Jilleroo 349 Posted May 12, 2023 17 minutes ago, NotTheEnforcer said: 1) Of course Im bored. Everyone is. They recycle the same old shit year in year out. Nothing noticable has changed in APB since they were forced to remove JMB's by the EU lmao, thats the only big change thats ever happened since they took ownership. 2) I honestly dont hate myself. Because I grew up in a time where if someone said something like that to you, you just brushed it off and kept going about your day. If your best friend came up to you and said it straight faced, then maybe itd be an issue, but not in this case. 3)You'd be really surprised at how many slurs are freely thrown around in PM's, chief. Telling someone to off themselves is farrrrrrrrrr better than the things Ive read in chat and PM's just this week alone. 4)What I said wont affect anyone, and the complete lack of people who've ever self harmed because an internet rando told them to, proves it. Feel free to find a few cases stating otherwise, then do the math and apply it to the video game crowd. 5) You could absolutely measure how far a rock sinks in the ocean. Put a pressure gauge on it. Bad metaphor, because Ive never read, seen, or heard of a single instance where it has ever legitimately affected anyone. 6) LO didnt want to unban me to begin with, so again, I dont care. Boredom is a lack of inner resources. Yeah, it's called societal progression; turns out telling people to self-harm isn't cool anymore. It's a videogame anyway, why you so mad? Grow up or improve your life some more so you don't lose your composure when a frivolous computer game doesn't go your way. Doesn't make what you did right. Obviously it did, because he took the time to report you for telling him/her to take their own life over a silly 10+ year old videogame. Willful ignorance (nor anonymity) doesn't absolve you either. You do tho. That's why you're here! 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
NotTheEnforcer 222 Posted May 12, 2023 1 minute ago, SweetLikeKandee said: Yes because people like yourself show more common sense in public because there is a bigger punishment than being banned from a video game that might come from telling someone to go kill themselves. Yes, and this is a video game. Where everyone is anonymous. Things change in the digital world, chief. 1 minute ago, SweetLikeKandee said: You're just assuming at this point which really gathers up to the point of you're angry, you're venting, and throwing out words to make yourself intelligent. You cannot physically and or possibly vouch for every single human beings experience or such a situation and the outcome of that situation. Someone might already be depressed and you tell them to do such a thing could push them over that edge. Im not assuming, actually. Because these things get turned into huge lawsuits, at least in the US. Was a big thing about a decade ago where there was a span of friends convincing their depressed friends to commit suicide. This is not that, and comparing the two is an invalid and irrelevant point. Perhaps, if someone is unable to handle things of such trivial nature being said to them on the internet, then maybe they shouldnt be on the internet. The broader internet does not have rules, thats part of the real world. Im sure in some picture perfect police state utopia, no insults would ever happen online, but currently the US is not one giant dictatorship police state where every part of the internet is fully controlled. 4 minutes ago, SweetLikeKandee said: I was saying you're bored of life, not particularly the game. A broad, unfounded, irrelevant, and just generally odd assumption to make, speaking of assumptions. Me throwing a generic insult at somebody does not equate to me being "bored of life" lol 5 minutes ago, SweetLikeKandee said: Just because something was preceived as okay back in the day doesn't make it humanely acceptable now or then. We learned alot as humanbeings and progressed with technology and many other things. Thats like saying because back in medieval times marrying off your children at underage was okay, its still okay to do so today. Are you gonna sit here and say that is okay too because it was acceptable back then? You either agree with it and are seen as pedophile, or you agree with me and believe it is wrong to do, but also admitting that you contradict/hypocritical of your own statement of saying that because something was normal in the past is okay to do now. You choose your fate buddy. This is an irrelevant comparison. 1) Because marrying off children still happens in present day, in many countries. Yeah, its not great, but it still happens pretty much every day. 2) Telling someone to off themselves is not saying something that historically disenfranchises someone, like a racial or homophobic slur. I wasnt out here bleating the N-word, chief. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
NotTheEnforcer 222 Posted May 12, 2023 3 minutes ago, EvaPooh said: Boredom is a lack of inner resources. To you, perhaps. I've taken advantage of everything the game has to offer. I made and sold themes, symbols, vehicles. I learned and became very experience in the designer and had some of the more complex designs in Jericho aside from the once-major clans that paid people for their work. 4 minutes ago, EvaPooh said: Yeah, it's called societal progression; turns out telling people to self-harm isn't cool anymore. It's a videogame anyway, why you so mad? Grow up or improve your life some more so you don't lose your composure when a frivolous computer game doesn't go your way. That societal progression your talking about extends to you, btw. You're automatically assuming my lifestyle because of one trivial insult in a videogame. The only one who needs to grow or improve their lives is you, if thats how short and shallow your thinking is. Especially is this day and age where assuming things will get you cancelled by the mass media. Bold move Cotton, we'll see if it pays off. 6 minutes ago, EvaPooh said: Doesn't make what you did right. No, but I also never claimed that it did. Don't try and fluff up your opinion with things I never claimed, it wont work. 7 minutes ago, EvaPooh said: Obviously it did, because he took the time to report you for telling him/her to take their own life over a silly 10+ year old videogame Or he did it because he lost the match and he's petty and wanted to see me punished to make himself feel better. Given the APB playerbase, which is more likely? Im going with the latter, because its APB, its not known for being full of nice and honorable people. 9 minutes ago, EvaPooh said: Willful ignorance (nor anonymity) doesn't absolve you either. Ignorance of what, exactly? I called you a clown because you have a clown take. Honk honk, buddy. Did you think I didnt expect you to do exactly what you did here and quote that? Come on buddy, thats just being predictable. 11 minutes ago, EvaPooh said: You do tho. That's why you're here! K? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SweetLikeKandee 6 Posted May 12, 2023 1 minute ago, NotTheEnforcer said: Yes, and this is a video game. Where everyone is anonymous. Things change in the digital world, chief. Practically admitting that you're okay with talking shit and saying such harsh things because you have the protection of being behind a screen. Practically admitting you're a surprise and acknowledge what you're doing is wrong, which is almost worse than not knowing what you're doing is wrong...the fact you acknowledge it is wrong to do so means you're just a banana head. You can still reform though. Im telling you... your ban happened today, you're gonna wake up tomorrow and realize this ban aint going away. You're gonna regret saying what you did, and you're going to wish you never did. 4 minutes ago, NotTheEnforcer said: Me throwing a generic insult at somebody does not equate to me being "bored of life" lol No but spending your free time on a forum that consists of a community that you're no longer welcome in, whining like cry baby sure does. For someone who claims to grow up in harsher times, and act like such a badass you sure do take a slap on the wrist like a fuzzy bunny. Because like I said there is worse things, worse results that come from you saying such a thing in person, and you know this, thats why you openly admitted to not doing it in person. 9 minutes ago, NotTheEnforcer said: This is an irrelevant comparison. You calling everything irrelevant when you can't think of a logical intelligent answer is getting quite old. Whether it still happens today is IRRELEVANT because its still bad, and again you saying this just proves that just because things happened in the past doesnt make what YOU DID RIGHT. Its not something society has to accept or should have to deal with. So TLDR we opting you out of the community, kinda a little similar to how you told someone to opt out of life, but a lesser version of the scale. If you can't handle being opted out maybe you shouldnt tell others to opt out of life. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SweetLikeKandee 6 Posted May 12, 2023 7 minutes ago, NotTheEnforcer said: No, but I also never claimed that it did. Then face your punishment already, and quiet down. Acting like everyone should be concerned or preach for you to be unbanned. Acting like you need some kind of explaination as to why you're banned. I quite literally don't understand why you're sitting here making a bozo of yourself infront of the whole community when you openly know what you did lmfao. I guess you're into some kind of degrading fetish or something. I don't think a single person is going to come here and be like "you know what "Nottheenforcer" you right, we should be telling people that. You shouldn't be banned" Honeslty the closest thing would be me saying you probably shouldn't deserve a perma ban, and even me doing so being merciful of your actions. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Gateron 267 Posted May 12, 2023 (edited) First EAC works very good. Since BE i wasn't able to get a winstreak of 15 playing solo that changed its so easy now. I don't get ttkd anymore by fishy/edgy no names. Second i agree it shouldn't be a permanent ban if it's your first offense. I got 3 day ban for team killing a guy that helped the enemy team by trying to kill me. Good tip if you want someone banned just try to kill him and when he fights back record and report lol. Edited May 12, 2023 by Gateron 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
NotTheEnforcer 222 Posted May 12, 2023 Just now, SweetLikeKandee said: Practically admitting that you're okay with talking shit and saying such harsh things because you have the protection of being behind a screen. Practically admitting you're a surprise and acknowledge what you're doing is wrong, which is almost worse than not knowing what you're doing is wrong...the fact you acknowledge it is wrong to do so means you're just a banana head. You can still reform though. Im telling you... your ban happened today, you're gonna wake up tomorrow and realize this ban aint going away. You're gonna regret saying what you did, and you're going to wish you never did. Kid, I get it, you're new to the internet. But re-read what you said in the first line. Its shit talk. People talk shit to each other. It happens when you're not a fragile little flower and other people aren't fragile little flowers. Jesus, a COD multiplayer lobby would eat like a swarm of locusts. And again, I really do not care. My account is gone, forever, whoosh, bye bye. And what? The game itself has less than 1000 players. It hasnt changed since roughly 2013. Its getting too dated to be sustainable to begin with. Im not going to miss this. Maybe you would, but thats because you dont have other interests, I assume. Im not as attached to this game as you appear to be. 3 minutes ago, SweetLikeKandee said: No but spending your free time on a forum that consists of a community that you're no longer welcome in, whining like cry baby sure does. Apparently Im still welcome here because Im not banned here lmao. Ooooooh and also because I dont bend to the whim of some virgins on the internet who cry and mald like Tumblr users who just saw their first swastika. 5 minutes ago, SweetLikeKandee said: Because like I said there is worse things, worse results that come from you saying such a thing in person, and you know this, thats why you openly admitted to not doing it in person. I don't do it in person because I actually care about the people Im around, not because of the penalties for what would happen. You'll understand when you find a friend, of course you gotta have one first before you can understand. I follow the speed limits IRL, not because Id get arrested otherwise, but because I dont trust other driver's ability to actually drive. It's not the consequences that drive someone. At least, not when that person is capable of even remotely complex thought. Guess you dont fit that category. 8 minutes ago, SweetLikeKandee said: You calling everything irrelevant when you can't think of a logical intelligent answer is getting quite old. Whether it still happens today is IRRELEVANT because its still bad, and again you saying this just proves that just because things happened in the past doesnt make what YOU DID RIGHT. Its not something society has to accept or should have to deal with. You only claim I dont have a logical answer because none of the ones I give, and none of the ones I ever give, will ever align with your own perspective. Thats called bias. And also called me not caring. Dont agree, Im not trying to convince you, Im simply explaining what happened. And again, because for whatever reason your reading comprehension is terrible, I never made any claims that what I said was right. Just that its nowhere near as bad as fragile little bunnies like you think it is. 10 minutes ago, SweetLikeKandee said: So TLDR we opting you out of the community, kinda a little similar to how you told someone to opt out of life, but a lesser version of the scale. If you can't handle being opted out maybe you shouldnt tell others to opt out of life. By all means, I'd like to see you personally force me out of the community lmao. What a joke. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
NotTheEnforcer 222 Posted May 12, 2023 (edited) 7 minutes ago, SweetLikeKandee said: Then face your punishment already, and quiet down. Acting like everyone should be concerned or preach for you to be unbanned. Where did I claim that this is what I wanted? Please, link it. 7 minutes ago, SweetLikeKandee said: I quite literally don't understand why you're sitting here making a bozo of yourself infront of the whole community when you openly know what you did lmfao. Because I have the Freedom Of Speech and because I can? Last I checked, you're in no power to do anything otherwise 7 minutes ago, SweetLikeKandee said: I guess you're into some kind of degrading fetish or something. Is that Copium and Seethium Im smelling? 7 minutes ago, SweetLikeKandee said: I don't think a single person is going to come here and be like "you know what "Nottheenforcer" you right, we should be telling people that. You shouldn't be banned" Honeslty the closest thing would be me saying you probably shouldn't deserve a perma ban, and even me doing so being merciful of your actions. Oh jesus christ bless thy Lord for He has decided to be merciful with all of his completely non-existent powers. Come on buddy, and said something about me being a bozo lmao Edited May 12, 2023 by NotTheEnforcer Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SweetLikeKandee 6 Posted May 12, 2023 3 minutes ago, NotTheEnforcer said: I don't do it in person because I actually care about the people Im around, Why does being online stop you from caring about someone elses feelings brother? Seriously... why...? You act as if we're all immeidately NPCS or don't have feelings simply because we're online. People still have feelings when they're online, that's why you're showing them here from something that occurred to you online. 5 minutes ago, NotTheEnforcer said: And again, because for whatever reason your reading comprehension is terrible, I never made any claims that what I said was right. Just that its nowhere near as bad as fragile little bunnies like you think it is. No, sir. My reading comprehension is quite good. I'm simply explaining to YOU... no one gives af about you being banned. You're sitting here complaining about LO not doing shit with their game, but the moment they do their job and enforce something you cry. If you're not here to prove your innocence then why are you here? How sad do you have to be and lonely do you have to be to continually insert yourself into a community you're not welcome in. 8 minutes ago, NotTheEnforcer said: By all means, I'd like to see you personally force me out of the community lmao. What a joke. I'm not going to do anything to you. I'm gonna try to talk some sense into you before your sentence is completely set in stone. But by the way you been speaking here is certainly only a matter of time before they lock this topic and ban you from forums aswell for being toxic as hell, un needed/ irrelevant (a word ik ur familiar with)... thats u btw incase u didnt realize. Believe it or not im tryna do you some good by opening your eyes and show reformenet to potentially appeal in the future. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
NotTheEnforcer 222 Posted May 12, 2023 (edited) 8 minutes ago, SweetLikeKandee said: Why does being online stop you from caring about someone elses feelings brother? Seriously... why...? You act as if we're all immeidately NPCS or don't have feelings simply because we're online. People still have feelings when they're online, that's why you're showing them here from something that occurred to you online. Everyone pretty much is NPC's when we're online. Are you suffering from Main Character Syndrome? If you cannot differentiate the real world and the real people you deal with from some random internet folk who you really shouldnt pay any mind to to begin with, then thats your problem, not mine. Maybe you should learn to not assign emotional value to things that are completely arbitrary and intangible. 8 minutes ago, SweetLikeKandee said: If you're not here to prove your innocence then why are you here? How sad do you have to be and lonely do you have to be to continually insert yourself into a community you're not welcome in. If people never "inserted themselves into communities theyre not welcome in", which is a horrible take thats way worse than anything I ever said, guess what? We'd still have racial segregation, the Romani (or gypsies, as you'd know them), would've all been imprisoned long ago, Jews probably wouldnt exist in anywhere near the capacity they do today, gays would never have had any basic human rights, etc etc etc etc etc etc etc. You want to talk about the severity of things you say, yet you're preaching the exact mentality of the thing you hate so much. For someone whos so personally offended, you sure have a really bigoted take, how ironic, and hypocritical. This isnt a good look on you, bozo. 8 minutes ago, SweetLikeKandee said: I'm not going to do anything to you. I'm gonna try to talk some sense into you before your sentence is completely set in stone. But by the way you been speaking here is certainly only a matter of time before they lock this topic and ban you from forums aswell for being toxic as hell, un needed/ irrelevant (a word ik ur familiar with)... thats u btw incase u didnt realize. Believe it or not im tryna do you some good by opening your eyes and show reformenet to potentially appeal in the future. Yeah, you're not the one who should be trying to convince anyone of anything. You're about as much of a hypocrite as they come. You couldnt teach a rabbit to eat lettuce, much less try and indoctrinate someone with your piss poor worldview and awful perspective. Edited May 12, 2023 by NotTheEnforcer Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SweetLikeKandee 6 Posted May 12, 2023 9 minutes ago, NotTheEnforcer said: Because I have the Freedom Of Speech and because I can? Fun fact. Freedom of speech is a American thing that is typically used in public. I am American probably much like yourself so i would know. This doesn't mean that communities, establishments, or businesses have to allow your freedom of speech or take it though. They can ban you from such things, and today you learned that. Since you like to compare the differences from IRL to online, online is universal...not just america. And not all places in the world have freedom of speech, and guess what buddy the internet is a privelage. Imagine that right? And when you do no nos, you lose said privelages. For someone who claims to be older and from a harder time you sure do act like a zoomer who feels like they're owed everything in life. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SweetLikeKandee 6 Posted May 12, 2023 4 minutes ago, NotTheEnforcer said: Yeah, you're not the one who should be trying to convince anyone of anything. In this case, yes you're right, it should be you trying to convince LO that you understand your mistake and apologetic. But you came here and double down... you went all in... and you're gonna lose it all. 5 minutes ago, NotTheEnforcer said: piss poor worldview and awful perspective. Coming from the guy who tells people to kill themselves. Right...your opinion, your worldview, is royalty, my lord. Let me bow down and kiss your toes. Enstein is that you? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
NotTheEnforcer 222 Posted May 12, 2023 3 minutes ago, SweetLikeKandee said: Fun fact. Freedom of speech is a American thing that is typically used in public. I am American probably much like yourself so i would know. This doesn't mean that communities, establishments, or businesses have to allow your freedom of speech or take it though. They can ban you from such things, and today you learned that. Since you like to compare the differences from IRL to online, online is universal...not just america. And not all places in the world have freedom of speech, and guess what buddy the internet is a privelage. Imagine that right? And when you do no nos, you lose said privelages. For someone who claims to be older and from a harder time you sure do act like a zoomer who feels like they're owed everything in life. Ah yes, there you go, completely ignoring the horrible things you just said and deflecting. Man, you really need a new strategy. Ill just paste it here again so you can keep re-reading your own words and maybe youll realize what a idiot 14 minutes ago, SweetLikeKandee said: How sad do you have to be and lonely do you have to be to continually insert yourself into a community you're not welcome in. Something something civil rights movement called, they want their rights back. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
NotTheEnforcer 222 Posted May 12, 2023 Just now, SweetLikeKandee said: In this case, yes you're right, it should be you trying to convince LO that you understand your mistake and apologetic. But you came here and double down... you went all in... and you're gonna lose it all. Coming from the guy who tells people to kill themselves. Right...your opinion, your worldview, is royalty, my lord. Let me bow down and kiss your toes. Enstein is that you? Are you fucking blind, kid? *My account is permanently banned, its not coming back, I do not care* I dont know what part of that you don't understand, honestly. Also, for an American, you have a very terrible grasp of basic spelling. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SweetLikeKandee 6 Posted May 12, 2023 1 minute ago, NotTheEnforcer said: I do not care why are you still here Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
NotTheEnforcer 222 Posted May 12, 2023 Just now, SweetLikeKandee said: why are you still here Re-read, for the Xth time. Ill make it bigger this time so your blind clown eyes can read it. cough cough You ready? ahem BECAUSE I CAN BE. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SweetLikeKandee 6 Posted May 12, 2023 6 minutes ago, NotTheEnforcer said: Are you fucking blind, kid? 6 minutes ago, NotTheEnforcer said: Also, for an American, you have a very terrible grasp of basic spelling. 4 minutes ago, NotTheEnforcer said: BECAUSE I CAN BE. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SweetLikeKandee 6 Posted May 12, 2023 So i'd just like to apologize to any moderator / LO employee for my maybe harsher words towards this indivual if anyone decides to take the time to read each indivdual message. I'm sure I've said quite abit that you'd like to say yourselves but have to keep quiet and be professional. I too should be better about retaining myself aswell and holding my words...but this one is uh..he's a special one for sure, and couldnt with hold myself. But yeah, sorry for feeding this man so much, and some of my words. Hope you can forgive me/not take action against me. I really tried to see if this man had any dignity or any apologetic actions for his words towards the indivudal that reported him....but its pretty clear you made the right decision on this one. @NotTheEnforcer goodluck in life. I hope you can find change. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
NotTheEnforcer 222 Posted May 12, 2023 Just now, SweetLikeKandee said: So i'd just like to apologize to any moderator / LO employee for my maybe harsher words towards this indivual if anyone decides to take the time to read each indivdual message. I'm sure I've said quite abit that you'd like to say yourselves but have to keep quiet and be professional. I too should be better about retaining myself aswell and holding my words...but this one is uh..he's a special one for sure, and couldnt with hold myself. But yeah, sorry for feeding this man so much, and some of my words. Hope you can forgive me/not take action against me. I really tried to see if this man had any dignity or any apologetic actions for his words towards the indivudal that reported him....but its pretty clear you made the right decision on this one. @NotTheEnforcer goodluck in life. I hope you can find change. Oh please you're about as apologetic as a repeat violent felon lmao. My evidence? Blue quote = Fake apologetic Orange quote = Terribly veiled insults poorly hidden within an brownnosing apology. Green = Honestly just brownnosing to the Xth degree. Come on kid, you're not good at this. You literally just attempted to ask for zero punishment by brownnosing the christ of out any mods who might look at this, and then continue to attempt to insult multiple times. And yet, you still dont see why you're a hypocrite. Guess we can add narcissism to the list now too. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Emily 169 Posted May 12, 2023 Promoting self-harm is not allowed on our game. As there have been constant insults being thrown in this topic I will be closing it out. If there is something you don't understand regarding your suspension you are welcome to contact support. 7 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites