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Posts posted by LaQuandra

  1. On 8/25/2018 at 4:24 AM, V2050 said:

    Hunting Sight? On an AR that behaves like a SMG? Fool question, but I would like to ask for bit of an explaination as to why would you do this.

    If you're not looking down the sights on the curse or the manic you're doing it wrong. I suggest not using any red mods on either of the two guns.

    Best setup is probably Hunting Sight 3, Mobility Sling, and Extended Mag 3. 

  2. On 8/27/2018 at 9:15 AM, uraputz said:
    • no new player enjoyment
    • hacking (triggerbots/aimbots/esp)
    • toxic player base
    • server lag issues
    I've known new players who have enjoyed the game. New players shouldn't expect the game to be tailored to them, they need to adjust to the game. Either you like it or you don't. APB isn't for everyone just like WoW, LoL or CSGO isn't for everyone. Impossible to make all players happy...new and old. 

    Nobody is hacking on NA. If they are, they get banned quickly.

    Use ignore and don't hide district chat and you will eliminate 95% of the toxicity in the game. ALL games have toxic players and nice players. APB is no exception.

    Jericho has been playable as of late. While it isn't perfect 100% of the time LO has acknowledged it and it working on it. They had made some progress and the cries of DDOS are occurring less. The current condition of Jericho is playable more often than it isn't.

    If you enjoy the game, then play it. Don't stress about the things you cannot control. 

  3. 20 hours ago, Davess said:
    20 hours ago, Clandestine said:

    That's not exactly the great thing. If loot boxes will disappear then the prices of other items will increase.

    Except why would other items get more expensive? Legendaries would just have to be put in as obtainable in a different way; gambling is a serious issue.
    Drunk Driving and alcoholism are serious issues as well. Do you support banning alcohol? Just because gambling is a serious issue for some does not mean it should be removed for everyone. The countries that are proposing these bans are starting to head down the slippery slope of being a nanny state. Let consumers decide how they want to spend their money, not the government. 

  4. Remove stamina damage from all nades beside the stun nade. Perc-PIG is a broken over used non intended mechanic in the game. If enforcers want to LTL they shouldnt be able to prenade with yolos and other nades to make you more vulnerable to stuns. The movement speed penalty when you get hit by the PIG is way too much also. Very difficult to be able to move into cover or even fight back when you're so immobilized. 

    Perc-PIG was never intended to be in the game and has been abused too long. Don't let people crutch on broken mechanics. 

    • Like 1

  5. 2 hours ago, SKay said:
    Here you go. It's a colour converter.

    By definition APB uses a condensed HSL system with 4096 unique values for color (out of the standard 3.6 million colours that normal HSL enjoys). So there will be colour loss due to this. But it's the best anyone can do

    That is a nice little site.

    Generally if I found a color I wanted I would open it in MS paint and use the color picker tool, select the color and then go to "edit color." You will see the values there. Then in order to convert it to APB colors, you'd divide the numbers by the following:




    You might have to play around a little bit/round some numbers with the final result but it is pretty close. 
    • Thanks 1

  6. 17 hours ago, Nite said:
    Taken from the Upcoming Weapon Balance thread: As much as I've come to like the current Oblivion and would much rather it not become another ISSR-B, at least you'll be getting your wish sometime soon....

    It won't be another ISSR-B though. It doesn't have nearly the same amount of hard damage. The Oblivion has much better range as well. Not sure how you like using the oblivion currently when changing to your secondary puts you at such a disadvantage. It seems like the balance patch should at least allow you to use the weapon close/mid range and be able to instantly switch to your secondary when needed. The gun will still be very different from the ISSR-B. It will be 100% viable at that point.  

  7. 1 hour ago, Trivirium said:

    Onto my next previous purchase of the SBSR 'IRS'

    I recently picked up this gun and I enjoy using it. I do have a few issues with it. Since it is full auto, I get ghost shots if I want to semi auto fire it. There are times when I don't want to go full auto and the ghost shots throw me off. Also, on numerous occasions I have gotten 3 hit markers on a player and no death, They aren't using kevlar, there weren't ghost shots, etc. I don't know if it's an issue with the servers or the gun but I don't seem to get it on other guns I use. 

    Overall the IRS is a pretty solid gun people do not use. 

    I am looking forward to see what they do with the Coroner. I don't see any reason to use that gun over the IRS.

    47 minutes ago, Nite said:
    When it first released the talk was that your lifetime spend had to be about $700USD in store purchases to go from 0 to Euryale. But don't quote me on that....
      B-b-b-but.....I like the Oblivion.....😢

    Oblivion will be a million times better when I can switch to my secondary after firing. Would be a lot better if it played more like the dog ear. 

    35 minutes ago, Similarities said:

    I like the N-SSW and FROG quite a bit.

    I love how the FROG Thumbnail sounds and the accuracy but the damage drop off is too quick. I dont see any reason to use it over the fbw, ocsp, or 45 if you want that type of pew pew secondary.  

  8. 12 hours ago, Regenance said:

    Tell me please, I have seen few streamers around having that insanely aim which their mouse isn't even moving, jumping with NTECs getting all those shots. but I? well. I miss those shots even tho I aim properly, I spray players but getting all those ghost shots, I don't think there is any difference between us, but the only thing is? how...... like. 144hz monitors doesn't make any difference, I'm with GTX 1080ti , 32GB RAM and Ryzen AMD 7 1700X with 3.9 and still the game runs like potato hows that players doing over 20-0 when I do maybe 7-1 or 10-4 when I rush and not playing smartly.. the thing that I meant in this thread that how the hell do I fix all those fps drops and shuttering, how do I fix my smart mouse to work properly in-game like others (pro players  - I got Logitech G703) and how the hell people aim that straight.

    I was watching golf on TV the other day and those guys hit all their shots so far and straight. Me? My ball slices off into the woods sometimes. I misread the greens all the time when I play. The guys on TV can shoot a 68 on some really hard courses. I am happy to break 90 on my local course. I have tried using the best balls, the best clubs, hell...I even bought the best shoes. I searched high and far for an answer to how they can hit the ball so well I am some terrible bum when I play. I then realized it.

    They are better than me.
    • Like 4
    • Thanks 1

  9. 2 hours ago, CookiePuss said:
    If you were banned by fairfight and unbanned you lost $ and JT.
    If you were banned, but not by FF and unbanned, you got to keep them IIRC.

    If you were banned and flagged as "cheating" your money and joker tickets were wiped.

    If you were banned and flagged for something other than cheating, you got to keep your money and joker tickets. 

  10. 2 hours ago, ilikecake said:


    lol... ya they installed a new AC, nice. but BE is not all that cracked up to be. look at pubg lol, it's a joke. also LO refuses to release any kind of stats or verifiable proof on BE, all we know is his word that BE "is working" lol.


    the only thing LO is doing better is communication.


    blind faith is bad m'kay



    no it's not. they specifically said they have a new mitigation provider, also they said they did something to the servers, thus the insane amount of packet loss.



    I don't understand why you play the game then? Even before LO took over all the things you said were true. The pop was bad, people thought everyone was cheating, and the server performance at least on NA was pretty terrible. I can understand you're unhappy with the product and that is fine, but putting others down because they have some hope that LO will do their best to fix game is unwarranted.  

  11. 5 hours ago, Niggs said:

    its likely that all the new gm noobs will infact be noobs who cant aim


    also good luck finding a good player who has access to bronze district ahhahahahahaha



    so yes a requirement for being a gm should be gold threat because if ur silver after 1000 hours you are incapable of helping new players whats so ever

    The GMs aren't there to make someone a better player. They are there to help out new players, answer questions, and make sure others are not breaking the TOS. You also realize LO would have the ability to allow GM accounts to access any district regardless of threat. The threat level does not make a bit of difference. 

  12. 2 minutes ago, biotoxic said:

    Its been years since i gave up on this game and ever seeing my character again. I want to know if I will be able to have my character unbanned. when I asked about it at the time they banned me for bringing it to the attention of others that there are false bans happening. I still feel like they waited till I have spent enough money on the game that they didnt care. Can I get some assistance on the matter?


    Check and see if you can log in. Most account have been unbanned. If you cannot, send in a support ticket.

  13. 13 minutes ago, Sayori said:

    LO didn't back you up, lol. LO unbanned thousand of players. Including blatant cheaters... like people who were running in FC with +15% speed without having Fragile mod. Sure thing, LO totally backed you up.

    And what does "mishandled" even mean" And how many were banned with "mishandle".You still can ban people  for a good reason without following any kind of protocols. Not saying it's ok, but doesn't mean it's false.

    And no, I do not have a quote from Tiggs. But I'm definitely not going to drop accusations like yours knowing well that she will not come back to defend herself. So easy to kick someone when they are on the ground. Metaphorically speaking.


    I was vocal when she was around to defend herself. Fact of the matter is, what's done is done. People asked for BattlEye...now you have it. Right now it's not fair to pass judgment about who has been banned and who hasn't when BattlEye has been around for less than two weeks. Is it fair to wait a month or two and then start questioning the effectiveness of the anti-cheat? 



    Tea bagging is a requirement.



    Okay. I will go back to playing the game fair and honest like always. You can continue to be part of the problem rather than part of the solution. I tried to help. 

  14. 2 minutes ago, SelttikS said:

    Horrible and Toxic are very different things. Horrible is tea bagging every arrest and then shooting them dead. Horrible is stealing noob crims ramraiding van. Toxic is blocking the garages with trash trucks. Toxic is the Nazi-kkk Clans running around. Toxic is the asshats spewing racist comments in district chat.


    Different things.


    All are unnecessary except stealing the van. Point is, bad behavior can drive people away from the game just as easily as cheaters, dethreaters, etc. If you want players to stay around and enjoy the game like you claim then you should exhibit exemplary behavior as well. At the same time, that type of behavior is expected in all online games, just not APB. People can either stop playing the game all together or choose to overcome those annoyances and enjoy the game for what it is like I have. The point again is that these annoyances do not exist, but the community over blows them due to entitlement and selfish reasons. People use them more for excuses for their shortcomings.  

  15. 16 minutes ago, Sayori said:

    Nice accusations, but do you have anything to back them up? Or this is your daily "I was falsely banned" ? I think it's clear who's being the fool. I never celebrated bans of people I've never seen but I sure was happy to see people who have been ruining  my experience for months and years.

    And lets be honest, 99% of the banned players claim they were falsely banned. Wow. What a shocker.

    Why I was never FF'd after so many sarcastic comments towards G1 and Tiggs? Why I never got on her bad side when she wasn't in mood?

    I will let the anti-cheat do its job without commenting when I see it finally doing some work. So far nothing has been done and cheaters get more cheeky. But someone said BE bans in wave although it doesn't change the fact that auto-bans are off and LO has to keep an eye on everything themselves.

    Lets see if the current FC blatants will be gone after the first wave.


    Yeah, Little Orbit backed me up considering I've been unbanned. Yeah, I have plenty of things to back it up. What do you have? A quote from Tiggs? Ok. 


    3 minutes ago, SelttikS said:

    Gotta say I agree a lot with this. I can be pretty horrible and as far as i know i never pissed off Tiggs. Never got banned. I get rage whispers and reported a lot back in the day, no bans. Never got scammed, never scammed. Seems it was pretty easy to not get banned.


    Stop being toxic in the community and being horrible in general. I was never toxic nor horrible in the community. 


    There is no point in debating it. Little Orbit now runs the game, they said a lot of bans were questionable to say the least and echoed my sentiments for years. Good enough for me. 

    • Like 2

  16. 7 hours ago, Sayori said:

    Speaking like a true cheater who defends their own agenda.

    It's pretty obvious from the past that even perma bans couldn't teach most people to stop cheating. So why on earth LO should handle temp bans? Make them reroll and start all over again, make it as unpleasant as possible.

    Broadcasting bans is great. It's helps the legitimate playerbase to socially outcast the cheaters.

    You also had the chance to socially outcast people Tiggs had an issue with that weren’t cheating yet she lied and claimed they were cheating. Who really looks like the fool there? You were celebrating false bans as if there were legitimate reasons for those players to be banned. 


    Is it too much to ask that the playerbase log in, plays missions and just let the anti cheat do it’s thing? It is possible the “cheater” you dislike so much isn’t banned because, oh I don’t know, they aren’t cheating? 

  17. I think for a particular game mode it could be viable but I don’t want to see it in regular action districts. I think players should be forced to change their weapon if they choose to do so.

  18. 1 hour ago, Darkzero3802 said:

    I completely agree, ppl dethreating just to roll over new players still learning just to feel good arent in the role model player category. Hell they should be hated by the community and flamed till they have to leave just to stop hearing what ppl have to say. Play fairly and play against similarly skilled players and take ur lumps like a man. Ull have good matches and ull have bad ones its how a game goes normally. The only max ranks that should be allowed in a bronze dist r those that r there to help teach newbies and wont try hard.

    So 6k hrs yet you still cant figure out that 75% of a bronze dist population is dethreaters and or rerolls? Tell me, what are you smoking? Ive been in the bronze servers and you see more high lvls or max ranks then low lvl new players. And bronze isnt a safe place just an fyi. Guess what there r higher ranks that r actually legitly silver and they play in the bronze dist cuz thats where ppl similarly skilled r normally supposed to be cause all the gold max ranks r in silver dist. The only true safe haven is a green dist and those r normally dead so with that being said, no real safe haven exists.


    I don’t play in bronze districts. If 75% of the bronze district is dethreaters then there aren’t that many new players to begin with so what is the issue? 


    New players will either tough it out and get better or they will continue to be bad and quit regardless. 


    Nobody still has answered how long a player needs before the training wheels should be taken off. Like everyone else, I was once new to the game. I had to learn it. I had to take my lumps. Heaven forbid I learned from my mistakes and got better. I should be the norm, not the exception. 


    Too much entitlement


    If you lose consistently and you’re not having fun find a new game or a new hobby rather than expecting people to change for you. Seems like some people want to stay in bronze district forever and not improve. 

  19. 28 minutes ago, NopeTooFast said:

    let's try to calculate this reasonably


    my other theory is timezones and regular times that people come on


    the times that i usually go onto apb are also likely the same times that a dethreaters decide to come on and sealclub


    the times that you go on and do this, they might not be on, at work or asleep, w/e


    and other iterations of this


    try playing apb at irregular times and see what you get


    I have 6000 hours. I’ve played on all servers. I’ve played at noon, 3PM, 7PM, 3AM. You name the time and I have played. 


    Again, I am not saying that dethreaters don’t ruin the experience for some players, but I am not going to buy into the fact that the bronze district is full of them. 


    You never answered my question. At how many hours can we take off the APB training wheels for players? Sooner or later everyone just needs to play the game without being entitled to a safe space. Not saying this is you, but if you have like 1000 hours and you’re crying about dethreaters, they aren’t the issue. 

  20. 1 hour ago, LilyV3 said:


    wher edid I said anything about thinkign everoyne cheats? you see and read things ebyond whats there, fact is most epople stopped palying because of cheaters. Also do you believe the majority of banned people were falesly banned? cheaters definately have been an issues and that ahs nothign to do with an "insecure attitude" maybe your little NA is a bit different, I need to admit playing on Joker felt better than obeya, but ther eit was an serious issue. Also, perma ban for reidiclous reseaons? strange no one I know ever was banned, ther emight be stupid reasons for soem, but surely these peopelmstill triggered someone by more or less bad behavior. I never was banned in any game ever so there is surely a personal attitude towards Mods, CM's GM's and oher players having it's involvement.


    you plainly ignore the issues the game has and thats exactly what brought the game in the bad state it is today.


    I am am not a developer therefore I cannot ignore the issues that brought the game to it’s state. The biggest issue is lack of content and server performance. Last night a few people I know stopped playing because the lag was annoying. We didn’t face any cheaters in the 5+ missions we played. 


    I am glad you admit some might be banned for “stupid reasons.” Seems like a good way to kill your playerbase. Tiggs needed grow up and not be triggered because someone said they were 12 or made a shirt for Epic Goat. And yes I think many were falsely flagged and lost their accounts unfairly.  I think that is pretty significant considering many then quit the game, stopped spending money, and wouldn’t recommend it to other people. That matters. 


    Again, I can only speak for myself but never have I played APB for a long play session and encountered unique cheaters consistenctly. Either I am lucky as the other poster suggested or it is overblown by the player population. 


    If I have been that lucky for 6000 hours I am booking a trip to Vegas this summer. Honestly though, take emotion out of your feelings about the game and you will have a different perspective. 


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