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APB keep crashing...

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Since last patch, my game crashed a lot of times.

I'll copy some logs here.

23:26:48 - Log: Exception handler starts.
23:26:48 - Log: Main thread is suspended.
23:26:48 - Log: UE3 memory allocator is unlocked.
23:26:48 - Log: Memory freed for exception handler.
23:26:48 - Log: ErrorCode : 0xC0000005
23:26:48 - Log: ErrorLocation : 0xC0000005
23:26:48 - Log: Create minidump.
23:26:48 - Log: Create internal minidump: C:\Program Files (x86)\GamersFirst\APB Reloaded\Binaries\..\APBGame\Logs\2024.11.23-20.22.46-7660.dmp
23:26:48 - Log: Create an empty file for the internal minidump.
23:26:48 - Log: Generate internal minidump with MiniDumpWriteDump.
23:26:48 - Log: MiniDumpWriteDump for internal minidump succeeded!
23:26:48 - Log: Generate external dump file name.
23:26:48 - Log: Create external minidump: C:\Program Files (x86)\GamersFirst\APB Reloaded\Binaries\..\APBGame\Logs\2024.11.23-20.22.46-7660_Catcher.dmp 
23:26:48 - Log: Copy the exception info to shared memory
23:26:48 - Log: Wake up APB_Catcher.
23:26:48 - Log: Wait for APB_Catcher to finish.
23:26:48 - Log: APB_Catcher failed!
23:26:48 - Log: Creating external mini-dump failed!
23:26:48 - Log: Process mindump file: C:\Program Files (x86)\GamersFirst\APB Reloaded\Binaries\..\APBGame\Logs\2024.11.23-20.22.46-7660.dmp
23:26:48 - Log: kd.exe -z C:\Program Files (x86)\GamersFirst\APB Reloaded\Binaries\..\APBGame\Logs\2024.11.23-20.22.46-7660.dmp -y "Lib/Release_USER;Symbols/Release_USER" -c ".ecxr;.lines -e;k 50;q"
23:26:48 - Log: Executable not found!
23:26:48 - Log: RunAppProc failed!
23:26:48 - Log: ProcessMiniDump failed!
23:26:48 - Log: Search for callstack text.
23:26:48 - Log: Callstack text not found.
23:26:48 - Log: Get GPF description.
23:26:48 - Log: 
23:26:48 - Log: Exception: Sending CrashReport callback event...
23:26:48 - Log: Client crash report
23:26:48 - Log: Map waterfrontdistrict_master
23:26:48 - Log: Pawn location 119412.3 133034.9 461.9
23:26:48 - Log: Exception: Calling HandleError()...
23:26:48 - Log: === Critical error: ===

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Yeah, my game keeps crashing more regularly since the last 2 patches as well.

Though I keep getting ErrorCode 0xE06D7363

Edited by BlackJana

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I crash every 15 minutes, any help? I already sent report...




APB crash restarts my PC, can you please help?????????




mission starts and apb crash.

Edited by Uhtdred

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