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MAGIX Vegas Pro

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Hey, I was testing the video rendering quality etc. And I noticed that the video comes out way darker than the original file.


Does anyone here have experience with Vegas Pro? And know on how I could fix this?



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That just looks like you have some type of filter on top, no? If you just put a raw video file in Vegas it shouldn't darken it, at least it never has in my years of using it.

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1 minute ago, Flaws said:

That just looks like you have some type of filter on top, no? If you just put a raw video file in Vegas it shouldn't darken it, at least it never has in my years of using it.

No this is pretty much imported straight into MAGIX and rendered immediately at 4K


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2 minutes ago, Jorlak said:

No this is pretty much imported straight into MAGIX and rendered immediately at 4K


I've never had this issue before, not with APB footage and not with any other. I'm assuming that there is something off with the render settings or project properties. Though to me it looks like an MBL filter being applied on top. Maybe try some of the other presets Vegas has to offer and see if it still does it.

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This topic has been moved to the Off-Topic Section of our forums.

Thank you.


- Azukii

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You gotta tell us the details. Like what codec and shit.

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