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  1. For quite a while there with BattlEye, I basically saw no cheaters on Jericho. I only ever saw like two people that I was able to confirm triggerbotting, even though it was still possible to code these. A big reason for this is because AutoIt and AutoHotKey used to be blocked. They're usually what people use for those kinds of cheats. I understand AHK has legitimate uses, but I would rather see these two scripting languages blocked again. Its a simple change that would help a ton.
  2. I don't think the game is dying because of that. Its just an old game that went nowhere. I would like both options then, let us call backup in a traditional way or in a giant escalate way. Would like the mismatched matches again (2v3, 3v4, etc.). Those were my favorite
  3. Came back after a very long break to find this new escalation system. Its awful. Sometimes you can never get a match. I was introducing a new friend to APB and we drove around for about 30 minutes together in a full district and didn't get a match. They even tried playing solo and couldn't get one. The enforcer-crim balance was even (full district, 40-40). When you actually do get matches, the teams are never fair. It doesn't help that 2v3, 3v4 missions are gone (which were my fav types of missions). Having extra players was a second way to balance. Like if the game couldn't find 2 good gold players to go against your 2-person group, you might get 3 average players. Now you often get like 4 silvers vs 4 golds, etc. Its never balanced. Matches are always huge. I like 2v2, 3v3 matches. Now, its almost always 4v4 or higher. Really not a fan. I srsly hate this and miss the old matchmaking/ mission system so much. Don't get why things that worked fine for years need to be changed.
  4. Yeah, I agree. Back when we had a decent population, it was so much easier to avoid certain players but now we don't really have an option.
  5. APB has always been the game where everyone thinks everyone is cheating, but the majority aren't. Since LO first changed the anti-cheat, every single public APB hack was taken down. No one can purchase a cheap public hack anymore, as of like 2018. This means the only cheaters left are paying absurd prices for private hacks (which will likely come with a free RAT), or they're coding their own (which requires bypassing BattlEye and some braincells). Sure, if you have a good undetectable private cheat then you're pretty much invincible, but that's the case in any game and is usually the minority. These people probably exist in APB, but I can't imagine there's many. Its not even worth the time for anyone with the development knowledge to code cheats for this game, considering how little money there is to make off of it due to the lack of players. The APB playerbase's average skill level is a tiny fraction of what it used to be in 2014-2015. Absolute night and day difference to now. I've seen such a tiny amount of people cheating in the past 4 years. If there's one single thing LO actually did, it was eliminating the majority of script kiddies. Bottom line is: get gud. Or go play a better game instead.
  6. The prototype shotguns are PERFECT! Wow! I forgot how balanced the game was a few years ago. I can actually beat smgs incredibly close but fail miserably once they get some distance on me. Exactly how shotguns should be and how they are in most games. Shotguns perform very consistent on this prototype world. The damage, range, ttk, and spread are much more consistent and balanced. The TTKs are great too. The current CSG ttk is so bad its not even funny, but its a very fun weapon to use with the prototype stats and it performs quite different from the JG giving us two very different pump shotguns. Nfas is still incredibly strong up close, but it isn't broken like it is in the current game. Have not tested the Dow, but I remember it being about the same as the nfas which is fine with me. The Shredder is the only gun that may need stats different from the 2017 prototypes, but I've never used it so I can't give much input. tl;dr: Prototype stats are incredibly balanced and fun. I can't wait for this change to make it to live.
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