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Account Hacked

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Hello, I'm posting here because I don't know what to do anymore. I'll explain the situation. On Friday 07/19/2024 my account was hacked and absolutely everything that can be traded was stolen. I play daily and on Thursday 18th (the previous day) I was playing until late, so I don't understand how the hacker was able to bypass that 3-day block of the trading system that is automatically executed when a different IP connects to an account. I have never shared passwords, I don't do live broadcasts, nor have I left my account with anyone, only I know my account. I don't understand how this could have happened. The fact is that I have already made a ticket in support, but no one answers. I have tried to speak directly with CEOs and no one pays attention to me and I am desperate. I have been playing APB for more than 10 years and I have invested a lot of money during this time to have everything that has been stolen from me. Please, I beg you for help.

PS, I have not logged back into my account since that day in order to try to facilitate your work in searching for IPs and identifying the hacker as well as the actions carried out on my account that day.

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You should really contact the support. ❤️


Best of luck.

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6 hours ago, Heal said:

You should really contact the support. ❤️


Best of luck.

As I said in the previous message, I already wrote to support and no one ever answered me.

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please of u do find what to do tell me the same thing happened to me November last year and i have been making tickets monthly but no respond i tried messaging on discord and same no response i too have been playing the game on and off for 10 yrs and all my stuff has been stolen haven't logged in since 

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On 8/19/2024 at 12:52 PM, DavidHemi said:

As I said in the previous message, I already wrote to support and no one ever answered me.

your only way

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1 hour ago, Heal said:

your only way

Well, how sad, and I want to think that this poor support service is due to the fact that the entire staff is dedicated to updating the new contact, although I still think that waiting for more than a month without any response is an insult and a sign of contempt on the part of the team towards the community, and not even here in the forum has any moderator or anyone deigned to answer, the members have given me more support than the staff...

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i would like to help if I could but sadly that's the only way around you get in touch with the support. However, try to poke a senoir moderator in here, maybe they can reboost your case.

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Email support and wait. There's no way they'll contact you in the forums. It will take months unfortunately but that's your only best bet since they probably 1-2 staff working on tickets.

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