitbox. 
    No. Do. Not. Bring. Headshots. To. This. Game.

    If you really think this is a good suggestion, then please, go play the game, and actually learn the mechanics before you want to change them.
    You got no valid arguments, only thing i get from you is you're scared of more advanced combat.

  23. Just now, Kempington said:

    Ok. Explain, without using teamwork buzzwords and assumed 50/50 chance (which it really won't be), how headshots will spice things up. You can only be so cautious and check so many angles before getting domed at an angle you can't predict or a random grenade thrown in over a wall 60m away.

    How will this help new players even the playing field, when the super experienced will have access to the same tools?

    You see the problem is that you think everyone will kill you, it's not like that it comes down to you how you play the game you can prevent from being smoked and you can outplay your adversary where there's a will, there's a way, No matter the circumstances players will find a way to out play one another that in itself makes the combat a lot more interesting. It would still remain APB but it would become better.
    3 minutes ago, Gentix said:

    Add snow map ty)

    Why not that could work.
    5 minutes ago, BXNNXD said:
    the difference is that with the current system lower skilled players still have a chance to kill higher skilled players because there’s a soft limit on how many people a single player can handle in a firefight

    what new player is going to stick around to become a pro when they get instantly downed whenever they get within 100m of the objective? or when a higher skilled player can kill 4 new players in a single magazine? or when a high ranked player with low yields can dump 3 one hit kill grenades onto a team before a low ranked player can cook 2?
    This is only applies if you're playing with zombies, real players would not face this problem.

  24. 7 minutes ago, Kempington said:

    I feel like you think that adding headshots will make it 50/50 in a firefight on who will win.

    It won't. Not even remotely close.

    Inexperienced players will get destroyed left, right and centre. Their inherent lack of map knowledge, reaction times, lower frame rates, lesser teamplay will make the gap between these skill levels even greater. If anything, you'll be making it easier for more experienced players to stomp on silvers and lesser experienced players by giving them a one shot capability.

    The map IS relevant. That's why so many small tweaks and changes are made to the maps in CS:GO, the game you like to frequently refer to for these changes.

    Furthermore, this is a 3rd person shooter game. Corner hugging and using the 3rd person camera to line up your shots before presenting yourself will be easy.

    I know you may have quite a bit of experience with CS:GO, but this game does NOT play like it at all. There is far more movement and mobility in this game in comparison. It has a more arcade feel, as opposed to CS:GO's more methodical approach. Trying to incorporate some of the shooting mechanics from CS:GO will not work in a game as different as this.

    Furthermore, you rely your argument on one fact, teamwork. That would require a lot of co-ordination and timing. So.... what about the players who play solo and can't get that co-ordination from Joe shmoe? You see, Joe has no mic, plays at 15fps and doesn't really read the in-game team chat or give a damn who his teammates are. Hell, he doesn't even realise a mission is going on right now, he's just following the icons on the screen.

    Sound familiar? It should, that's a caricature of the average player in this game. It's exagerrated, but the point still stands. Unless you specifically ask (which quite a few players don't), you won't be grouping up and using communication. These changes will just annoy players more and won't necessarily encourage teamwork in the way you expect.

    Every pro was once a noob. Headshots won't ruin the game it will spice it up plain and simple.
    Another thing is adding the abilty to deliver a lethal shot to each other while in combat basically you both land your shots if it happens to be lethal you both die. I've had quite few encounters where i had the enemy in my sight we both had low health i needed one shot to finsih him, i heard that shot going out of my gun i now i manged to pull the trigger but since the other player landed first he killed me that's the problem it should of been double murder i should of killed him and took him to grave with me that's the thing that really sits on my mind it should be fixed. 
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