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Hello everyone,


first of all we would like to apologize for the extended downtime we have experienced over the last month. We have ran into an issue with our server provider which meant that many of our services including our games have been put offline. This period was devastating and is something we hoped to be resolved quickly but was largely out of our hands - We're sorry and never want to go through an extended downtime period like this again so we're taking the necessary steps to prevent this in the future.


To make up for the extended downtime we're going to run a two week long login campaign which will award each character you log in with with the following items via an In-Game Mail:


  • Viper Weapon Skin
  • Lost the Path Title
  • Touched Grass Title
  • Cut The Wrong Wire Title
  • Valentines Quiver Backpack


In addition to the login reward is a new Role called "Back In The Streets" which requires players to play Missions on Mission Districts or Fightclubs and awards the following:


  • 1 Mission (Total) : 500 JT + Back In The Streets Title
  • 4 Missions (Total) : 500 JT + Connecting to World Server Title
  • 7 Missions (Total) : 500 JT + Back Online Title
  • 10 Missions (Total) : 500 JT + 404 Aim Not Found Title
  • 30 Missions (Total) : 500 JT + Certified SPiN Technician Title


Read more about the Back in the Streets event including new and returning ARMAS items and a bonus G1c campaign in our Blogpost and Thank you for your support.


Valentines Day 2025 Event

Better late than never! This patch reintroduces a set of Valentines Day Event roles from previous years as well as a couple of new Valentines day themed titles which can be awarded by logging in throughout the Valentines Day 2025 Event period! This year's Valentines Day Event is going to be a little smaller than usual as we wanted to focus our efforts on improving the game as a whole rather than keep adding to an already rather stacked seasonal event, because of this we sat down and have made many meaningful changes to our maps as well introducing long awaited settings such as Hold Crouch or Toggle Sprint more on that below!


  • Re-enabled Valentine's Week Massacre Role.
  • Re-enabled Someone's Favourite Role.
  • Re-enabled Snubby Love Role.
  • Added 7 New V-Day themed Titles.


Vehicle changes


Bishada Rapier & Variants

  • Significantly increased the grip of the vehicle.


Dev note: Last patch we have increased the weight of the vehicle and while it has made the vehicle harder to bully we have also heard your concerns about how easy it is to spin out or oversteer when going into sharper turns now. To offset this we have increased the grip of the vehicle.


District changes

This patch ships a ton of mission district changes, primarily focusing on Waterfront to create more cover around spawns, more access points to difficult objectives, moving objectives out of direct line of sight of spawn areas as well as some other minor fixes. 


Please refer to the following two pictures to understand which block is where on each of the maps.




  • Repositioned a Vehicle in the Joker Ticket store so it is no longer floating.



Block 9

  • Increased distance between two car spawners.



Block 3

  • Moved satellite out of line of sight from the gas station.
  • Added props to make it easier to reach the highest part of the roof from the gas station side.
  • Added a skylight.
  • Added two bus stops for additional cover.

Block 4

  • Added a bus stop for additional cover.

Block 5

  • Added cover along the pier, allowing players to approach with more cover.
  • Moved an antenna behind a building, out of spawn line of sight.
  • Added two bus stops for additional cover.

Block 6

  • Moved two satellites.
  • Added some vents.
  • Placed additional props on the roof to improve movement while making it harder to defend.

Block 7

  • Moved the satellite out of line of sight from surrounding areas and rooftops.
  • Added an antenna to further block line of sight from surrounding rooftops.
  • Added a skylight.
  • Added four bus stops for additional cover.

Block 8

  • Moved an antenna to a position with more cover.
  • Added a portacabin for additional cover.
  • Moved an item drop-off location next to the portacabin for cover from surrounding rooftops.
  • Added one street billboard.

Block 9

  • Added a small ladder next to the highway, allowing players to reach a sub-roof.
  • Placed props on the sub-roof so players can access the highway.
  • Added a vent to block line of sight for an objective placed in the open.
  • Added one bus stop for additional cover.

Block 10

  • Slightly repositioned a ticket booth to prevent players from getting stuck.

Block 13

  • Added props to create another access point to the Orlenz Moretti building.

Block 14

  • Added two bus stops for additional cover.
  • Planted palm trees along the grassy section of the pier.

Block 16

  • Added a bus stop for additional cover.
  • Planted more trees and foliage in front of the medical school building.

Block 17

  • Added a bus stop for additional cover.
  • Added some street billboards.

Block 18

  • Increased the capacity of a car spawner from 2 to 3 vehicle spawns.

Block 19

  • Increased the capacity of a car spawner from 2 to 3 vehicle spawns.
  • Moved a spawn location to make room for the extra car spawn.
  • Added a bus stop for additional cover.
  • Placed crates to create a new line of sight onto the roof section.

Block 20

  • Moved a security camera to prevent players from getting out of bounds.

Block 22

  • Added small destructible boxes to allow players to jump out of the sewers without climbing a ladder.

Block 23

  • Added ladders and props to the south side of the Eva Orlandez rooftop to create another access point.

Block 24

  • Increased the capacity of a car spawner from 2 to 3 vehicle spawns.
  • Added two bus stops for additional cover.

Block 25

  1. Placed a container at the back right of the ship to conceal a common spawn location.

Block 27

  • Fixed the material of the warehouses, which was incorrectly appearing white.

Block 28

  • Added a new car spawn location.
  • Doubled the render distance of the large crane ("Big Bertha") to prevent it from popping in suddenly.
  • Placed props from the Baylan Shipping version that were missing in the Waterfront version to create another access point.

Block 29

  • Added three more containers and a crate to the front left of the ship.
  • Placed props at the front right of the ship for extra cover.
  • Fixed an issue causing an invisible wall that couldn't be shot through.
  • Added a bus stop for additional cover.

Block 30

  • Added a vent to break line of sight from surrounding spawns.
  • Moved the satellite to a location with more cover.
  • Moved the fuse box to a location with more cover.
  • Moved the antenna to a location with more cover.

Block 31

  • Fixed the material of the warehouses, which were incorrectly appearing white.
  • Removed one glass panel from a warehouse and added props to create another access point onto the roofs.
  • Repositioned graffiti to prevent color loss against the blue backdrop.
  • Added vents to create another way onto the rooftops.
  • Placed an air conditioner on a sub-roof to provide more cover.

Block 32

  • Added a bus stop for additional cover.

Block 33

  • Placed a ladder on the south side of the sewers.
  • Added small destructible boxes to allow players to jump out of the sewers without climbing a ladder.

Block 34

  • Slightly adjusted the position of a satellite.
  • Placed props along the roof of the satellite.
  • Repositioned a phone booth.
  • Rotated a couple of fuse boxes along the road to provide players with more cover while interacting with them.
  • Added a bus stop for additional cover.

Block 36

  • Fixed the position of a ladder so players no longer phase into the floor when interacting with it.
  • Moved a mission vehicle spawn to a more covered location.
  • Added three bus stops for additional cover.

Block 37

  • Repositioned a satellite to break line of sight from surrounding streets and rooftops.
  • Added two bus stops for additional cover.
  • Placed crates to create another access point to a rooftop.
  • Slightly adjusted a player spawn to prevent players from spawning inside newly placed props.

Block 38

  • Added a bus stop for additional cover.

Block 39

  • Replaced a chain-link fence with a destructible chain-link fence.

Block 40

  • Removed one vent from the rooftop.
  • Moved and rotated the second vent on the same rooftop.
  • Added two smaller vents to the side of the roof to create an extra access point in case the destructible plank is destroyed.



Miscellaneous changes and additions

  • Added Viper Weapon Skin.
  • Added Connoisseur Weapon Skin.
  • Adds Downtime Survivor Titles.
  • Adds Downtime Survivor Package & Login Reward.
  • Added Hold Crouch & Auto Sprint keybinding options.
  • Fixed hand positioning on the ATAC Mercenary and Bodyguard variants.
  • Fixed hand positioning on the N-TEC 7 Folded Stock variants.
  • Fixed an error in the description for the Broadwing Hot Response RX-II Bars stating they're for the T-25.
  • The V20 Jericho 'Street Krew Lookout' and Bishada Rapier 'Shadowstrike Interceptor' are now equipped with a Mobile Supply Unit instead of Mobile Radar tower. Their descriptions have been updated to match this change.
  • Increased the open slot count for the ISSR-B Sniper Rifles by 1.
  • Fixed an issue causing many Marksman weapons to not use the correct Muzzleflash effect when using the Nutcracker weapon skin.
  • Fixed an issue causing the Nutcracker skin to show up as one of the Casino skins when applied to the SWARM.
  • Fixed an issue causing the Short Circuit skins to not apply correctly to the Colby .45 AP.
  • Fixed an issue causing the Short Circuit skins to change the model of the Scoped N-tec 5 to that of the regular N-tec 5 when applied.
  • Fixed an issue causing the Short Circuit skins to change the model of the ACT-44 'Last Stand' to that of the regular ACT-44 when applied.
  • Fixed an issue causing the Short Circuit skins to change the model of the RSA to that of the ACT-44 when applied.
  • Fixed an issue causing the Short Circuit Green skin causing the Showstopper to use the Showstopper 'Thunder' model.
  • Fixed an issue causing the Short Circuit skins to change the model of the Colby SNR to that of the Colby .45 AP.
  • Fixed an issue causing the Yakuza skin to change the model of the ISSR-A 'Artemis' to that of the ISSR-B 'Wisp'.
  • Fixed an issue causing the Yakuza skin to change the model of the Stac-10 to that of the Stac-10 Stock.
  • Fixed an issue causing the PSR's to use the N-HVR 762 sound when using the Spain skin.
  • Fixed an issue with the Occult Demoness skin not applying correctly to the OCA 'Whisper'.
  • Fixed an issue causing the N-HVR 243-SD 'Reaper' to use the wrong Muzzleflash when using its base skin.
  • Fixed an issue causing the Dragon skin to change the model of the N-tec 5 Stock to that of the regular N-tec 5.
  • Fixed an issue causing the Dragon skin to change the model of the C9S to that of the regular C9.
  • Added a mission district version of the Blast from the Past Gungame.
  • Updated Localization.


Thank you for your continued patience! See you all in San Paro.

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Considering how much hype there was over the Waterfront changes, they are very miniscule.
Yes, the added ladders from the front side of Eva Orlandez' rooftops and the added vents close to the buildings are great QoL changes, but they're very miniscule and don't fix the fundamental issue of Watefront.
The map still has way too many open spots with no cover. The randomly positioned bus stops (worst type of cover) don't help some areas one bit. Not only that, they seem pretty randomly placed at times as well, such as the bus stop in Block 17 across Harmon Benjamin

Add a car spawner across the vending machines of Lynette Casey's building while you're at it, it always looked like it needed one.

The area around Jeung Bloodrose definitely didn't need bus stops, but some other type of prop (unbreakable wooden planks, concrete pipes or something similar) and/or a huge arch structure at the end of the ramp to provide proper cover instead of a breakable bus stop.

Changes to Pier are almost non-existant in terms of gameplay? It's still way too easy to defend.

Some problematic areas have also been untouched at all, such as: Michael Simeone roof, the small inside area close to Chung-Hee & Orlenz Moretti, Prentiss Atlas Appartments (the worst spot to attack), block 03 & 04 mall, block 16 & 42 (the inside area with 2 entrances, there was a great recommendation on old forums on making a new entrance to it) etc.

I hope this was only one out of many balancing iterations to the district, even though I'm not a big proponent of byte-size patches.
Considering the long downtime, one would've expected more drastic changes to the entire map...




Added Hold Crouch & Auto Sprint keybinding options.

Increased the open slot count for the ISSR-B Sniper Rifles by 1.

I'm happy these 2 got added, especially the former. Took you a decade only.
I can't help but wonder why there still isn't a way to set a frame rate limit inside the UI of the game? Even something as simple as a dropdown menu with common refresh rates (60, 75, 85, 100, 120, 144, 165, 180, 200, 240, 250, 280, 300, 360, 400, 480, 500, 540) would suffice, if one would say that a input field text box is not possible. Hiding behind the age-old claim of Kismet & Scaleform being intertwined thus blocking further development really doesn't cut it now, does it?
Very concerning how something as simple as this isn't implemented yet and one has to still fiddle with BaseEngine.ini to apply the in-game FPS limiter (which is atrocious either way, but still better than using external solutions)

The crosshair is still inaccurate past 10m, the UI is still a mess, the >120FPS sliding bug is still present... I don't understand how weapon skins have taken precedence over the most basic function of a game?

I assume the splash screen is also one of the new contacts which is supposedly coming out in April's content patch, another re-used asset... Hope you'll finally give us the locked equipment slots with the new set of content.

Oh, and the weapon balancing is still atrocious. Try playing the STAR, which is what new players would have to deal with in the Valentines' Day event, against any gun in the game, it's like using a water gun. 🙂

I also remembered, why have you decided to strip down some female contacts such as Violet Prentiss & the contact in social? This along with the recent BDSM-like ARMAS release has me concerned about the future clothing pieces this game is gearing towards...

Edited by sweetLemonade

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