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Everything posted by JOSELA

  1. Totally True "A lot of people like gun games" im waiting for new gun game , can get JT, the matches are so fun and is very fun see all the comunity happy and toguether on the end of the event. Is very painful cause a lot of "maxed or experience" players on this game are being despective and have 0 empathy on new players, I've even had to read verbatim things like "I don't give a shit about new players" another type of monkey brain probably a chimpanzee IQ We have to be good with new players cause when you are new at this game, is one of the most strange and hard i have ever played and is only on English, still nowadays I continue learning some new aspects on it. Dont be Inappropriate language removed. - Azukii and have empathy, cause if u really love this game u would like too see full, not died, dont be negative IQ like people who use explosives with hard camp for win a match Regards.
  2. 2 of my friends uninstall the game for this reason, two more dont uninstall but they are bored at the game, and I know more people on districts who thinks the same I will try all your "ideas" for counter it im glad for your time but I continue thinking the same.
  3. So you guys are telling me that I have to buy a rocket, take a camper position, stay all the match there, when people delete a lot of my HP cover myseft, and thats the fun for the player rocket? so sad. I respect my seft for no do it that LOL.
  4. I can undestand it obiously, but Its a think should be change if game want to see more new players and dont want to see some players uninstalling the game, cause is not fun, in some situations you cant defeat a rocket man for example if he have a good position with cover and have the point in front of him and other players support him . I dont want the item deleted of the game ( although i would love to) cause i understand people spend time and money for get it but the develovers have to resolve this problem cause make matches TERRIBLE BORED.
  5. I said what I had to say later when the game keeps dying more and more and the new players who enter last 2 days in the game as always, in the case of my friends, you will blame any stupidity and not these things, although Well seen what I have seen, a lot of new players sweat it to me not.
  6. Me and more of people are fucking tired to play vs this explosives guns make the games EXTREMELY BORING is 0 skill for the boys who use it a monkey can play with rocket and make kills, and 0 fun for other players. Me and a lot of players thinks this elements of the game sucks, it make the pvps incredible bored and with no sense, good players and start players want to play the pvps leggit with guns, and be fun not want to waste our time vs losers who only know spawm a rocket or a explosive, is totally stupid. Two of my friends delete the game for this reason and maybe if I get tired I will be the next, it make the game looks like monkeys playing with negative IQ. Regards.
  7. The exploiting of empty districts is not a problem if you mean to steal... for example help new players for get some money "more relaxed" cause you are going to expend a lot of hours too, its sacrificed, some police always gets in, no matter how empty it is. Cops have big advantage when start a PVP vs burglar and most of cops play so dirty so is hard to burglars get money and easy for cops, so everybody win on this empty districts doesn't bother at all. Oslo some players use it for play vs his friends and thats so fun. Regards. Merged. Thx a lot for the PRIME one more month and for the last monts, make the game incredible fun, and thax for the amazing GUN GAMES is an incredible event. I think It should be permanent the "Caracters Customization" I think it is a bit absurd that we also have to put money for such a beautiful thing in the game. If people like the game they are going to put money in ( Like me ), I don't see the need to do business in those parts of the game, it will even attract more players. We are very happy with the engine update hopefully the game will fill with new players, but you need to work more in game for make it better, it smoke me a lot of bullets sometimes for example maybe latency is very noticeable in pvp but dont know cause allways have half 50. Anything i'm here to help. Regards.
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