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Posts posted by Zolerox

  1. 4 hours ago, KeyboardCommando said:

    Today, little is known about him, there are a huge number of rumors about him and his origin, seemingly an ordinary Caucasian. He was seen in different parts of the world, from Southeast Asia to the Middle East and South America. There are even rumors that Interpol is looking for him, His fortune is estimated at billions of dollars, they even say that Nekrov’s arms company belongs to him, the US Government, in particular the CIA and FBI, are actively watching him, and the conflict in San Paro has given him many opportunities, including the ability to sink to the bottom. All that is known about him is that he is called the Lord. So who is he really? (Sorry, i am not speak english)


    So far you are the only submission i could see going in the jokerstore,



    And this 


    23 hours ago, KeyboardCommando said:

    Comes from a military family, mother is Vietnamese father is a military officer. Since childhood, fond of everything that is associated with weapons. I decided to follow in the footsteps of my ancestors. Having entered the military academy at the age of 25, she began to build a career, but fate decreed otherwise. Because of the nibble of the two brothers, as a result of the g-kings terrorist attack in San Paro, she took up arms and left the title and her position in high society, while serving in the ranks of the tigers the prentissa and Praetorians saw a lot of different shit, after which it was decided to leave from the ranks of the CSA, however, very soon, her passion for weapons brought her to Joker industries, she knows where to get any weapons in San Paro. (i am not speaking english)





    nice work What's her name?


    These 2 are "approachable" in the "believable contact" sort of way

    • Like 2

  2. 9 hours ago, NotZombieBiscuit said:

    No. The 20% is needed to help fight against economic inflation. 

    Maybe they'll get it when that "20% tax" disappears and for some reason the items on market are 20% more expensive..

  3. 12 hours ago, XYXYXYXYX said:

    Hard disagree on the super specific chat filter, unless if it's a toggle option. Every single game I've played with filters like that make just even trying to tell your team what's going on at "A" point, a massive pita if not impossible. **** ********** ***** *** A - Battlefield 5 with their cancer chat filter for example.

    Belive it or not but "old g1" was working on a chat censor dubbed "C.R.I.S.P." , good thing that never made it I like apb's free speech better then the games with "censors" that literally block out the word "clip" for some reason.

  4. On 6/3/2020 at 2:00 AM, AlishaAzure said:

    Similar to the Han Coywolf.

    They gonna add a new vehicle that's alredy in the works, hopefully is something fresh that will bring some differences out of vegas/espacio/pioneer.

    Better be the never released "Mirage" from G1.

  5. 16 hours ago, Roxl said:

    I could have sworn that spot had been reported on the new bug forums, but it is quite an old one.


    Reminds me that you can still get inside the roof of the adjacent building even after it was "fixed"


    As a heads up for anyone who has to deal with this one though, the easiest places to take out people on the roof will be one of these spots:


      Hide contents


    This spot is closer for retaking the roof as you can 'nade the pallet stack, and anyone hiding near it, over the wall before running around to the entrance



    That's where i was, Wish people would stop trying to use it though.


    Nice armor btw.

  6. Summary: The Activity Title Is Missing It's Full Name


    Description: The "rare nano daily activity" that devil dog has is missing it's final word "Up Close and Personal" is the full name, It says "Up Close and"


    Steps to Reproduce:

    Well... They are rare activities you can't really "reproduce it" but If you did happen to get it (as i did) here's what you see

    1. Get lucky enough to get a Rare daily activity from Devil Dog

    2. Observe the Title Of the activity in the "contacts screen" compared to the activity/bio window

    3. See how it doesn't feature the full name.



    How many times have you recreated this bug: 1/1 (saw someone else with the same issue but only had this activity/bug once) 100%


    Results: The activity is spelled "Up Close And"


    Expected Results:  The Activity should be spelled "Up Close And Personal" as seen in the screenshot below (both taken on the same day)25DC4C126A42277530EBC272D9E8144C8218A1B1

  7. Summary: Unintended vantage point exploitable for Capture objectives.


    Description: There is a spot in asylum fightclub you *can get to but it is unintended and only reachable via an exploit method.


    Steps to Reproduce:

    1. Go to this location


    2. This Pallet when destroyed will respawn Granting you an opportunity to get ontop of a  roof you shouldn't be able to. 67C1B26F1ED31683E8C6EFFCE1D04208D080DD39

    3. Destroy the pallet(grenades shotguns etc.)


    4. Stand in place of where the pallet was And begin jumping in place



    5. After aprox. 1 min the Wooden Pallet Stack respawns and you are ontop of You can then Jump onto the Low end of the roof next to you.



    6. You are on the roof You can get an item up here and there is NO other way up here (it's also quite buggy notice the Boots clipping)



    How many times have you recreated this bug: 100% A few people were also exploiting this spot heavily, I had to repeat this process to get the item back down for fairer gameplay (And to get more information for this bug report including screenshots), Without naming names That person also switched characters So they could get to this spot as an enforcer To exploit the item further without getting killed by the nearby enemies, Then Threatened me "I recorded you I'm sending a video to support" Trying to cover their tracks, There also a few eye witnesses to back up my claims. I'd Like an "official" response from a staff member a quick "yes or no" is this Spot unintentional/ A bug/exploit that shouldn't be preformed by players. @MattScott


    Results: Players are getting ontop of a roof they shouldn't be able too and placing the objective there so others can't reach it without repeating the exploit themselves (if they even know it to begin with)


    Expected Results: There should be an "out of bounds barrier" on this roof Or just delete the pallet to begin with (the only way up there)

  8. 20 hours ago, NotZombieBiscuit said:

    Don't worry guys. We can try VAC next. Then maybe after that we can go back to Punkbuster. Then after that Vanguard.

    How long till the only viable anti cheat system is Turning apb into a pc streaming service?

  9. 10 hours ago, Xnetexe said:

    Unfortunately, the billboards in Social aren't free, so it's unfeasible to keep buying them unless you can actually sell your symbols frequently enough to cover the costs or you just throw money at JMBs to sell the legendary weapons for APB$.

    I've never sold any of my symbols.


    However I don't mind putting 20 pictures of endermen in social if it keeps social pg13 😉

    • Like 1

  10. From what i was told, His symbols have ALL been deleted.


    Personally I'm not into sexual symbols but Hey that's just me, I prefer to play games not bring "japanese adult content" into a game about Cops in robbers in a "brazil" like country



      Now these are more the kind of symbols I prefer to see in apb.

    On 9/12/2019 at 1:51 AM, SecondMoon said:

    My main BlackMoonlight and the reworked symbol of Mona Lisa (old version was created in 2017) I tried to make it look a bit 'old':



    • Thanks 1

  11. 13 hours ago, Spherii said:

    Well the only nerf nano needed was provided years ago where they gave it an extra shot to kill. It used to be way worse. 
    The Golden ACT still rocks though, that and the .45 AP are the only secondaries you'll ever need. Bonus points for Flare gun.

    Golden ACT44 makes my Rsa angry too damn accurate,


    Firework's better Prettier too. (.45 ap shoots too fast for a "magnum")

  12. On 5/7/2020 at 5:43 PM, 404 said:

    the showstopper has always been a 3stk



    the nano has not had any changes

    6 shots at 15 meters ;|


    it's "3 shot" if the gun is phsyically in their throat, The blowtorch actually kills faster than a thunder.


    I agree with that laundry basket over there, Thunder's shit now (market value has dropped 3-4 million since the "totattly not a nerf"


    , nano's been unchanged for ages apb's registry is just gettin worse i guess.

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