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Posts posted by miketam

  1. Hey...i and a lot of other people at the time..."thats when we had a lot of people of course"..liked  to scour the huge map looking for pumpkins..probably a lot of people saw more of the maps and places they wouldnt have normally..you could search as and when u liked..no waiting for grunch /cuddles .to spawn ..no missing it because u got there to late or had to log soon for work etc.

    Chance to find a few even if u werent looking..just doing missions etc. So yes it was "just a box / pumpkin spawn event" but it was actually  more than that imo.

    Hell newbies were always finding pumpkins when they didnt even realise there was an event on..which was a nice fun surprise for them..with some nice good looking cosmetic rewards too.

    • Like 1

  2. Fallen Earth lagging.badly..again..already. so soon after maintenance. 
    like 12-14 sec lag on nodes...mail starting to eat items...stuck crafts..major lag in global / help /region / team chats..all the ussual stuff when lag gets bad...
    There..slightly redacted from ticket sent.

  3. Its classified..only the hampsters know for sure ..and they aint talking..just squeaking and wondering when they will be fed.

    Dont worry lil fellers..Once they sorted out Battle Eye on APb..im sure someone will remember to feed you and get us lag free.

    You will just have to suffer a bit longer..maybe even till maint....

  4. Yes..about 1 min chat delay in /help /global and to fast travel "variable" ..Plus all the ussual issues you mentioned that occur when game is lagging badly. Hopefully they dont take the easy / lazy.. way out like the last owners and just leave it unplayable till maintenance is due later today.

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