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Posts posted by yood

  1. 8 minutes ago, Solamente said:



    i'm following my own advice, i've logged in maybe 4 times since no segregation was temporarily implemented and every time was me trying not to stomp on silvers (or not getting opp at all) for a majority of the time


    since i'm not having fun playing apb without segregation i've largely stopped playing apb, its not rocket science

    Solamente said : there are no opponents in my district , I play with gold in the silver arena. you yood change nothing



    you played on the system of the Golden trolls silver silver Troll bronze .

     your attempts to legitimize crimes are ridiculous

  2. 8 hours ago, CookiePuss said:

    2 million registered accounts (the claim was 3 btw) in a game that peaked somewhere around 150k players and lost 99%+ of it's player base in the first year. 


    But yeah, let's bring back the threat system used in that time. 

    this number included all created and registered accounts . twice the base of accounts was wound up by the company G1 ( the action to put a like on Facebook and the action of a Ghost friend )


    in any case, these numbers were never correct .

  3. the name of the theme Happy new year 2020 ! does not work

    4 hours ago, -Dan- said:


    самдурак )



    "The new year is greeted by optimists, pessimists are limited to the wires of the old" (Mikhail Mamchich).

    «Как Новый год встретишь, так тебе и надо!» (автор неизвестен).




    Say, for the New year
    Whatever you want —
    Everything will always happen,
    Everything always comes true.

    sergey mikhalkov


    Happy New Year,
    Happy New Year!
    May we all have a vision now and then
    Of a world where every neighbour is a friend.
    Happy New Year,
    Happy New Year!
    May we all have our hopes, our will to try.

    ABBA — Happy New Year


    Твой Новый год по тёмно-синей
    волне средь моря городского
    плывёт в тоске необъяснимой,
    как будто жизнь начнётся снова,
    как будто будет свет и слава,
    удачный день и вдоволь хлеба,
    как будто жизнь качнётся вправо,
    качнувшись влево.

    Иосиф Бродский


    Будет снова пениться в бокалах,
    Искры сея, жгучее вино;
    В скромных комнатах и пышных залах,
    С боем полночи — звучать одно:
    «С Новым годом! С новым счастьем!» —
    Грянет хор весёлых голосов…
    Будет жизнь, как пена вин, жемчужна,
    Год грядущий, как любовный зов.

    Валерий Брюсов





  4. От компа ты оторвись,
    Наш серьезный программист!
    Сколько можно, в самом деле,
    В мире жить сетей и цифр!

    Оглянись скорей вокруг,
    Сколько может быть подруг!
    Выключай свой жесткий диск,
    И пройдись, повеселись!

    Сходи с милой в ресторан,
    Посети побольше стран!
    Жизнью этой наслаждайся,
    Даже, если вдруг аврал!

    Счастлив будь, всегда любим,
    И ни в чем непобедим!
    С Новым Годом, дружище!



    p.s.   MattScott  I wish you prosperity in business !  


    Stitchly I wish you professional and provincial skills!


    Lixil , Ritual  I wish you to be more communicative !


    Androvald  , Selali !!! so that you get all the planned things !


    ShyLO  .BrightNightLight  ,  Paladon 


    You are a programmer by nature, sometimes you sleep among computers. Let your eyes redden – but there comes a time when you present your creation to all of us. I wish that the lines flow well from the keys at hand, and a worthy reward always corresponds to your creativity. Happy New Year!




    "A fool meets the New year every time worse than before" (Thai proverb).





  5. От компа ты оторвись,
    Наш серьезный программист!
    Сколько можно, в самом деле,
    В мире жить сетей и цифр!

    Оглянись скорей вокруг,
    Сколько может быть подруг!
    Выключай свой жесткий диск,
    И пройдись, повеселись!

    Сходи с милой в ресторан,
    Посети побольше стран!
    Жизнью этой наслаждайся,
    Даже, если вдруг аврал!

    Счастлив будь, всегда любим,
    И ни в чем непобедим!
    С Новым Годом, дружище!



    p.s.   MattScott  I wish you prosperity in business !  


    Stitchly I wish you professional and provincial skills!


    Lixil , Ritual  I wish you to be more communicative !


    Androvald  , Selali !!! so that you get all the planned things !


    ShyLO  .BrightNightLight  ,  Paladon 


    You are a programmer by nature, sometimes you sleep among computers. Let your eyes redden – but there comes a time when you present your creation to all of us. I wish that the lines flow well from the keys at hand, and a worthy reward always corresponds to your creativity. Happy New Year!




    "A fool meets the New year every time worse than before" (Thai proverb).



  6. 8 hours ago, Amaineko said:

    Its too much indeed

    I usually farm fully event on 5chars, but this time i wont focus on it that much not even on single of my chars for 3 reasons: no much time to focus into gameing,100 kills as survivor is too much and snowball game is utterly boring.

    On top of it the ping of 180ms makes snowball game feel very rng based

    EU servers back when.

    280 ms . 



    you want it, go work . stop whining .

  7. 3 hours ago, CookiePuss said:

    We only test. We don't have any part in what is fixed or isn't.



    tested and available

    3 hours ago, PitterPatter said:

    I mean idk what you're expecting from testers from a dead game. I can bet you the testers barely even play the game as is. Seems kind of pointless to even have testing be a closed thing.

    99 % some of them came simply for great titles and privileges

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