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  1. Are you people dont realize yet that the game is dead? Even if you try to play it is impossible, low population, bad performance, toxic players everywhere (the main reason to low population). Also more than two years without a real update... Those companies just want to make a litte money from armas market and leave the game as soon as they considere reach the money they spect. I follow this game so many years since beta, and never been in a worst situation. But hey!, LO still happy with toxic rich players trying to get their ego up. Congrats to those people wasting their money, some day no company will buy the game and all the money they expend gonna dissapear.
  2. jonilgz


    You cant try to buy whith all of them and just cancell the paypment in the last moment, so you can see those taxes. As far as i know paypal and credit card has no taxes... (at lest 1, 2 years ago... not playing for a while).
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