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  1. That was a fun one, thanks for sharing mate!
  2. @Officer_Foxtail - It is great to see you back at making those videos - well done! It was a fun chase that we had together with FH (despite the server unfortunately lagging). Keep up the good work.
  3. Did post that question too late during the past two AMAs, so here it goes again (I also have some additional ones, but the first one is the most interesting for our little clan): Hey Matt, I wonder if there is any chance that the "open world part" of APB will get some love down the line? More to do for enforcers, more to do for criminals, including BOTH sides being reliant on the other (i.e. more cops on patrol = more gain for the criminals, less cops out = less gain for criminals), as well as "drop off" points not spawning right next to where the "witnessing" happens, but on the opposite site of the town for both sides, so we can have MORE fun hot pursuits happening (after all we got cars)? Is any chance that clan groups could be larger than just 4 people? Is there any chance that we will see the addition of a German or Austrian emergency siren as that wail is distinctly different from the "French" and "US" ones currently available Is there any chance that we will gain the ability to customize the lightbars colours (so we can blue-blue and red-red lights)? Thanks!
  4. As the servers went up again, after the month-long hiatus, LAPD Squad of course hopped on for a patrol. Alas not that much was going on, and worse for us no open world crime was going on at all, so we resorted to do some of our famous custom chases. Thank you to everyone who participated! (Officer Foxtail arresting Ardita after a long hot pursuit, with Officer Rebecca and myself providing cover. The character running in from the left is a random player taking an interest in what is going on.)
  5. Screenshot taken just a couple of days before the servers went down so unexpectedly - Officer Foxtail and I out on patrol (but it was a sad patrol, as there was nothing much going on again in any of the districts -> we so miss the old days when there was plenty going on...).
  6. @Ardita - Absolutely, the insane level of customisation options for players is THE best thing of the game (and to my knowledge unique in its scope, as I do not know even a single game that offers but a fraction of those options), this is also something that I think about everyone that ever played APB agrees on. I love my custom cars and clothes - so for me this will always be the BEST part of this game (and probably is the very reason why people still play). I might be "jaded" in regards to gameplay though, as our very tiny police rp centred clan long, long, long ago stopped playing those (in our opinion) god awful normal missions. We only played and engaged in the tiny open world part available in game (always hoping that this might one day be a bit more expanded or worked on - but of course it never was and very likely never will). Do not get me wrong things were lots and lots of fun over the years (we had countless of awesome pursuits with fellow enforces and criminals alike, even doing custom pursuits with people just for the fun of it, matching our driving skills), but over the past year or so, less and less players engaged in any open world activities and these days, you literally spent hours just driving around the two districts with nothing to do in regards to the open world part, except maybe impound the odd vehicle left at the side of the road. So from that (granted narrow) standpoint things are not even a slim shadow of what things were like back in the day, when you really had one pursuit/chase after the other and never even chased the same persons twice during an evening. (We never found it even remotely funny to chase the same guys over and over and over.) Sorry for the "wall of text", am just a bit sad about that... @Romique - Oh I do agree! Case in point: Our little clan was founded in APB more than a decade ago, but eventually we started to play other games together as well, simply because we enjoyed playing games together. I would not want to miss a single one of those people
  7. @Queen of Love, @Talla, @Ardita - I absolutely agree, but somehow I doubt this will ever happen. :( One thing I did notice while chatting with other veterans is the prevalent duplicity in connection with APB, on the one hand they were sad APB was suddenly down (with like 99.9% quoting that they will miss their customisations, but not the messy rest) and on the other hand they seemed to be relieved on some level (with many stating that it was a long time coming). It is so weird.
  8. Absolutely: Merry Christmas from all of us!!! :)
  9. If you happen to celebrate it, we would like to wish you, your families and loved ones a "HAPPY THANKSGIVING!".
  10. Did post that question a bit later last time, so here it goes again: Hey Matt, I wonder will the "open world part" of APB get some love down the line? More to do for enforcers, more to do for criminals, including BOTH sides being reliant on the other (i.e. more cops on patrol = more gain for the criminals, less cops out = less gain for criminals), as well as "drop off" points not spawning right next to where the witnessing happens, but on the opposite site of the town for both sides, so we can have MORE chases happening (after all we got cars!)? Oh and if there is any chance that clan groups could be larger than just 4 people? Thanks!
  11. Came as a surprise, but a welcomed one. I do wonder how the changes to Waterfront will turn out, as that might set the stage for a new district down the line (?). New clothing items are also nice to get.
  12. Screenshot from our patrol the other night. We had one really great and long pursuit (->top marks for "kenjisun" who showed some outstanding driving skills, managing to evade capture). I wish we would see more of those. Anyway thanks everyone for participating!
  13. Screenshot form our patrol the other day - Veteran LAPD Squad Officers (from left to right) Deckard, Foxtail and Jennifer - thanks everyone for participating!
  14. Thanks for your kind words @LilyRain we are still hanging on so to speak - but lately not that much open world crime is going on, which makes our life difficult (to say the least).
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