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FPS drops and objects pop ups

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For popping objects you can adjust these values in APBGame\Config\APBCompat.ini:

;Char Level of Detail - Range when it starts to drop quality | min: 1 max: 99

;Char Level of Detail - Range when it drops to lowest quality | min: 1 max: 99


For FPS drops you can try adjusting these values in Engine\Config\BaseEngine.ini:


TimeBetweenPurgingPendingKillObjects  (60 default) - means the time it takes before it starts clearing some memory / old objects from previous district(?) not entirely sure but it looks like that. Setting it higher results in higher time before this starts. It's most apparent at the start of a just joined district.

GarbageCollectionMemoryCeilingGb (4 default) - means how much max memory is utilized? you can use 4 for 8GB system memory, 8 for 16GB system memory, 16 for 32GB system memory.

@Androvald can you help me here? You might know this much better than I do.

Edited by KyoukiDotExe

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The rendering distance is 100M for players, vehicles, and pedestrians. Some buildings and other random objects stop rendering at about 50M, or switch to lower LODs. This is normal. It was done to reduce server load so the server doesn't have to send as many updates for players outside 100M. This also significantly reduces GPU load so players with low end hardware can play. The weapons are also balanced within these bounds.

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