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5 Bugs in the joker store.

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Summary: Broken backpack texture .
 When looking at this mannequin's "Ninjette" clothing , the backpack as a completely broken texture :


Steps to reproduce:
 - 1: Go into the joker store
 - 2: Check the manequin at the left of the entrance.
How many times have you recreated this bug: 2/2

Results: Broken backpack texture.

Expected results: The mannequin should be wearing a ninjette backpack with the correct texture on it .



Summary: Mannequin holding an invisible gun

One of the mannequins behind orphelia has his hand holding an invisible gun.

Steps to reproduce:
 - 1:Go to joker store
 - 2:Check the mannequin behind Orphelia
How many times have you recreated this bug: 2/2

Results: The mannequin seems to be holding a gun that doesn't exist in her right hand.

Expected results: A corrct hand pose / a gun in the hand ?



Summary: Broken texture in the joker Mikro .
 When going into the joker store , and looking at your right , you can see the Charge mikro 'newbie'

if you look closely inside of it , you will notice a broken backseat texture :

Steps to reproduce:
 - 1: Go into the joker store
 - 2: Take a look at the Displayed Charge mikro.
How many times have you recreated this bug: 2/2

Results: There is a broken texture in the back of the car.

Expected results: The texture on the back of the car should be smooth and normal looking .



Summary: Glitched slider blocking the text view .
 When viewing speedball's offerings and checking ANY of the cars he sells there will be a broken slider to the side hiding the text :

Steps to reproduce:
 - 1: Go to the joker store
 - 2: Check speedball's offers.
 - 3: Click on any car and take a look at the description .
How many times have you recreated this bug: 1/1

Results: A broken slider on the side preventing to clearly see the text .

Expected results: No slider blocking the view / A working and properly displayed slider ?


Summary: Flying characters and textures .

When going to the joker store and looking close to the ground you can see that the joker tickets are floating above the ground , just like players and characters :

Same here on the countertop , though barely noticable :

Steps to reproduce:
 - 1: Go to the joker store
 - 2: Crouch and look close to the ground level.

How many times have you recreated this bug: 2/2

Results: You can see flying joker tickets  and characters models above the ground.

Expected results: Character models should be against the ground , and the other textures also should .


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