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Posts posted by Deadliest

  1. 7 hours ago, R3ACT3M said:

    Before posting why EAC should come back make a compilation of cheaters plz

    did that done it, I won't link the video but it's on youtube, few clips of a cheater POV who end up being banned by EAC (bait cheating video). Strangely the video has gotten some comments from desperate cheaters who are willing to download cheats online at any source, which kinda explains why the game will be invested with cheaters. They are a nuisance they think everyone is cheating, so they will cheat. All my recording game play are all legit and the cheater in the video is not me pretty simple. 


    idk much about the cheating problem on NA only encounter 2 which was last year I played, but probably a bigger issue on the EU side?


    there's still a possibility a legit can out gun a cheater though 😛


    EAC had better results.


  2. 30 minutes ago, owzzy said:

    I wonder if LO could reach out to some twitch streamers with large followings. Offer an incentive for them to play and hopefully bring their viewers along with them. Obviously this would need to be done after the engine-update is out and is in a somewhat polished state. I guess this just comes under the whole 'marketing' idea.

    Ye we need tiggs to kiss patootie to summit1g.


    Though I would not mind if a newer MMO in the future  is somewhat like apb reloaded but better comes out.

  3. 1 hour ago, TheMessiah said:

    Its obvious that the increase of players for this xmas event is not just because of the event-is for the fun gameply with the buffed weapons.So lets buff and not nerf the weapons in live game and i dont mean like the star to have that fire rate like in the event or anything exaggerated like that.Just buff all weapons so the game can be fun to play or make separate finan. and waterf. districts with buffed weapons and the rest to be the same like on normal mission districts(exp,money etc)Idk if gonna be like temporarily event or what but make something fun in this game till release of 2.1(which gonna take months for sure)


    I don't see how that's going to work. They had weapon testing prototype district A and B previously, not like its going to bring players to play there..


    Events are not really great and you wan't them to create something fun and new? while delaying 2.1?

  4. 8 hours ago, StraaZi said:

    if someone writes in the chat that someone is cheating,10 people write that he is not cheating and starts attacking this person but the person who is the  accused of cheating does not write a word.apb do not have cheaters


    Why bother replying to them. I’m pretty sure everyone has experience that one person who would spam “player’s name is cheating aimbot wall hacks” etc and then later on insulting them on the district chat after beating them. Why bother replying to stupid people. You create more toxicity if you did reply back, because honestly I would have reply F*^*k U.  

    Though cheating is still a problem but in a small margin. it’s the same result if you called an actual cheater are cheater, they just give you a big F U. Nothing you can do about it, just wait till they get ban.


  5. 6 hours ago, Spy said:

    Instead of b!tching about getting in servers wich are 2 steps below your level it's better to plead for LO to implement a feature that auto-disconnects all golds that are playing in bronze servers.

    We don't need more gold players in bronze servers looking for easy kills.

    It’s crazy how small features like that has not been implemented into their game yet? gold should never be able to play on bronze district once you hit gold they should be auto move to silver. Simple solution. 

    Tbh anyone who is above R195 still bronze/silver should be force to play on silver district and they should be disconnected in bronze server too, because with their fully equip weapon and cars, it’s not balance against newer players who has a sh*tty car and no clotting mod and weapon mods. These high ranks do as much damage to new players ( I know there are high rank bronze/silvers that likes farming newbies you guys are a problem too)



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  6. So, what happens after when you fix all the performance issues?


    will you be working on other improvements like the UI? because the HUD and font needs to be changed.


    ^ The reason they took out 1024x768 res in engine update, because of the UI was not compatible with lower resolution and they didn't bother to fix (it just too much crap on HUD with FAT ugly font and the most ugliest radar ive seen in a game)  imo needs a new look and much simple hud system.


    do some good design changes please. 

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  7. 24 minutes ago, Todesklinge said:

    We need a general Clan-system with Clanwar and Clan based and limited stuff to unlock and play.

    Clan building with construction options is a good deal and morovation.

    So every clan can free design its clan Headquarter.

    In clanwar you need to defend your clan and/or attack the enemys Headquarter.

    With free art of decoration, the clanwar matches becomes more differents.

    m8 are you even in a clan? Clan currently is not even important atm, there's rarely any active. 


    Those ideas are just dumb, decorating art? just go social and decorate there man.


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  8. 3 hours ago, DeadPixels said:

    It was a lot easier to get into APB years ago. For instance when i started playing the game in open beta players didn't know how to nade so perc nades were really popular. Players also didn't know how to tap fire, neither properly use FBW, Carbine or Obeya CR762, most players didn't even use secondary weapons. Car gameplay was really not that big part of the game, except in the final stage. There are videos of top tier players on youtube on which you can clearly see how everage they were if you would compare them to today players. But back then multiplayer games just started to get popular. Most players were used to playing single player games, where you could predict AI movement because they were made to do exact same thing every time you walked close to them. Of course over the years players progressed and got better, but this also meant it was now a lot harder to get into a game if you are a new player. I was always a big supporter that new players need their own server where they can learn the basic of the game and also implantation of a better tutorial, sadly this was never a big priority and never happened. Who knows how many players we lost because of bad decisions and i'm sure these players are never coming back. 


    There were popular shooter multiplayer games out there back then, Counter-strike? Call of duty? Combat arms etc... it just that now there's so many game developers creating new games, players now have a variety of games to choose from.  Like during the 2000s, pretty much the only choice you had for a popular online fps games were CS and quake, the idea of MMO game were still new, games such as Maplestory became hugely popular during the 2004s due to the customization of character and social aspect.


    The release of Apb reloaded during 2010-2011 was popular from the start, but most players were running the game at 60 frames or lower due to poor optimization or computer specs and those who can run 120fps with 120hz monitor were really rare and pretty good players. Like any new game especially the release of APB reloaded players were pretty much experimenting the game mechanics, like the fbw and carbine rhythm not many players discover how to max the fire rate legit without macro. 


    To me the top tier players during that time were the pioneer which helped progress and the growth of players to get better, which you see currently now. There were actually insane legit players during the 2011-2013 who played like current good players in 2020, even understanding all the cheesy broken tactics that the game offered. 


    But currently If a new player join they don't have the variety of opponents to versus due to population which is kinda harder, more common to go up against a pre made group and many veterans pretty much know everything and well geared up big advantage over someone who's new. The game pretty much expired and for a year 2021 there will be more new games in the future and APB will not keep up to date attracting new players or keeping.


    I would say if your a max rank player and you end up vsing some low rank bronze, silvers, pretty much just give them the win because you don't really gain anything from it when you win. Up to whoever choose to help in an online game not everyone is nice and they don't have to go out there way to help someone. 


    The funny thing about all of this is that veteran players consantly complaining about low player base. But at the same time if they get a new player on their team they are disrespectful toward them and if they play against new players they show no remorse when they pulverize them to pieces. In my opinion veteran players should be more friendly to new players and try to teach them something if they want the game to survive. Over the yeras a lot of veteran players moved on to other games because they got tired of APB, but at the same time new players are scared away by veteran players who stick around. We also have to mention how APB dethreaters were never dealt with, which is such a shame. Sadly new players can't get any better without experience. Also i think refer a friend was a great idea, but sadly the system was heavily abused and didn't brought many players.


    So in the conclusion with better decisions this game could have a lot bigger friendlier player base.

    ye HAN didn't survive I did my best during a year.

  9. On 12/10/2020 at 1:48 AM, Easiest said:

    Ye for sure, if the new engine comes out, at first we need new contacts (LO already talked about it), the IEM nades, maybe new "WHITE" weapons not some shitty armas reskin, new mods a good weapon balance, everything at the same time, and we'll be good.

    The last thing we want is to add more weapons into the game, there's already a large pool of weapons in the game to the point that some weapons are terrible. I just wish they would get rid of the weapon RNG mechanic of this game and have projectile mechanics instead.


    Every community are toxic for me and it will never change. Look at the district apb chat, everyone is just toxic and insulting each other.

    For the matchmaking APB needs to improve for sure, but the numbers of players need to increase, with the actual pop LO can't make a new one.


    I also think LO should focus the new content and not the new engine.

    The game will always be toxic even when it was populated, players trash talk just like any other pvp online game, sometimes they hackusate / harass for no reason and there's time they just jealous of you beating them. There will always be players like that and you can't really do much about it, if it happens to you, Just ignore and move on.  The player base is mix with all kinds of groups and people some are nice or bad and you choose who you want to be friends with. 


    As far as recent i think LO has been enforcing toxic behavior pretty well, though the griefing and blocking points is still a problem.  The game is not dying because of toxicity! there's no way players are quitting due to someone insulting them online. It's more of the game dying due to boredom and content. 


    Currently with less population i think there should be less toxicity compare to back during peak days of apb.


    They need to do something big to make this game actually worth advertising in the year 2021.

  10. 1 hour ago, Darkzero3802 said:


    LO has already stated that the 2 servers are going to be merged for a bigger pool of players to fight

    Bigger pool of players to fight seems like its going to be a temporary population increase, but I don't see the growth of new players coming in. 


    Even if they unified the servers, the main concern is LO will have multiple district with different locations without any players on it.  NA would probably be dead still and players will be force to play on EU server since it currently has the highest local population of players, making it active 24/7.  Worst players will quit or force to connect to a server outside their country in order to play apb reloaded, there's going to be players with 120-300+ ping,  probably many will use vpn to have decent connection.


    The other servers will be a waste to run etc Asia or Australia, if there's less players or none it's not going to grow, unless the game somehow magically attracts everyone to play, because the truth is a new player's first impression of apb is going to be dogsh*t experience. 


    many have forgotten that there was once a Asia player base in 2011 with 700+ population on HAN and G1 Killed it by changing the location to California. I doubt they all come back because of the engine update. 




  11. On 12/4/2020 at 8:54 PM, KyoukiDotExe said:

    There are real players who would love to play but are blocked because of their countries preventing them to play certain services or visit certain websites they NEED VPNs to function in order to play. It's a very real thing.



    The most legitimate reason that a player would use a vpn is to fix their routing issue, which does help slightly lower latency and improve consistency. Since there are only two servers EU and NA, players from outside of those countries may need a VPN in order to play at a playable latency.


    some Australian ISP are pretty shiity, who knows soon NA will shutdown and it's going to become EU only. games f*k


  12. Am I the only one who doesn't need a tutorial to learn the game? i don't think that existed back then.


    Those who started APB this year probably would have a 80% chance of quitting/uninstalling, due to the current state of the game and low population of NA.

    I don't know if there's even a community or a clan to even help you things like this you suppose to learn and improve yourself at your own pace and find friends in game, that's the apb experience while progressing.


    there's literally no hope the engine update seems like a disappointment and its not going to bring hype to the game. 6 years for this??? all hope is lost.

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