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Posts posted by miketam

  1. I got turned into a chicken then killed and flagged up pvp as one too..when i politely protested in global ..Ok it wasnt politely really.

    But i mean what kind of sicko does that to ayesha...im lovely and the nicest person in FE...and modest too.

  2. Just switched and locked up....trying to get back in now...but still stuck on blank character select screen too.

    Characters finally pop up after 5 mins or so.

    Cost me prolly 12 mins on my roth harv. the slow toon switching is costing me time and money lol...even when it doesnt lock up completely.

  3. Yea i managed to switch through all 6 toons on this account this time...some still a bit laggy to switch but better than they were...unpark vehicles ft and clan vault lag seems better now too.

    Very little if any lag on ft and unpark for at moment.

  4. Toons shud pop up "eventually" maybe 5 mins or so ..i got in first time ok...then i tried switching toons..i like to live dangerously.

    Had to relaunch now im getting to toon select but no further...clicks a toon and it just wont load it in. so far....


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