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Posts posted by Shui

  1. On 4/10/2021 at 1:26 PM, MiffyJupiter said:

    @MattScott Fix your fucking game. Cheaters lurking literally around every corner and they aren't even trying to hide it, they are so obviously cheating. If your anti-cheat doesn't do crap then I suggest just cancel the fucking contract/license as you're paying for literally nothing.  This is the last time I've spent a fucking dime on this game. FIX IT or just slowly see it wither and ultimately die. You bought this game and we had great hopes as a community but we've literally seen no improvement in this game's gameplay mechanics. I don't care that my language is foul but I am utterly and completely done with this nonsense. 


    Just look at in-game characters: Removed Public accusations ~@mayii all examples of high ranking players using cheats. There are clans out there that are literally full of players sharing their cheats, just look at the clans of the characters I mentioned. This is nothing compared to the majority of the "High Ranking" players using third party tools to give them advantages in this game. 


    I hope this is worth something to you, if not; I don't care. This game is dead to me. But it's ultimately your investment that's at risk here. No one buys something that isn't worth saving, so I hope you've got something up your sleeve.



    gitgud scrub
    maybe try minecraft sword fights

  2. 16 hours ago, Ysaline said:

    Okay this statement makes no sense to me at all.

    In your words "we should allow some changes but if someone change more: crosshairs, no smokes, range finders, those should be banned.

    You do realise you either allow it or don't. There's no between , that's why we are divide on this topic in the first place.

    Some visual changes like Advanced Launcher vs Configs with self coded stuff are two different things.

  3. removed - Please avoid litigating moderation in a thread. PM me directly if you feel moderation was in error. 🐝 Sakebee

    another patch, another nerf to skilled players
    I dont like the weapon balance patches
    Every single one is bad and just makes it worse
    Thanks to SPCT

    Now my comment should be Contributory Posting : ) 

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  4. 14 hours ago, Frosi said:

    APB's real issue with cheating lies in the closeting area with people running their cheats on very low settings that still let them compete / consistently beat the top 1% of players through means of narrow FoV aimbots, smooth aim and silent aim.

    Question: Do you think you are part of the top 1%?

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  5. 17 hours ago, Flaws said:

    Remember when I said that N-TEC didn't need a nerf but its actually nothing but silvers whining about it because they get dominated with it, and that even after the nerf they will keep whining about it because they still get dominated by it (because they suck compared to those exact N-TEC users they whine about)? Oh and that these players are the only reason an N-TEC nerf was even considered to begin with?


    Yeah, hi.

    lmao who dislikes this


    seems like the truth hurts you damn scrubs


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  6. There will always be cheaters but this community ...
    Rumors, false info
    streamer hackusate everyone, viewers start to think the same
    people hackusate ingame, people start to think the same


    11 minutes ago, Flaws said:


    Just stop please...
    You are starting again to hackusate every average gold in this game on stream
    The main issue are not the few cheaters, its the random and false hackusations

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