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Golden Osmaw

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Posted (edited)
On 5/3/2024 at 10:35 AM, nanananaSuperCop said:

Since we have golden osmaw, why  not golden opgl?

  • SPCT Hate / dont like at all Opgl and any explosive weapons in general  for whatever reason. (they are still the worst category weapons overall screaming for a balance after ages)
  • One may say it's weird why of the no adding until now, from LO side it's a missed opportunity for make  some possible cash , but then you think there's No devs working or constantly focused in APB,
  • "The same Dev" working sporadically may've add an Opgl 3 slot just in ARMAS, occasionally available, but nothing
  • A decent game publisher give a look to the request or game suggestion, SPCT may report or push to the attention the most interesting one request, But Nope, they dont care
  • The Game Forum Suggestion is just a joke created from G1 for make fun of players, and LO,  as his worthy Heir, continue the TRADITION 😃






Forget it . . . the Game & Forum suggestion is a joke 

Edited by PingOVER9000

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