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Posts posted by Nagletz

  1. A little off-topic from me here: that's s nice design and stuff, but what about optimize ARMAS next?

    You know, I have like 3 active chars, and I wanna some packs from armas in account lifetime which is not. You know, Paramilitary, Tactical and all. I consider acc-time packs could and should cost more, but I prefer higher price more than. Call me a dumbass but only packs I wanna buy next is KTTW and KTTC.

    Sorry for my bad English but I should leave my opinion about it someplace. (And also Kissaki for crims pls) 😉

  2. After update I don't even remember me achieving any consumable reward. I'm not complaining about this much, since JT is more useful, but still. I suppose consumables is a barely dead mechanic right now. RIP Consumables (2014 - 2019)...

    To be serious, I see three options:

    - Delete all those from the game

    - Make them available from contacts

    - Make them "permanent", as said above.

    Anyway, only one consumable I use right now is... Boombox (since I didn't got any sense to wait the random consumable I really need), so i wouldn't regret about any LO's decision about it.


  3. IMO People should watch they money spending. It's a good game and it deserves a million dollars donations, but if you guys had over 30+ permanent guns bought and you lost half of it, it's ur problem (and I sure it's ur so called "skill" problem too :P) I bought some nice gear packs by myself on Innova too, but I always used default guns, and that was ok to me. Ues, I know, some people lost contact's nanos, but you can get it again, with a little bit of patience and luck. If not, again, you have compensation, what's the problem? To me, only weapon I lost is permanent Colby chopper, which was useless to me, cause i can't even change it's skin. I repeat it again, spend your money wisely and git gud with basic weapons. 


    Best wishes to Matt Scott,


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