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Posts posted by LaQuandra

  1. 1 minute ago, LilyV3 said:


    advantage =/=autowin, as well as hacking =/=winning but massively increasing chance, sseriously, its hard to take you serious anymore ther eis 0 logic in what you say.


    I am dying to see you do this. You claim it's a huge advantage and I'd love to see your skill increase because of these "mini cheats." Maybe it will help you throw percs around corners.......maybe. 


    1 minute ago, LuzExtinguido said:

    I dont allways use sprint, i use shift to sprint... and having a dot while i sprint would help me to quick aim while doing it, instead of stop for a moment and aim with crosshair.

    There is not much science and ive been explaining/repeating this for awhile, and everyone ignores it.


    Show me. Show me your OPGL with and without a dot. I'd love to see the huge skill increase.

  2. Just now, CookiePuss said:

    I dont think they would dramatically increase, but I would expect an improvement in situations where your crosshair would normally be gone.

    Rather than assuming stuff I want hard data. Fair? I am not interested in what you think might happen and that you might improve, rather I want you to actually do it and show some proof of your much improved game play. The crying over the years about these things should be vindicated by a large increase of skill. If the skill increase is not measurable why are you and your crew complaining about it so much?

  3. 2 minutes ago, LuzExtinguido said:

    After all the arguments we been throwing for not doing you keep insisting...

    No one said is cheating, stop distorting words.


    I dont need any test because i already know its unfair. I use opgl a lot and having a dot while sprinting would break it even more.


    How exactly would a dot help a weapon that doesn't shoot in a straight line? Wait....you're unable to hold down sprint and use the OPGL? You know that holding down sprint and using always sprint is the same exact thing right?

  4. 1 minute ago, CookiePuss said:

    Hmmm... I wonder how this would play out.

    I do use my .45 AP a lot, and I tend to always miss that 1st shot. I kind of am curious how much a center dot would help. But unless LO gives the go ahead, I'd rather not break any rules.




    Take a little risk......Matt Scott would see it as a failure if you got banned so most likely won't ban you. 


    I really do want you to do this for me because I'd like to prove to you're the same player regardless. In fact, I bet you will say "I found the cross hair distracting and removed it."


    I've played both with and without a cross hair. I am the same player regardless. 

  5. 4 minutes ago, LuzExtinguido said:

    Then there is no reason to add such dot or having custom crosshair. Thanks.


    I present the same challenge to you. I'd like to see your skills dramatically increase because of a dot like you claim it does for others.

  6. 1 hour ago, CookiePuss said:


    I mean, having a static center dot would help in some cases.



    Are you willing to test this out for me? Can you play for 3 hours without a cross hair and then provide me footage of 3 hours playing with a cross hair. We can then analyze your videos and pinpoint the deaths and missions losses because of a lack of cross hair and we will pinpoint the kills and mission wins because of the cross hair.


    We can then determine how much a better player you are with the cross hair and without and maybe we can quantify just how much of an advantage it is numbers wise.


    I have a feeling you'll quickly realize you're the same player with it as you are without. 

  7. 9 minutes ago, MartisLTU said:

    Okay so...


    Auto Crouch when you zoom in - Its advantage over those players who might miss click button or doesnt have good game sence or just are bit slower on reaction. 

    Auto sprint - your fingers doest get tired on holding shift ( its stupid but still advantage ) ~ i bet some one will make fun of this*

    Custom crosshair - gives you better ingame focus on target.

    macro/trigerbot - you wont missclick, makes semi weapon feel like its full auto.

    i dunno what els you ppl. using .... 

    It may not be effective on Pro veterans ,but i bet for a low-skill new players and nubs it would be pretty nice advantage over another low-skill nubs.


    Last questions ... plz answer:

    Are you ppl. using all those mini-cheats in Single player games too ? If you dont why ? 

    If those mini-cheats are not advantage over others why you want to use them so bad ? 







    I prefer mini donuts over mini cheats. 


    The only thing remotely close to cheats that I like would be Cheetos. Puffs in particular.


    What are you going to complain about? People who have more comfy chairs play better because their butts don't hurt as much? I am going to blame non drinkers in this game for having an advantage over me when I decide to drink too much and play. 


    If the always sprint users physically taped their sprint button down are you going to call them a cheater also? 

    • Like 1

  8. 5 minutes ago, CookiePuss said:

    How come Ive beaten rage hackers?

    Is it because going full blatant doesnt give an advantage?

    Im not sure your logic is sound.


    No, you're actually using your brain now. Just because you have an aimbot doesn't mean you're going to be a better player. There are tons of brain dead hackers that are very beatable. Tons of brain dead gamers who use a cross hair. Tons of brain dead gamers who use cross hairs.


    Worry about how you are playing. Worry about yourself and improving your video game skills and how you deal with adversity in the game.


    Anyone going full blatant is an obvious cheater. Why would it upset you that you lost? I've played the game for 8 years and rarely encounter rage hackers.



  9. 12 minutes ago, LilyV3 said:



    there are also many games without it, so it really isn't something big. Infact, that i foudn amsuing when someoen said, I want to toggle sprint, but a hold crouch.


    And no, the point made before was not about crouch and stuff it was also about crosshair and such things of which many say its not advantage, which totally is false because some of these things are clear advantages.  And those advantages were the reason why at some point G1 said, "No" so all of them because people started more and more changing stuff to get advantages while claiming it has no advantage.


    And all that flamign, well soem edgy kiddies thinkign they are cool saying these or people without any selfcontrol about their anger. Man if that were the star wars universe we had sith in masses like jedi before the empire and probably just 2 jedi.

    also, if the one side is called the dark side, is the other called the bright side?





    A cross hair isn't going to make you a better player either. It doesn't enhance game sense and aiming which are the two factors that will make a successful APB player. G1 only said no to the shaders and cross hairs to appease the misguided vocal forum community like yourself. People still openly streamed with their shaders and cross hairs and were not banned. Do not think for one second that G1 "disallowed" them because of a competitive advantage. Be honest here, the old team never played and had no idea what the shaders or cross hairs did. 


    How come I have beaten players with custom shaders and cross hairs? And when I lose I don't blame others. I wonder why....

  10. 2 minutes ago, LilyV3 said:


    ohhh you seem to be fun on parties.


    also, enhancing the game past whats others do is not making you better than them, its the enhancement making you better.


    Also your funny talk about insecure? what would have nsecrity to do with it? I could aks in reverse, are you to insecure to go without these things? If these things aren't the reaosn you wouldn't have a need to use them at all, because you would realise they change nothing. What kind of person does spent time and effort on stuff that would be pointless? Thats just people that are too insecure to admit it enhances them trying to make otjhers thign the enhancement isn't an enhancement to make themselfs feel better about their performance without havign to admit it wasn't them improving their performance.




    This was brutal to read but I read it anyway.


    I am very fun at parties. I don't stand against the wall and complain that the girls don't talk to me because other dudes at the party have nicer pants than me and why can't we all just wear the same raggity pants?


    Sorry, I don't consider someone using "hold to crouch" as an enhancement. I don't consider someone who prefers to use "hold to crouch" to be insecure for their reason for doing so. It is very common in many games and was overlooked by the development team of APB.


    The simple fact is there are too many people in APB who are extremely insecure. In my 8 years of playing this game I have been told to kill myself, get cancer, hope my kids die, hope my family dies, hopes I am banned forever and forever, hope my wife gets raped, and whatever other foul comment they can think of. All because they think I use hold to crouch? Why would that make anyone that upset? The insecure players are what makes all gaming communities toxic.


    Honestly though, learn to brush it off rather than putting others down to make yourself feel superior. 


    Last piece of advice for those who receive whispers like the ones I shared....simply reply "k" to everything they say. 

    2 minutes ago, EmptyPillow said:

    do people genuinly think ppl smack them because theyre using toggle sprint, hold crouch, custom crosshairs or whatever?


    Of course they do. Dude used caps to make his point man. 

    • Like 1

  11. Just now, SelttikS said:

    Thank you Doctor Phill, I think we have made some break through that may help our guests today.

    I am the self proclaimed APB psychologist for a reason. Next time we will discuss why you shouldn't spawn out in the open 3 times in a row and call the guy with an obeya a hacker. As my friend Jerry Springer used to say (or maybe he still does) "Till next time, take care of yourselves and each other."

    • Thanks 1

  12. 14 minutes ago, LilyV3 said:


    maybe if these people would turn their screens on they didn't need those config changes and sorts of enhancements.


    21 minutes ago, MartisLTU said:



    So no answer why you ppl. cant play like normal players play. I would understand if you are disabled person and you dont have arm or have somekind disease and cant move some fingers .... but i bet you ppl. just want to have advantage over legit players who doesnt use any of those mini-cheats.


    None of those things are the reasons why you lose missions or a gun fight. Seems like many of you simply assume people are "cheating" or using some advantage over you when in reality you're just insecure. Work on making yourself better rather than blaming others for your short comings. This is true in all walks of life....just not video games and APB.  

    • Thanks 1

  13. 44 minutes ago, MartisLTU said:

    Im so sick of those players who cant play like normal ppl. Im playing since 2013 without any help without any custom crosshair, autosprint, mausefix, autoCrouch ...etc. So why you cant play like i do ?


    I bet you use a monitor huh? Over the past few years I have learned to play with sound only. I turn the monitor off. Stop being a visual noob and play like me. I've been playing since 1870. 

  14. 15 minutes ago, SLICKIEM said:

    Something like this is a good idea, maybe not re-implementing this exact idea, though. As is stands there IS a bit too much skill variation in the silver and gold threats. One guy which hasn't been silver in a year straight might still get molly whopped by a top gold. Whereas with more varied threats like this suggestion, that top gold would be far outranking the other guy and can visibly be seen as better. It might also help to distinguish hackers - A rank 40 with max threat in a system like this would send warning flags all over.


    Edit: Making the max threat in this system function as Prestige/Notoriety 5 does now would balance out that mechanic as well, meaning you would never attain bounty status during a mission, only when threat is applied (at the end), and could make for some fun, protracted fights between missions quite rarely (which is how P/N5 should be in the first place)


    But max rank doesn't necessarily mean you have insane skill. People can be carried to max rank/gold status now. Winning missions requires team coordination as well. If you get a group of 4 skilled players with excellent teamwork it isn't hard for them to go 30-0 in missions against public groups. It would be unfair to flag them because they know how play the game and use teamwork. Team coordination in this game is really underestimated. 

  15. 2 hours ago, BXNNXD said:

    you are aware the old system and the current system are nearly identical, the only change would be a visual one


    what you are describing is closer to the rtw threat system which iirc based threat off of your last 100 matches or so


    The current system is 1-10. RTW was 1-15. OP is talking about the original threat system. The current system you go from Gold level, to silver, to bronze, to green. Over 30 different levels (40 if there is green 1-10?). 


    Of course any threat system will be comparable. We can have 100 different levels and could still "group" them into a "bronze (1-33), silver (34-66), and gold (67-100)" category. I feel going back to the 15 levels will make it easier for matchmaking for the fact people will fluctuate more based on how they are playing that particular day and who they are grouped with. Right now the threat levels seem fairly static and restrictive when it comes to district population and matchmaking.  


    Can and would the 1-15 threat levels be exploitable? Of course, but I am not sure how you can prevent that except doing away with matchmaking in general and going more of an open conflict system.


    In RTW APB I don't recall people losing on purpose. We were all grouped in the same districts and got matches without having to stand around forever (after they moved to the ready up system). Of course they had leader boards so people cared a little bit more. While leader boards create a whole other issue, why not leader boards for the current players in the district. Who currently logged into distinct has the most kills, which team has the longest winning streak, etc? Once they log off/leave district they are removed from the board.

  16. Pros and Cons to the old threat system. I like the fact that your threat will change often with your wins and losses. If you're on a roll you will threat up and play against good competition. If done well, you won't need to segregate the districts because matchmaking should find something for you in every district.


    The negatives though is it will increase cheaper game play and encourage people to win at all costs (run with items, running after 1 kill in takeouts, etc). Also people can lose on purpose and "dethreat" faster to stomp lower threats and then just purposely lose against higher rank competition to go back to their "lower" threat. People will find a way to exploit it.  


    I am not a big fan of the current system and segregation however.


    If I had to choose between threats 1-15 and the current system I'll pick threats 1-15. 


    If anything, get rid of the stupid scoring system or redo it completely. The winning team's score shouldn't be doubled or whatever because they won. Going 19-5 in a loss can produce the same "score" as someone going 4-8 in a win. While it's not completely uncommon, it's hard to be the "MVP" when you're on the losing side despite carrying your team or being the best player on the mission for both sides.

  17. 1 minute ago, BXNNXD said:

    i dont think cooky is saying matt is against banning, as obviously the player cheated and should be punished, but that given the attitude towards cheating whether orbit would support allowing cheaters another chance after that punishment (being allowed to reroll on a fresh account with no tracking or w/e)


    for all we know it could be  a combination of solutions where your fresh accounts are tracked but not banned until theres a flag, and after a certain number of "chances" you just start getting autobanned - this seems to have been g1's solution, albeit they were far too lenient with the number of second chances imo


    Didn't G1 say you could reroll but still banned rerollers at their own discretion whether they cheated or not? 


    Considering it is a free to play game and there are numerous ways to hide your true identity, who cares if a "cheater" wants to reroll as long as they aren't cheating? If they cheat again shouldn't the anti-cheat catch them? Seems like tracking said cheater would be impossible if the reroller wanted to stay anonymous. Obviously cheaters do not value their accounts as much as legitimate players considering they put their accounts at risk each time they log in. 


    I never got the impression that LO was lenient on cheaters or had any positive attitude. He just stated that the old anti cheat system was heavily flawed and didn't have much faith in it. Not sure where this whole idea that he wouldn't perma ban anyone came from.

  18. 1 minute ago, CookiePuss said:


    He isnt against banning, he views banning as a failure.

    Meaning he feels that when a player is banned, he has also has failed.


    Yeah, failed for the fact people were able to cheat in the game so therefore he doesn't want to broadcast it.


    You make no sense but that is par for the course so carry on like usual. 

  19. Just now, CookiePuss said:

    He stated that he sees banning as a failure.

    There is also the fact that his solution to handle dethreating is not to necessarily punish dethreaters, but to make gaining and losing rank a much more gradual (slow) process. So Im thinking his attitude is more on the side of it also being partly his job to create an environment where people are less likely to engage in behaviour that gets them banned. Which is good I think.


    Though yes, he has not commented specifically on whether or not cheaters will be allowed to reroll.


    Again. How does that mean he is against banning? You think he supports and encourages people to continue to cheat in his game because if he bans them it's a failure? You took what he said out of context. If someone is cheating in their game he sees that as a failure on his part and no longer wanted to use name and shame policies because of that. He doesn't want to celebrate the fact that people were cheating in his game and were banned for it unlike the previous company.

  20. 7 minutes ago, LilyV3 said:


    yes could happen, its still a difference if those things get altered through the ingame or by any other user directly in the File, so yes it COULD happen, because you do stuff you aren't supposed to do.



    How exactly does it know if you used the GUI or manually changed it? Isn't the GUI just a way of automatically changing the same file? Please explain.

  21. 3 minutes ago, LilyV3 said:

    Thats still not the way it works, don't TOS say do not alter files? So there is your disallowance


    Guess if you changed your key bindings you're gonna get banned for altering files. Don't change your resolution either. Gonna get banned.

  22. 4 minutes ago, LilyV3 said:

    being common =/= supposed to be done.


    inis exist because devs can easily be adjusted without interacting in the code. What ini settings are supposed to be altered by the user is usually reachable trhough an ingame setting. Yes devs can lock them, but not locking them doesn't equal an allowance for the user to adjuts it at his will.


    being able to =/= being allowed to =/= supposed to do


    these 3 can have a connection but don't necessarily imply each other in any way.


    No. You're still wrong. The developers do not add every option into games for whatever reason but it doesn't mean they are against "always sprint" or "hold to crouch" or whatever else. Sometimes it can be an oversight. 


    Again, if they truly didn't want you to do it, it'd be locked. Obviously they don't care if you edit your APBinput.ini. Why would they?


  23. 5 hours ago, LilyV3 said:

    and there is also a reason why some of these values are not adjustable by the GUI, because they are not usuually supposed to be changed by the user

    You are incorrect. The developer can lock anything in the ini file to be edited. I've played games were the key bindings cannot be in change in the GUI and if you go to the ini edit, you're unable to change the key bindings there as well. If it's in the ini, it can be altered. If they really didn't want you to alter it, they'd lock it. Seems pretty simple to me.

  24. 12 minutes ago, Sniperturtle said:


    1. Changing game files through a text-editor is pretty alarming to BE and other programs that might check them for additions. Gamersfirst NEVER APPROVED of modifications to the game files by the way and such actions were ALWAYS PRONE TO BAN.

    2. Third party programs were never fine, not in G1 APB, and not for Battleye

    3. Battleye is usually not answering such requests in a useful manner.


    What you have written there is the roadmap to a banned copy of ArmA3, and i doubt it'll be much better on APB.

    Just wait for LO to make an announcement, and be very careful with overlays and other 3rd party plugins and programs.


    1. You realize when you change your key bindings it changes that ini file correct? What difference does it make if you change it in game or through the text editor. it's the same thing.


    2. Really? So I can only play the game and have nothing else running? 


    3. Wrong. Send them a support ticket with specific questions. They will answer them. Why wouldn't they?


    Many programs hook into games for people to capture. Streamers use overlays all the time. LO cannot even say for sure what BE will pick up and what it won't. They cannot test every obscure program that people use for legitimate purposes.



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