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Dxtory Blocked by Battleye

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Booted up Dxtory post-patch and discovered it was blocked by BE. Dxtory itself is just a game capture program.


The line I got was this:

[INFO] Blocked loading of file: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Dxtory Software\Dxtory2.0\DxtoryHK.dll".


Of course, there are alternatives such as OBS, Shadowplay and Relive but I'm most comfortable with this application. Would appreciate it greatly if this could be fixed.




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Hi Nevv is this software licenced? lot's of ppl use crack where Beye can find on it suspicious (malware spyware adware)

*try contact to that Japanese company "exkode" and look what they say, exkode should contact directly to Beye and ask why their dll been blocked )))

Edited by Dahel

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