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Posts posted by Nagletz

  1. 1 hour ago, Musul Man said:

    This. The update has a good idea about removing lootboxes, but the % chance is still there. People will still have to spend money for a small %, only now with a roof limit of sorts.

    The only thing that the 100$ cost does is put a maximum price on the chance of getting a gun. The problem is not just that black markets sell for less (I guess you did your research? i haven't seen a black market for APB, well actually never looked), but those guns JUST. AINT. WORTH. THAT MUCH.

    For example. I can get a permanent osmaw for 10.000 tickets. But the volcano will cost me 50.000. Its not worth to invest in the volcano.

    Also many legendary guns are just not good enough to be spending that much tickets or even having them. The ingame auction is full of people selling the legendaries for ever decreasing prices since nobody wants them because of how bad those are.

    People can barely get 300ish tickets per week through fightclub since there are no players left and fightclub is zero players most of the time, and when it isn't it is always dominated by 3 or 4 people from questionable clans with questionable "skills" that apparently never get detected making the challenges a hell of a chore. Joker tickets are too hard to get right now to spend months grinding for 50k tickets and get a mediocre gun. I rather grind that much to get 5, yes five, guns of equal or better quality than just one legendary gun.

    You will see what I'm talking about when no player spends tickets on some of the legendary guns ever. Because those are not good enough, or just not worthy if we can get a 100% chance equal or better non legendary version. 


    Buffing the guns would still not fix this since buffing them enough that it would be worthy to invest 100$ on them would mean to break the game with unbalance issues.

    I suggest you people adjust the prices of the legendary guns in both tickets and % of permanent drop chance according to how good they are, or how strong people want to have them. 

    Sadly have to agree with almost all said. Some legendaries have chance never be seen on sale again after this, cuz... simply there's no reason to buy them.

  2. 53 minutes ago, SquirrelFace said:

    I wish my weapon roles would be account bound, at the very least faction bound.


    I double this, pls yes.

    Speaking of bank account... well I don't really support the idea, ability to transfer money from character to character will have the same effect imo

  3. 2 hours ago, Mitne said:

    Oh really?


    You two might know it but what about rest of playerbase?

    Last thing we need is newbies giving negative press. Of course via Youtube videos, Reddit threads, Twitter shitposts and review bombing.

    You saying like such posts/videos/reviews having millions of views, lmao.

    Rest of the world don't care of apb, only it's players do. 

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