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Able to shoot past Map geometry (Piercing mod Exploit)

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Summary: You can shoot past a certain type of window you shouldn't be able to.


Description: Some windows can be exploited to shoot past them even though they are not pierceable, using a weapon with the "Piercing mod" and a middleman object to pierce first.


Steps to Reproduce:


1. Go to this window (or any similar window that can't be pierced normally)

2. Place a pierceable object (like a shield,ammo box,display banner etc.) behind it so that the object you can pierce/shoot past, is the first thing you shoot through (this also works with contacts I.E shooting through the contact and even surpassing the window in the area shown in the screenshot below)

3. Shoot first past a pierceable object while also aiming at the window.



How many times have you recreated this bug: 39 times (100%)



You can shoot past a map geometry object that does NOT have the ruleset "if A then Can be pierced" using a trick that makes the object inherit the first objects Pierce-ability.  P.S I've tested this with a human player it WILL kill past the window.

[Screenshot Below for clarity]



Expected Results: You shoot past the first object but the bullet stops at the window without going through it

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A better Expected Result would be > You shoot, damage the object between you and the glass of the other place and when the bullet will impact the glass of it will break and pass through.


Okay, i know i know.. APB haven't glass breakable except for scripted mission objects to destroy/defend or stores to rob but would be a better result, instead of see armored swat glass everywhere.


Btw, this bug was discovered years ago alredy but never fixed, you can shoot too through openable doors , ones you kick with "F" for get into other places.

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