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Posts posted by yood

  1. 33 minutes ago, Solamente said:

    the alternative to allowing overlay crosshairs is that little orbit utilizes software that monitors everything on your pc while apb is running (and maybe even while it’s not)


    i get that maybe you don’t have any issue with that since the secret police already have their hand so far up your patootie they know when you drool, but most people don’t like such a large breach of personal privacy or security 

    attempt to legalize crimes.


    everything that is in the game should be legitimate and processed only by developers .

  2. 15 minutes ago, Fortune Runner said:

    i think yood means that any outside program to "assist" is still outside o  legit game play and thus cheating

    well done. 


    trend of the game has not changed : macros , crosshair .... 


    if your representatives use third-party programs . think about what simple players do . ( I'm cheating but just a little bit )

  3. 28 minutes ago, FluttershyI said:

    Practically everything is broken... Rewards not working 'again' and I'de consider it a huge failure if the new event is just these snowball fights, just get over it that you can't create events and bring back 12 deaths (maybe with different weapons). The only thing you should have done is keep the succesfull things going instead of trying trash mode after trash mode





    you're a liar .

  4. 2 hours ago, ch4ncer said:

    shut up

    The stupidest hare is the one who thinks that if he behaves well, the wolves will not dare to eat him.



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