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Posts posted by Deadliest

  1. 8 hours ago, EVInezca said:

    Okay and you think the guys who you know will say you when they use macro? =p    no they will not its cooler to say i press by my self.  Every  new gamer mouse can macro.  And the many people in apb have buy mouses special for that. Wake up dreamboy. 

    let me get this straight so you claim that many who uses a gaming mice is for the sole purpose of having a macro feature that's a pretty bold statement dude. Let me ask you a question are you using a gaming nice too?


    You need to wake up and face the truth LO made some changes there is no threat segregation anymore that means there will be a problem of matchmaking, you are already in a disadvantage against any kind of gold threat players and your welcome to post your displeasure on the forums.  


    You exaggerating about macros is an excused of hiding the fact you are terrible in the game, someone like you who's still a beginner at what 1000 hours+ ?do not know what it takes to use a fbw or a carbine, oscar, these guns are popular and common among the skilled gold veterans as they have mobility and can outgun weapons that require marksman that's why it's a threat towards you or newbies. You can't track them, your 60hz monitor slide show, high input lag wouldn't give you a chance to outgun a veteran who mastered the carbine, fbw, oscar properly will min-ttk you without any effort. 


    hell if I've encounter someone that was using a macro which is rarely, but they ain't no problem for me because the guy would max out their fire rate and wouldn't even land a hit on me and I've seen it happen multiple times. if someone accused me of macro that's what I would reply back 'I click my mouse' because obviously you do not know how these semi-automatic weapons work these guns have a rhythm and just because you have try it and can't somewhat max the fire rate without jamming, doesn't mean I can't. Lets just say you have try using a carbine/fbw/oscar and say that 'I can't fire that fast like you' which is pretty common response I get when it comes to macro accusation.


    These are the requirements to be good with an fbw or carbine etc:

    • good hand-eye coordination
    • Have a decent gaming mice + mouse sensitivity you are comfortable with that allows you to aim at your best (practice muscle memory or aim trainer)
    • good computer + max frames (144hz+ monitor required)
    • knowing the rhythm of the fbw/carbine/oscar and able to click without panicking while tracking your opponent and maintaining a controlled fire-rate (required practice and muscle memory aka motor skills) 

    Here we are in the year 2021, yet there's still who believe that many uses macro in order to achieve a high fire rate on these guns. this video is from 2012 tutorial pretty much explains everything I suggest you watch it, hell I'm sure you are sitting there and thinking hey this is information I could had used long time ago when I'm trying to figure out how to use a fbw or a carbine. 



    apb is a hard pvp shooter people use all what they can. See  advaned launcher. Macros. Shadders.  The people use all this to become advantage.  You are real funny. You must new i  apb

    nothing is funnier to me than somebody's misfortune.


    These advantages such as advance launcher, shaders does not give any kind of automatic aid to assist them if it's to boost their performance I don't care everyone has the right to optimised their game for better performance is it an advantage? You do know everyone plays on a different config no one has a similar computer, gaming mice, monitor, keyboard or in game settings, mouse sensitivity etc. is it unfair or an advantage? if i have a better monitor than yours? or a better gaming mice?


    But hey if you feel APB is a hard shooter I don't blame ya, when you play you have to go through the trouble of a terrible matchmaking because LO decided to remove the threat segregation, due to you being a max rank silver, not only you need to worry about going up against the actual cheaters probably a few left I guess, but than you have to worry about the gold players with their semi automatic weapons :P. Either way cheater or not it makes no difference you will lose the game either way, just let the high skilled veterans deal with the closet cheaters / blatant cheaters because they are there to be a real nuisance towards these players.


    there's some alternative ways you can play APB like you may enjoy role playing as a police officer, yea that's what you should do arrest people, recruit people in social district, you might find that fun. 


    But in all seriousness if you don't enjoy the game anymore you can take a break or quit and find a better game.


    I apologies if I derailed this threat, but here's my my input on the topic of cheaters, I'm going to assume there maybe 2-4 active cheaters on Jericho with some private cheats, they actively play for a month and later they are gone. 


  2. 21 minutes ago, EVInezca said:

    Macro users... Over the time accept that... it is normal in 2021. We are not more in 2013. I dont like it but this is real.  I hope Lo dont waste time to try to stop macro users. Its waste time. better focus on cheaters closet cheaters to make the game for all better expirence. Cheaters are not part of cumunity they are kill the game. In this lo have to wake up it is not to late. 


    I dont like makros and it is a liddle adventage on some guns.  both pistols,  obeya, carabine  huntress,  oscar,  wisp  (i mean not wisper i mean wisp  :)) that the most populary macro guns.  So many people use macros on this guns. Lo can make the max fire rate lower For better balance. For the .45 pistol and the huntress. Then this 2 guns make very problem when enemy use macro. They kill very fast then. 


    Other liddle advantage is the macro runs with havey itims. Can make the difference in a mission.


     Every day when we play apb its normal this days to see and to fight vs people who use macros and use the liddle adventage. But with all this we can live then this is beatabale. 

    I guess the removal of threat segregation makes the silvers or bronze players lose their mind.  


    You avoided the one problem matchmaking, instead of blaming yourself being bad at the game you fault it towards the opposition as they are full of cheaters. 


    just face facts that the player is legit better than you, my guess is you accused every one who has used a semi- automatic weapon for macroing or cheats because you hate and die against these weapon.


    I guarantee you what ever marksman weapon you use, you have a highly less chance in wining against someone who has mastered a carbine, Oscar or fbw.

  3. 1 hour ago, Hexerin said:

    Apparently, you're one of those people who refuse to learn. Keep being bad, I guess.

    Why don’t you prove it? A clip demonstration the PR1 DMR AV is better? We can look at stats all day but video gameplay, clips shows how the weapon is handle by the user, which tells us a lot whether they know what they talking about.

    • Like 1

  4. On 10/11/2021 at 3:55 PM, Hexerin said:

    People who prefer their shots to go on target consistently, since bloom directly reduces accuracy (a stat that you cannot overcome with player skill, because it is system-side forced RNG).

    Okie since there’s a debate which one is better, I would like to add The DMR AV is a semi automatic anti-materiel precision sniper, you cannot shoot continuously you have to wait for the bloom to recover so after a shot the crosshair goes big (bloom) gun recoils up and while the crosshair reset you aim towards the target, which by the time your crosshair resets back to normal, you should be aiming at your target and you can fire again. To achieve the fastest ttk at 85m+ for 2 shot or 3 shot to kill the DMR AV PR2 wins. 

    I have test these two weapons previously, it’s a slight advantage on a PR2, with a PR1 my DMR AV sometimes jams if I shoot too quick after crosshair resets. The bloom never bothers me when it comes to aiming. 

    keep in mind when your crosshair is red on an enemy it’s 100% a hit with a DMR AV unless it didn’t reg. 

    • Thanks 1

  5. it's like they pull out these weapon balance out of no where and finalising it live without even getting feedback from the community first or letting us know public which weapons they are going to balance.


    Some of the weapons that were recently changed weren't even necessary:

    • OCA
    • Carbine
    • Obeya
    • N-tec 5


    Could they just Buff up the sh*ty weapons, seriously do not want to see another weapon that was used so much previously before changed for example the Dog Ear, now no one uses it, whereas the DMR AV is way better than the Dog ear.



    Aces smg need some buff give it a range 30m lazer with no rng please. 

    • Like 3

  6. 2 hours ago, Vnight said:

    I bought pr1 with credit card, now i regret it, cuz pr2 is already a crappy wep, not sure why they put it on the market in the first place as pr 2 has 2 slots and ts already garbage, but one slot is ridiculous to use actual money on it. Its like enjoy being fooled by purchasing crap for real money, and nowdays, you can get it for free if you log in every day and do the dailies, in one month or less you get it for free.

    It sucks for free, and it also sucks for money, doesn't matter essentially pr1 or pr2, they both suck badly, you are better off with the damn Volcano, which is dirt cheap and much more efficient.

    I'm sorry you are wrong DMR AV > your volcano 85m+ any day, also the DMR AV has more versatility.

  7. 14 hours ago, FakeBungo said:

    also the original post of this thread is so incredibly pointless and a joke. of course its made by someone who is a known ________ (REDACTED for ToS), so i'm not surprised that it makes zero sense.

    next they will be complaining that 319 g1c is triggering their OCD and will demand that every item in armas be rounded to the nearest 100 or else they will sue LO.

    oh please what about all your pointless threads you made? And this post you made is also pointless trying to de-rail the thread and you know you complain more on these forums.

    If you didn’t understand what this thread is about I’ll summaries it for you, since you don’t have the brain capacity. The DMR-AV PR2 is better than the PR1 but it’s price the same? Previously the PR1 was slightly cheaper than the PR2 even the JT versions have their price differences. I’m here to discuss a better system for those who previous purchase a DMR-AV PR1 should have an option to upgrade to a PR2 without buying the same gun, if they wanted a PR2 variant or the PR1 shouldn’t exist. Hope that makes sense. 

    sadly I regret purchasing the PR1 back in 2015, use it ever since not a big deal, it plays well but I do suffer from a slightly slow fire rate. 


    so keep the discussion civil please. Anyone is welcome to write their own opinion regarding about these two DMR variants and I’m happy to read them.


    • Like 1

  8. Hello,


    Why is the Agrotech DMR-AV PR1 with one modification (hunting sight 3) cost the same as the Agrotech DMR-AV PR2 with two modification (hunting sight 3 and cooling agent 3? the Agrotech DMR-AV PR2 is the superior variant than the PR1. Back then there was a price difference between these weapons, obviously the PR1 was cheaper.




    I was suppose make a thread about this a year ago, but those who previously purchase a Agrotech DMR-AV PR1 should be able to upgrade to a Agrotech DMR-AV PR2 variant if it means by a little extra cost g1c. I have try contacting customer support long ago, but was told they are two different weapons? it makes no sense that I should purchase the same variant just for an extra modification. 

    • Thanks 1

  9. the graphics on apb is not even that great even after the engine update. If you bought a rtx card just for the sole purpose of apb be ready to be disappointed. 

    Even I have a 3080 and the original config I always used which has High quality character, clothing, muzzle flash, explosion and minimal environment settings, haven’t experience a single crash when testing. 

    though I may feel that my old 1060 3gb actually ran better for apb. I’ve notice I experience a few FPS dips below 100 and it just shoots back up to cap FPS. 

  10. 17 hours ago, Hexerin said:

    That's the key point right there. Get min-TTK'd once? Sure, take the L and roll with it. When it happens in every encounter? Yea no, that's blatant as hell.

    It doesn't matter how skilled you are, pure consistency isn't something that can be humanly achieved. Even the top pros in actual competitive shooters show non-perfect play frequently due to the imperfections and limitations of the human physiology.

    you really don’t know it’s like every player no matter what their threat level they are all the same? We can argue about players think faster than others and healthier which does affect your game performance. 

    When it’s comes to pros and esport they compete with other pros, each individual’s are different, like for example csgo player fr0st, 30+ something years old still in the competitive scene, and never lost his consistency in tournaments. 

    The problem here is when a good veteran / pro player who has years of experience, go against someone who’s fairly new or somewhat bad in a game, they will lose.
    They can easily remain consistency if the player couldn’t even react fast enough or shoot back. 

    For example people accusing others of macros maybe your movements were bad? Ask yourself this Were you using an ntec? Did you remain stationary and allow someone to carbine you down with ease. 

    The fact is any good legitimate player could carbine mint ttk a bronze or a silver without any effort if they know the click rate which comes from experience and practice. 


  11. 1 hour ago, cowhorseman said:

    most the time. like 80% isnt cheaters there psychos who play this game and only this game and have managed to memorize each spawn spot and...


    yea no that is a lie. i can tell a hacker is on when i run 800m from the objective across the map hide in a tunnel and then they come and kill me and say "lol i knew you would be there"


    well how i ask? how the fuck did you know i went 800 across the map to see if your cheating or not and you find me sitting in a tunnel that is in some bufo alley way by that one contact no one gos to. your a fucking cheater and a looser you get nothing good day sir and i hope someone drop kicks your baby  making parts 

    Lol the spawn points are not hard to anticipate. 

    • Like 1

  12. 100 million dollar game you think they could start a brand new game? 

    little orbit doesn’t produce triple A games, they don’t have the budget or the resources, developers etc.


    If they could make a new game similar to apb, why would they acquire apb reloaded off gamerfirst in the first place?



    • Like 6

  13. Even if the game had good anti cheat it's not like everyone is going to play again dude.


    Going to rant some stuff again 🙂


    Game Lacks content, there's no drive for players to keep playing again, they are still working on the engine update, they ain't going to do sh*t on the live version.


    Lets go back in history Real time worlds went bankrupt which has all the original developers, game was acquired by Gamerfirst and then Little orbit is now in charge of the game's development. Game has been short on developers for so long and still hiring currently.


    For a game that ran 10 years without any major updates and all the BS that comes along, In my opinion is pretty dam impressive, compare to new games these days that die quickly that had a good run for at least a year or 3 and population dies out.


    It's just Matt Scott and his/her new specialist, going to work on the engine update, even though there so much being said on the road map 2021 after the engine update launches, is there actual developers continuing to work on after the engine update? or is LO still currently hiring? because I don't think it's ready for marketing, yea it offers better performance for older and new hardware + graphics but doesn't really do much when the game is still capped at 144fps in the year 2021. At least have a new UI HUD which is much cleaner than the current hud and framerate should be uncapped above 144 to support those who have 240hz-280hz, 360hz monitors.


    When they say the engine update will make the game easier to modified and add new things, It's unclear what potential or limitation they can do or add in the game? I have so many questions like are they able to expand the current map by adding new sections or change buildings and have the tools to create new maps for starters like fight club maps.


    Clothing will they able to have more freedom of new clothing choices to create that they cannot do on the old engine due to limitations? because the previous clothing for example pack of Revelation, Renaissance Man and Leather and Lace etc were terrible designed or the idea behind it, I don't know who's idea it was but man they lost sight of the APB theme, it's all about customization, letting your character stand out with appealing style and fashion. It's like the game makes the worst clothing that no one wants to buy, guess the korean MMO games do it better they generate billions, because they know what the players wants and see, take some inspiration on the clothing trend or street fashion. 


    F*K it's like they lack of creativity and ideas that make the game great and if the new engine has limitations on what it was mention above then there's no hope for the game's future. Without any competent developers the game will be doom.

    • Like 1

  14. 2 hours ago, DiVaice_ said:

    lol they not doing anything, just the same guy griefing all streamers for 2 weeks already every day from morning till night

    thought the game was dead? There’s still griefers? What did the streamers do to them that makes them wanna spend countless hours to grief? What is the guy doing blocking missions against streamers? How low can people go in this game lol, it just mind boggles me.


    Whoever is doing it sure doesn’t have a life, is an attention seeking loser, that likes to ruined people’s fun in the game due to their unhappiness.  

    They are just a nuisance best way is to just record / clip harassing and report to customer support. 

    They could HWID ban.


  15. 5 hours ago, Vnight said:

    How about disable completely fightclub? Its a JT paradise for exploiters.

    in what way they are exploiting? jts is the best way for rewarding players for the hours they spent playing or doing the tedious task challenges in fc or missions. 

    it actually takes hours of playtime to cap both fc, 50 + 150 jts then + 200 jts for top 10% gold challenge threshold. 

    Games dead, they need a rewarding system so they have a purpose for playing. 

  16. 6 hours ago, Uhtdred said:

    the point of AMD release is to be able to play games with OLD HARDWARE.


    what's the point of your post again?


    My point is the game has poor optimization issues and it relies on CPU. The AMD fidelityFX super resolution focus on graphics card performance so they could reach 4K on modern games for older generation graphics card. 

    You trying to play apb 4K on max settings or what? 

    they said top titles apb is not one of them, doubt they can add apply FSR into the current apb engine.




    4 hours ago, Uhtdred said:



    I have a ryzen 7 2700x 4.2ghz with GTX 1650 super.



    I average 160-190fps in apex legends with 1920x1080, HOWEVER I CAN'T AVERAGE EVEN 100fps on apb at 1024x768 lowest graphics?????????????


    so yeah, i want to average 144fps on this game, maybe fidelityFX will allow me to do that.

    My i5 6600k OC 4.5ghz + Gtx 1060 3gb can go 144fps at 1024x 768 lowest. Even I could max out settings at 1080p no problem. Though the FPS dips are the causes of the game having terrible optimization.


    I will get the new 12th gen intel + 3080 soon 


  17. 4 hours ago, EvaPooh said:

    Have you ever tried meeting some of the people that play this game? I use my microphone for the first time in years and boom: I'm getting stalked. This community is toxic trash and what's left after years of bleeding out in the dust are almost universally antisocial neckbeards who grief and throw scat at you.


    Big shock that someone wouldn't want to group up. It's bad enough to have an itch to play this antiquated turd, but to actively group with people that play it daily? A fate worse than death, LOL.

    Every person I met played apb with over the years were the best people, known them for years, talked on mic no problem, so choose your friends wisely or who you played with. If they were toxic you don’t have to play with them or talk to them…


    Yea just because that 1 random person stalked you, you have to blame the whole community being toxic, you are over exaggerating.

    but hey if you don’t want to group up with people because of what ever reason then I don’t care. You play your way.



    4 hours ago, PotatoeGirl said:

    Maybe that is how you did it but I am not so desperate to beg for groups. 

    I rarely play I don’t need to look for groups I have enjoy the game while it last 😛 

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